Friday, November 22, 2013

Poem 1178. Profitable for world

                                                   Profitable for world
After all on every point we just feel one thing inside our life that on each and every point
We just feel one thing from inside life that is those thoughts are getting repeated but I have
Just one question inside life that is all old then what is really new because inside our world
Everything seem to be have used inside world so on every point inside world we just see
That all new thing are all once used but I just feel one thing from my heart that if every thing
Is used inside these world because those things which are part of our world are something
So interesting for world so we can't have many things which are not used so many times it seem
Like everyone seem on one point using old things inside future and inside world but still
Inside our world that we need to use those things inside our thoughts and our world then
We feel that on each and every point we get things inside our future and inside our life
After all on each and every point in our life we feel from time to time that everything we do
Is something so perfect and nice for our life and we need to think many times did we really
Feel that we still need new things every time but sometimes I feel that new things are not
Going that perfect for our life after all sometimes thing are not that perfect for our thought
Because we need to find proper way inside our life and we have to find that things to be
Arranged in proper way inside our future and our life because those thoughts will not help us
Inside our future as well as our those new thing are something which needed to be proper
And we need to make them with so much brain that sometimes those things get so easily
Destroyed that we just think one thing about our life that we need to understand those thoughts
On each and every point because we feel one thing in life that we don't want things to be
Repeated in life but sometimes when I see new things are presented in so bad way inside life
I feel that maybe people just use old things in new way in life I know that is not right thinking
Inside our life but I noticed this happen in life from time to time people started repeating
Old things in new light some times they may look perfect but sometimes they look bad
In all other lights inside our life so on many occasions and on many times we feel that in
Our future and our life new things are something which must be tried on time to time but
Still sometimes we feel that we are on totally wrong time we feel that we need to understand
That these things are not right for our thinking about our life after all those things are some
Part of thoughts which tell us that we want things which are perfect for our future and life
Because new thing is something so nice and worthy of trying inside our life and those things
Are not that perfect for our future and our life because on some point inside our life I just
Feel that we need to try  new thing but if some one can't do it properly then why don't
Let them do once again old thing I used to think that way until I saw that new version of
Old thing I just feel one thing some people can't do anything properly because they are not
Doing  things  properly with details inside our life because those things which they do
Are not done with proper peace of mind so nothing goes on place on which it should
Stood on proper place inside life after all places are something on which things should be
Placed properly on time to time inside their thoughts and inside their mind they just feel
That they got that thing properly on point to point inside life but still it seem that this is all
Seem wrong inside our life because those thoughts are something which must take us on
Proper way in life because we need to think about them from time to time we feel that
One thing inside our life we are not on proper and good side because we just studied things
In limited way in life and we never understand what is truth of that thing in proper way in life
Maybe inside life people suppose to tell other person inside life that if they just do things
With details from time to time then may it be old or may it be new inside life they can do
That thing properly in their life our life shows us nice colours only when we try it and
Only when we get proper light inside our future and inside our life when we study those things
Which will look so perfect on each and every time we will feel one thing inside life that
We need to understand nothing is perfect inside life after all those things which look
So nice are something which are part of our future and our life I just feel one thing
That instead of discussing new or old person should do anything but must do it in proper way
That will look nice and become some thing useful or profitable for our entire world.

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