Thursday, November 29, 2012

Poem 561. Not useless life

                                                             Not useless life
From one angle I just feel that I have settle in so confused life while on other angle every thing
Look so nice but then I just feel why I am wasting so much time in analyzing my life when I can
Just go ahead and enjoy every moment and every time those things which will look perfect to us
Inside life when I just kept thinking about each concept of life I feel one thought that things are
Not moving that way as I wish from my mind because on every moment I just go ahead with
My thinking that what is meaning of my life finally I feel who put that question inside my mind
Because life is one mystery which never solved by any one on any time we just kept hoping one
Thing from our mind that those things which enter on every moment of our life are not that much
Nice for our future and our life I just feel one thought from inside that those things which enter
Inside our life are just entered because decided by our luck sometimes  just thinking why did
That included never give us much logic inside life when I will move ahead on every moment and
On every point I have one thinking from inside that those confused lives which enter in our life
Are taking us ahead on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from every thought
And from every angle of my life that those things which are important inside life after all those
Things which are so precious inside life I feel one thought inside life on every moment that those
Things which are having right inside life but then I feel one thing from my mind because those
Things which become important in the life I have some confusion inside life but then I feel one
Thing from our mind that those things which are wrong on every moment and on every point
After all those thoughts which are important to our thinking and our mind that those thoughts
Which are so valuable to our thinking and our mind those confused thoughts which are so
Important inside life I feel one thing that those different things on every point I feel one thing
From my mind that all types of confused thought which tell us that those thoughts which are
So important to us on every point we feel one thing from my mind that when we began to think
Different types of thoughts from our mind when we move ahead I feel one thing from every
Angle of life because on every moment I feel one thing from my mind that those things which
Look so good to us inside life are showing every one different things inside life I feel one thought
From my mind that those things which are so nice inside life but when I start thinking usefulness
Of life how depressing seems every thing in life how can someone be useful to all at same time
When we all have different needs so we fail to one person and then to another side of life but
When we move ahead we just have one thought from inside that those things which look so
Perfect to us and look so valuable to world are also useless on some point when we move ahead
Inside life we need to understand every thought and point which tell us that we are standing
On wrong point and we just feel one thing from every angle  of life that those things which
Touch us on every point look so perfect to us on every moment inside life I just never understand
What I feel from inside but my thoughts are telling me that if I don't value my life then how can
I see any thing useful in life we don't need to move ahead on any moment and on any point but
We just never understand what we feel from inside that those thoughts which look so wrong
On every point are not taking us ahead as much as we want in life because when we began to
Measure our value in life mostly sadly we just count valuables inside life on every moment
And on every point we just feel one thing that we are standing on wrong concept of life because
Those valuables are not that much important in life when our life went ahead we just feel one
Thing from every point that those valuable things which we buy in life are not going ahead as
Per our wish and thinking on any point because when we began to ask for money and power
Inside life mostly happiness vanish because that thirst never have limits inside life when we went
Ahead on any moment and on any point we just feel one thing from our mind that those things
Which are important to us is just our life because when we have that precious life on every time
Why should we need to understand it's use inside life I just feel one thing from my heart on some
Thoughts and points that we are alive is greatest use of our life we can move ahead with good
Views and thinking then do all jobs which are given to us in life is one thing enough to survive
When we went ahead on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind
That life is valuable and it never need meaning until you start to judging it in wrong ratio in life
Because many people are born and they have spend happy life those who doesn't become
Something great I just don't feel useless inside life because every thing is useful until it's alive
And if you don't believe me then ask it to photo of dead because it can never able to answer you
So that is real uselessness inside life we just need one thing to become valuable in life that we need
To move in truthful way and do our work whichever it is and then useful is our life on each point.

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