Sunday, November 24, 2013

Poem 1180. Numbers and words

                                                  Numbers and words
How interesting was that games of numbers which one is first and which one is last
That is just one question for some people life is just game of numbers they never understand
Anything than those numbers may something good happen or may something bad happen
Inside this world still I feel one thing that I need to understand this games of numbers
On which some people just spend their days and nights inside world so on every moment
Inside your world I just feel one thing from inside my mind and my world that every day
In life sometimes we feel so much pleasure that  every moment we just feel one thing
Inside our world that is we must understand those thoughts which will always happen
Inside our world after all those games of numbers are something so perfect in our world
That we feel on every moment we need to understand those thoughts which will help us
On every point inside world those numbers are something in which we play every game
Of this world those numbers are something which are always important for future of person
So inside our world we just feel one thing from our thoughts about world that we need to
Understand why people love so much those numbers you can see on every moment that
Even in success of person or even in failure of a person people just set one thing that is
Numbers which will help us on every moment inside world we need to think how easily
We can rule this world only if we know how to get that number I know you are confused
But still go ahead and look at any card you own inside the world most important thing
You will get out of it nothing but just one number representing you inside this world and
In world's thinking name may matter to you as important for your heart but when you go
Inside this world number seems matter more to other heart when ever you do something
People just began to count how many people in this world manage to do that thing because
Inside our life and inside our thinking those number on which we stood matter us more than
Any other thing so inside our life and in our thinking we just feel one thing from our heart
That is our need of having that thing in our world as we feel that need as days went ahead
With them began to increase our love of numbers even on smallest occasion we want ask
About person and next we began to need that person's mobile number so when you go ahead
And give this to other people in this world one thing you feel that you are sharing your top
Secret inside this world because when you give number you feel that you are sharing some
Thing precious while giving name now a days seem so common in this world because
One is unique inside this world that we feel just one thing important in our world that
We feel one thing so nice for our thoughts inside our world we can become unique by that
Number after all names are so common in world that when one name is called we can
Easily see standing and responding to it of many person so name can never make us
Something great in world and name can never help us to rise on proper occasion so from
Inside of our heart and inside of our mind we just feel one thing inside our life that
On each and every point we need to understand many things about our future and our life
Those numbers are something so perfect and nice for our mind because they are not
Common for two people so easily in life we just want something unique inside life and
At same time we don't want to be that unique that we look too different in life so we are
All walking on one rope of life on one side we want to be unique and on other side
We hate uniqueness of our thoughts and our mind but on each and every point we just
Feel one thing from our mind that we can always change our thoughts about those days
And those nights inside our life because we don't want to look odd on same time in life
Our thoughts will change by moments and by hours in life we feel just one thing that
Those thoughts are something on which we need to understand issues of our life because
When we want something unique numbers seems better inside life because if we keep a unique
Name then people find it even hard to call you every time so they cut it to their comforts
And make it small as per their likes so finally name can't be unique but number can have
That quality inside life I just feel one thing that I see everyone prefer number but I just never
Understand why on some occasions they seem wrong to our eyes like when we see marks
We feel that maybe we should not see those numbers in life I just never understand but
In case of marks people prefer words over numbers many times but finally one day even
On that front we use numbers on one point which shows our worth so number seems like
Began to capture each days of my life and mind but still I think words are more like friend in my life.

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