Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Poem 1175. Explaining

How hard it is sometimes to explain our points it takes hours to us tell it but still no one
Seems to understand it from their mind we spend so much in explaining one point some times
I feel that I will spend my entire life in just need of explaining one point because inside our life
And on every point we need to understand those thoughts which wake us up on every moment
Inside our life after all our life is depends on our thoughts and not on just our point we feel
Just one thing inside our mind which will always tell us on each and every time that we need
To understand those thoughts which take us ahead in life we need to feel those problems
Which was cause of feeling those points so on each and every point inside our life I just feel
One thing that is need to explain every thing in that point but when some one don't suffer that
Problem which we suffer inside our life how can we just go ahead and explain that person
Our thought and our point our thinking is depend on how ahead we go inside our life but
After all we just live one life that is our life so we can't understand other person's thought
And other people's point inside life we start from one front to other front in life we just
Feel one thing that we need to explain that point but after some hours I understood that
I is useless to explain that so on that moment you have to decide what you want to do in life
Either you can just went away or start talking on another point how much may I wish
My sun to rise and shine but some times boosting some point seems so wrong for entire life
On each and every time in our life I just feel one thing that I can't win on some point so
Instead of arguing some times I feel I must understand to skip that point I know that
Point is something so important for life but each person have one angle inside future and
Inside their life if we try to change their angles from time to time we just feel that in life
Our thoughts will change from time to time because those thoughts will be so perfect
And nice they are something so unique on each and every time that they manage to
Enter inside our life on every point but still some times such points invite troubles
Inside our future and our life so in friendship sometimes we need to ignore those points
Because friends are those who have their views and to them they are precious as
Their life we just can't understand their thoughts on many point so we can just argue
Inside our life but on each and every point we need to understand that our thoughts
Can't explain every time because many times inside our life I just feel one thing
That person choose one way inside life so how can be I am so super person who can
Change that person's views in no time just we suppose to walk inside our life but trying
To explain others is sometimes such a hard task inside my life that I just think from time
To time that some people just don't like to understand point so how can I spend whole
Life in explaining is wrong thing sometimes in life just look history some one tried to do it
And just manage to waste their life before me come one face and I think before you will
Come some different face inside our life so from point to point inside life many people
Will see people spend whole life in just explaining one point sometimes we just wish that
If only they could have done something else inside life while ignoring them maybe they
Could have done many useful things inside our future or our life so from time to time
Inside our life we just think that maybe some people just don't want to listen to that thing
Then maybe we should show them something useful by following our route only then
They can understand what we want and we got then slowly they will always manage to
Stay away from each and every thought because those thoughts are something totally
Wrong for our heart because on every moment we feel just one thing for our heart
Because when we start moving from one point inside our future and our life so on
Each and every moment went they see that we are true winner of life and only then
They will understand truth of our life because those thoughts which we want explain
Them just within minutes not that much time sometimes I think profit have one language
Of it's own which will speak on every point inside our life but we just spend our time
Wasting in hope that they will help us and we will get that proper thing inside life so
On every point we will try inside life to walk on way without hoping for much help
From human because god will bring help which god like but never think that this help
Is something you have to find inside your life just walk as you like inside your life.

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