Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Poem 521. Artificial smile

                                                               Artificial smile
After all thoughts which will give us nice type of smile on every moment and part of our life but
Then when we went ahead on every point we need to go ahead on every point but then I am
Just telling one thought from inside those smiles which are managing every thing with that happy
Thoughts inside life but every thing which is precious inside life but then those smiles which
Are showing happiness to us on every point I just have one thought from inside that those smile
Which are precious gifts to us are managing to take us ahead on every point in my mind but then
I feel one thought from my mind that those smiles which are perfect to us on every point but
Then those smiles which are precious to us on every point I feel one thing from inside that those
Thing which are important inside life I have one thing from inside those smile which will look 
Totally wrong sometimes in the life when I feel one thing from inside life on every moment
I just feel one thing from smile that on every moment and on every time those smiles will look
So properly inside life after all smile which will look so nice in life but when they are so wrong
On some points because those smiles which are totally wrong and difficult are those which we
Give on those functions when we just hate to give smile I feel one thing from my mind then those
Smile which are precious to our life look so wrong to our mind but when we go ahead on every
Thought and on every point we just feel that we are trying to give happy smile inside our life
Because every time those smile which look so nice inside life but then when we began to pretend
That smile in life suddenly it look so wrong inside life because those smile are not touching
My heart on every point I feel one thought from my mind that those smiles are something so
Wrong for our future and our mind since they are not touching me on any point of our life but
Then on every moment I have one thought from my mind that artificial smiles are not coming
From those heart which touch us inside life when we went ahead on every moment and on every
Step of life I feel one thought from behind the mind I feel one thing from inside that those thoughts
Which are part of our life should bring for us smile but when we began to just pretend inside life
I feel those feeling which are touching to my thinking and my mind are not taking me ahead in life
Because when smile are created by my thinking and my mind I feel that those smiles are nothing
But just cage for our mind we just kept our heart caged inside and then we just keep pretending
That we will win after some time inside life we feel that those smiles which are so important in life
Are totally wrong for life because on those functions we are just pretending in life on those functions
We are just creating artificial things in life when we do it I feel it cut our heart with sharp knife
Because those smile are hurting us from inside we never want to go ahead on every part of life
We never want to create any trouble for our life because our smiles are taking us ahead on wrong
Point they are not giving us happiness they are taking away our freedom inside life I just feel one
Thing from heart only if people understand this thing in life and understand those smiles inside life
Because those smiles don't have power are so wrong inside life they are not giving us happiness
But they are creating problems for us on every point after all those things which are some thing
So pure in life become instead of freedom caged thinking of mind we feel just one thing from inside
That those things which are so perfect to us inside life began to look so wrong on every point
When we went ahead we just feel one thought from inside that pretending smile is always worst
Task of life when we pretend it we are hurting our heart inside life so that smile which suppose
To make us happy manage to hurt us inside life when we move ahead we just have one thought
From our mind that those feeling which are so precious to me are perfect to our life because
Those feeling are so original inside life when they touch us we feel we are moving ahead on every
Moment and on every time because those smiles are creating problems inside life because they
Are not giving happiness since they are not that pure inside life on every moment we just feel
One thought from our mind that those things which look so precious to us are sometimes when
In fake way created for other human being are totally useless for us in mind after all just like money
We need original feeling but then I feel one thing from our mind that those fake things create lot
Of problem for human being but smile have some thought which is so important to me so on
Every point and on every thinking I just feel that artificial smile have one good thing it is not
Like money who always remain fake thing sometimes it even turn into some thing wonderful
And true smile of human being if we try more hard and keeping smile in such way that it will
Touch our heart on every moment it will bright up our soul and improve our feeling and thinking.

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