Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Poem 560. Changes from inside

                                                          Changes from inside
I just never understand how can life turn so quickly in different things sometimes some people
Are standing with me and in few moments I see change in each and every thing when we move
Ahead with our thoughts and thinking we just feel one thing from our heart that what will happen
Next if every thing is changed so quickly with each thinking inside life on every moment I just
Have one thought or one meaning that those things which touch me are totally wrong inside my
Mind as well as my thinking I just have one thought and one feeling that those different things
Which on every moment keep changing are not that much nice on every thinking because when
We move ahead I just feel one thing that those concept which are part of our future are not that
Perfect and nice for human being because on every thought we just feel one thing that if things
Change inside life how can we able to handle life on every change and on every thinking when
We move ahead on every point we just never understand those thoughts and those thinking but
When we move ahead I just feel one thing that those concepts which are so perfect for us in life
Are nice for our thinking but when we move ahead we just have one feeling that those things
Which changes our mind are something so important for us as human being after all those difference
Are not always created by others thinking sometimes they are created by those people who never
Understand those thoughts and thinking because when we think about changes we just feel one
Thought and one thing that those concepts which are good for us where nice thing when it comes
To moving ahead and keeping our thoughts in proper way inside life as human being but we just
Always feel that changes are due to other people and their thinking so we keep alive our one
Thinking that we should not get blame for any thought or for any thing other people should be
Blamed for each and every thing we just keep saying whole world is changed and with it we
Are forced to change every thing we just never accept that we have changed from inside our
Thoughts and thinking on every moment we just feel one thing on every moment that world
Is changing on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing on every mind I feel
Just one thing from our thoughts and from our mind but then I just feel one thought from
Inside that I have changed every thing inside life because on every moment and every point
I feel one thought from inside that I have changed in many points inside life on every thinking
And on every point inside life I just keep thinking something important inside life I feel one
Thought from inside that those different thoughts which are encouraged in life are due to
Change of our thinking on every point I just feel one thing from inside that those thought
Which are important to us on every point began to change unknowingly from our own mind
And that's why we change things which are inside and we just never feel that we are changing
From point to point I just feel one thing from my mind that those all things which happen in
Our life are not happening just due to others but they are happening because we have changed
Our thoughts and our mind when we move ahead on every moment and on every point we just
Have one thinking from our mind that those things which happen inside our life are not going
Ahead as per our wishes from every point of life because moving ahead is easy on all point
And we need to move ahead on each day and each night but when we move ahead in some
Different direction of life we just feel one thing from every point that those things which
Happen to us on every point are not taking us ahead on any point of life I just have one thought
From inside that those things which enter inside our life are entered because we have changed
Not because of change in world inside life because there are some people who still remain
Stuck on that point then we can see some people who act in old ways inside modern life and
On every moment those people feel that they are winner of life when they don't change on
Any point but those changes are those basic of our life which will take us ahead on every
Point I can never understand what I feel from inside but still I know that changes are coming
From inside some times due to knowledge and some time due to need we change in life but
Then we just feel one thing that changes are those truths which are so permanent part of life
But they are not outside they are from inside so accept them with grace and enjoy your life
Never keep pointing finger at world because we have changed from inside because world is
Not changed it is you who have managed to change from every moment and from every point of life.

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