Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Poem 1163. New thoughts

                                                      New thoughts
How confused are some parts of our memory we just never understand what is hidden
Inside those parts of our memories when we are child how confused we use to get when
We start thinking we hardly able to remember those people who are part of those memories
Because those memories are hidden inside heart and they have become life's some ancient
Type of part so on every moment inside our memories we feel those faces which are so
Unknown to me so after some years when we once again meet people inside our childhood
Memories we feel that we can't understand any part of those memories because when
Those people once again as part of our life and our memories we just feel one thing
Those people are so different than what we thought and we feel inside our future and
Inside our thoughts of those memories which created from time to time we just feel
One thing that they are not proper inside my mind on that moment I just feel one thing
From my mind that is these people are so confused from time to time inside our mind that
We just assume something wrong about them from time to time inside our life because
When our life changes it form on each and every time we just feel one thing inside our mind
That is we all feel that since on that moment we are child we don't understood those people
On that time or maybe we have created wrong form of our thoughts inside our life on
That moment and on that time we just never understand those thoughts inside our life
Because we will feel on every moment we need to understand those people who are
Looking so different on those moment inside life after all those people who looked so
Perfect no more look that perfect and nice sometimes we feel that time to time how can
We confuse so much in those memories sometimes like we feel scared of some people
Who now don't look that much scary at all inside life because we start from one point
Inside our life and then we just land on other point which will confused you so totally
And we feel that we are on different track of life because life will change it's form on
Each and every time life will that we are on wrong track from starting inside life so
On each point I just feel one thing inside my life those faces which look so perfect to eyes
Are no longer that perfect to my thoughts and mind we see those faces from time to time
We feel one thing inside our life those face are some mysteries from our past life and
I just feel one thing from time to time inside our life those faces comes from fog which
Is inside our mind and I used to think that I have confused about that person and
I remembered it totally wrong way because I am just small kid after all in this life on
Each and every point I just feel one thing these faces are something precious to our thinking
Which is hidden inside our mind but when one day I was walking I heard some one
Saying that this person was not like that inside past life so did it really true that our thinking
Is not wrong but that person changed with time then I began to think about those moments
When I understood people in totally wrong way inside our life and I just feel that it will
Harm my thinking because I began to think inside our life I just feel  my thinking
Is not proper inside that time but now when I look at those things I feel that my thinking
Is not wrong but things are just changed from time to time inside my life and those
Changes can happen on any moment of life some person will get attracted towards
Wrong thinking inside life they just never change those thoughts because those thoughts
Are something so precious for our mind then when we saw some one whose faces
Are wrong inside life after all those thoughts are not something which will affect thinking
On every point we just think it with right way on that moment inside life but truthfully
Things change from time to time inside our life we began to think that we need to have
Thoughts which are not perfect for our wants because inside our life on each and every thought
We just feel one thing those people were may be right on those spots we feel from every point
Inside our life those faces would remain same even after so much time but that don't happen
Inside our life those faces were changed and we feel that we are on wrong spot every time
We feel that we have lost many things in just that old thought of our mind when things were
Changed before inside life on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing
Inside our life those faces are something just part of our life so from every point I just feel
That we were never wrong just those changes are something new for our thoughts and mind.

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