Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Poem 1151. Human being

                                                      Human being
I heard many times people advise others one thing that this person never remain stuck
To any thought or any thing because inside our life as human being I just feel one thing
That is inside our life from time to time we need someone to understand our thinking that
Some people have habit to just keep changing while other people have habit to remain
Stuck to old thinking and we just wish to god sometimes that this people should go ahead
Instead of being stuck with old thing while I see these time of people so I never understand
Other side of human being I never thought that there are such people in world who are
Really like butterflies never stuck to one concept even when that concept manage to give
Them power and success as a human being they want left it because they just never want
To have permanent anything so this is what their thinking I heard a lot about such people
But never so such human being because I was always surrounded by those people who
Just love old thing and like everything that is preserved I like old  things and I also like
Those things so I never have much problem with their thinking because if inside your life
You adjust properly things new things can happily stay with old thing but people have
One bad habit of comparing and telling what is good and bad out of those things so
We are fond of some thing in limit we can always adjust with each and every thing and
I thought this way until I met that one person in life and I feel so shocked as human being
That person was so strange indeed at first that person told me that this person have special
Attraction towards modern things and started telling me how much I need to improve
My thoughts and thinking it is not directly towards me because that person never once
Thought maybe I hate those things that person just thought that I must understand that
Thoughts and thinking because in eyes of that person thinking is so straight like breathing
And I must understand those thoughts because I am breathing never once that person thought
I might have different thinking and just got involved inside complaining because that is one task
So horrible for each and every human being how can they convince other person that they
Are doing worthy thing because I have same problem in many things so my heart just
Went out for that human being that person convinced me so hard about that one's devotion
That I feel this person is like all those human being who can never leave their past and
Remain to stuck to their old thing I know that one's thought were new but still they sound
When that person spoke quite promising and truth to me I just thought that like other people
Who are around me this one also stuck to that idea like I did but how wrong are our thought
And how wrong is our thinking that on every time we just thought we are paying attention
To wrong human being how forcefully they say that they are stuck to this thing and even
Seem to claim that they want nothing except this thing but inside our life as human being
We never thought what we are told about this person by other human being because we just
Always trust whatever our thoughts and we always feel that truth is only things which we saw
Behind them are hidden many sort of things which are nice and perfect for any human being
But when they are nice then it is good for human being but sometimes when they are wrong
It began to hurt human being on each day we feel just one thing that we need to find some one
As human being because inside our life on every moment and on every thinking we must
Understand those thoughts which will affect our thinking so inside our world as human being
We just feel that we must understand that what we see is not truth every time because
After some days I heard from other person that this person never stuck to one thing and
That is this person's problem not this person's modern thinking we can adjust modern thoughts
And modern thinking but if someone don't stuck to their thought how can we help such a
Human being but this one is good type I have seen in this sort worst type of human being
Who don't change their thoughts just because of their nature but for their benefit as a human being
They remember very well what they said at first but they never change just because of impulse
Inside our world as human being so from our thinking I just feel one thing that we must thought
when we are so encouraged by each and every human being do we really think that person
Will do something inside our world we feel just one thing that we are on wrong track of human being
So now a days I just began to trust what I see as fact not by those emotions as human being.

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