Friday, November 9, 2012

Poem 526. Humanity in heart

                                                            Humanity in heart
Once when you decide your side you just have to walk on that side I learn this in my school that
Honest person never back stab or changes the side which that person promise to move with and
That person should stay with that side until that person dies so that was truth of our life so on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which will move
Ahead are not going ahead as per our wishes inside life when we took one thing from our mind
Those things which are so important inside life but then I feel just one thing from my mind that
On every moment and on every side I just  feel from our mind but then we just feel one thing
From our thoughts and our mind because those things which are something important inside life
Those people are something totally wrong inside life but sometimes they look perfect at beginning
And at end they look totally wrong on every point I just feel one thing from our mind that those
Things which look so totally wrong inside life those points are something which are precious in life
So then I feel just one thing from our mind I will get confused on every moment and on every
Thought and on every point but then I feel just one thing from our thought and our mind but then
I just feel one thing from our mind that those right things which look so perfect but then in few
Moments they look totally wrong inside life when I will go ahead I just feel one thing from mind
That sometimes I get right things in totally wrong way inside life on every moment we just have
One feeling from our mind that those things which are right can't be judged that easily in life and
Inside my school I have also taught other thing in life that I must stand with right that is truth
Of my life so then I feel I must search for right on every moment and on every point inside life
Because on every moment and on every point I feel that right things are some precious part of
Our future and our life when I will move ahead I just have one thought from inside that those
People who look so great in this world are wrong for truths of this life on every moment and
On every point we just feel that truth is one thing which will deserve great position in life so
If we decide one side then we find truth on different side I just feel one thought from my thinking
And my mind that those truths which look so perfect as well as so nice are going ahead step by
Step in our future and in our life I feel that doing right things is totally wrong for life on every
Moment we just need to understand those things from our mind I feel that right things are some
Sort things which will be totally wrong in life I can't understand those people who are taking
Those things in side life but then I feel just one thing from my mind that on every thought
And on every point we just feel one thing from inside that those things are something which
Are so nice for our thinking and our life but still sometimes they are standing on opposite in life
After all those things which are standing opposite side inside life on every moment I just feel
One thing from my mind that those people who will take us ahead in life are not moving ahead
On every moment and time but then those right things which are totally inside life but then
I feel just one thing from inside life I feel that right side in the life those things which are totally
Wrong in our life I feel that on other side lands truth inside life but then I feel just one thing
From my thinking in the life after all those things which are totally wrong and right side just
Stood on opposite angle of life on every moment and on every point I feel that those right
Things inside life but then I feel that I should stand on right side only when I stood on opposite
Side of our life I just kept thinking one thought on every point I feel that right things are
Standing on that side which is on opposite side of my life then I will see truth of life but
Then as we went ahead on every moment and on every point those things are totally wrong
On every moment and on every time after all those right things are totally wrong on every
Moment and every time we just feel one thing from my mind I feel that right things are not
Good for our life I just have one thing from my mind that those right things inside life are
Keep looking ahead inside life I feel just one thought from my mind that those right things
Which are something precious inside life after all those things which are so nice inside life
But then I feel one thing from our mind that on every point I feel that I am standing on totally
Wrong side of life but then I just feel one thing from my mind I want every thing right in life
I feel that those two principles are cutting each other inside life but then I feel just one thing
From our mind I feel just one thought from mind that right thing will turn out on wrong side
But then I feel one thought from my mind I feel just dishonesty inside life when I change for
Truth my side but still I know one thing from my mind that those truth are important in life
So then I just feel one thing from my mind it is not dishonesty to that side but changing side
Is honesty to that humanity which is hidden inside our heart and we will manage to give it life.

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