Monday, November 25, 2013

Poem 1182. Swing of thought

                                                    Swing of thought
One thought come inside my mind and I thought it is not perfect so I let that thought swing
This is what happen in life inside mind of some human being they just say something and after
Few days it will not matter that much same thought for that human being those thoughts which
We store in life will look so perfect for a human being inside our life on every point we just
Feel one thing inside life that we must understand those thoughts which are inside those person
And then only we can decide what is wrong and what is right inside life because our life will
Not act same way every time and just because we know their first thought we assume that
We are giving them right thoughts from point to point inside life how much I wish from my heart
That I can able to keep track of person's mind but mind seems like something which changes
On every moment inside life of some people on every point and I just feel one thing from my
Thoughts and from my mind that I can never understand what I felt in my mind how nice it may
Seem but we are always on confuse side because even if that person is with us for some moment
Or that person will remain with us for our future and  our life how confuse we may feel for
Each and every time still we just feel one thing from our mind those thoughts which may swing
Will create bad effects on mind because thoughts will never stay on one place in entire life
After all thoughts are something which look so perfect to human mind but we just feel one thing
That at least for some days those thoughts will remain on same point inside life I just never
Understand what these people will think about life will these people just think one way or they
Will find other ways which look nice for our mind because if they are thinking against us and
Then change their mind then it will be miracle but it hardly happen in our future or our life
But sometimes our thoughts will just remain on one place from time to time inside our life so
We began to hope that other people will keep same type of mind inside their life we feel that
They also keep same thoughts from day after day inside our life and we can never get things
As we wish inside our future and our life because things never go in way that we prefer in life
Things just went sometimes wrong way inside life I just feel one thing on each point inside life
I feel that people must kept things as they wish them inside life because just while assuming
They will like that thing we made decisions inside our future and our life but sadly inside life
On every point we just can't get others thoughts because they are changed on each and every
Moment inside future and inside life after all in this world I just feel one thing in life when
I feel that I have support and then when I find out that my support is lost I can never adjust
With those thoughts inside life because life is something so interesting on each and every point
When things are something so nice for our life because those thoughts are something so nice
For life after all those thoughts are something so unique to our thoughts and mind we just
Feel one thing inside life that our thinking should be such that I can at least understand it
On some important point inside our life on every important point we just feel that one thought
Will hurt me on days and nights that even after making so many efforts in life I can hardly
Find those thoughts which touch my soul and their mind because I just don't understand
Their mind but then once again I think about it then I thought maybe I have problems
About my soul and also about it's understanding how easily it will change on every moment
In my life every time I claim that I know my mind but sometimes when I ask my heart
It tells me that I can't understand even my own mind we start from one source and then
Went to other source inside life because many times I thought that my sources and confuse
Just because I don't understand my thought and my mind how interesting it may seem but
Still it just frustrate me from time to time that those sources which we have are something
Not in my thoughts are not in my mind I ever feel that thing inside life because every moment
When I walk I just feel one thing from my mind my thoughts just kept shifting on each day
Of my life and my want are not same even if I pretend to think that those thoughts are something
Which are kept changing on each and every moment inside life we just feel one thing on
Every time that our thoughts are not for every day but they are for our entire life but then
When they change from inside of our mind how can I pretend that they are same on every time
So every one change thoughts from time to time so why did we complain about them inside life
I know honesty is important in life but if your mind says something different then don't you
Think that honesty is in some times saying it before everyone in proper day light in life.

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