Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Poem 558. For limited time

                                                       For limited time
When sometimes some people give flowers to us some times look so totally wrong in our life
Because those flowers which look so nice to our life seem so wrong on some moments of life
That we just want to hide them from inside I just have one thought from my mind that those
Flowers which look so perfect and nice look so on every point I just one thing from my mind
I feel those flowers are looking so wrong inside life when I will move ahead I just feel one thought
From my mind that those flowers should be hidden from that place on that moment and on that
Point I will never understand what I feel from inside I feel those flowers which look so nice to me
Are perfect on every moment and on every time I feel that those flowers that look so beautiful
Inside life look so perfect to us on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought
From my mind that when I love flowers still I just hate them on some occasions and on some
Moments of life I feel that those flowers which are so pretty in my eyes are not that much
Nice on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that sometimes
People give me flowers on saddest moment inside life I will have just one feeling from my mind
That those flowers which look so good to us on every point but then I feel those saddest thing
Which are gifted by those thoughts of life look like something so new to our life I feel one thing
From our thoughts and mind but then I feel those flowers which look nice on every point I just
Feel one thing from my mind that those things which are so precious to my mind look totally
Wrong on every moment and on every point on that saddest spot I feel those flowers in life
But then those flowers which look so good to me inside life on every moment and on every point
I just feel when sad moment comes those flowers began to harm me inside life when we move
Ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those flowers which are given to us on every moment
And on every time look so sad because they increase our sorrows of our life world will have
Some rules inside but then I feel something that even from my mind I just feel one thing from
Inside I feel those thoughts are stopping me from going ahead inside life I feel one thought from
My mind that I just don't want flowers at time when sorrows enter inside my life I want to keep
Those flowers far away from me on that time it seem so odd inside life after all those flowers
Are something for happy moments in life and I feel that those happiness which will feel my life
On every moment I just feel one thing from my mind those flowers which will look so perfect
And nice on every moment I feel flowers which are important to us inside life look totally wrong
On that moment and on that point those flowers which look nice for me inside life I feel one
Thought from inside that those flowers which look so good I feel from every moment in life
I feel those flowers will bring happiness inside life I just feel one thing from my mind but then
I have just one feeling from inside I feel that those flowers which look so good for our life but
Then I feel one thing from my mind that those flowers look totally wrong inside life on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thought from inside that may be I just don't want to
Mix happiness with sad points and then what to feel problems inside life but is it right way in life
That those flowers which will look so nice life will have totally wrong inside life but when I see
Those flowers on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that those flowers which look
So beautiful to me look wrong on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those flower
Which look so beautiful to me on every point I feel they posses just beauty inside life when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that flower will never help us on any moment
And on any point I just don't understand what I feel from my mind but I know one thing that
Those flowers will never look nice to me on any angle of my life I just feel one thought from my
Thinking and my mind that flower just show happiness they can never have power to show
Sadness inside mind but then why did I like to store that sadness inside my mind and in my life
That is one question I heard again and again inside my mind I don't know why but I just know one
Thought from my mind that those flower which look so perfect in happiness sometimes hurt me
On sadness inside life because I just wish to feel sad on those sad moments of life and I just
Never want that sadness to enter inside my future and to become part of my life so when
You go ahead just remember one thing from mind that when flower represents happiness then
We just stay away from them because we feel sadness must stored on some points I just feel
That it is okay at beginning but we need to understand one thing slowly inside life that happiness
Should entered and that is proper for our mind so we need to accept flower after some days
Of sorrows inside life because sorrows should never be cherished they just kept for limited time.

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