Monday, November 12, 2012

Poem 530. Promises

In the life you find it so hard even to keep one word that word which is so interesting will always
Look good to whole world when in life we move ahead we just need to understand those thoughts
And those words which we give and tell others that we are going to fulfill that person's promise
Inside this world on every moment when we promise we just feel one thought from our world
That those things which we see in world are not getting us enough ahead to understand our
Thought and suggest an idea to go ahead inside world on every time and on every moment in
Our thinking and our world because those promises which we give others are not just perfect
For our world when on every moment we went ahead I just feel one thought from my mind
That I need to move ahead inside this world and I need to move on that road on which I can
Fulfill that promise which I have given to this world but those roads on which I suppose to
Walk will manage to hurt my thinking inside my world when I began to promise to some one
I just never thought so hard that how did I can fulfill those promise in our world on every thought
And on every moment we just feel one thing that our promises are nothing but just useless
Bubbles of our feelings inside this world when we decide to move ahead we just have one thought
From inside about world we feel that we can't move ahead on any moment until I will manage
To go ahead as per our promise inside our world I know that many times people suggest that
We should not take that seriously those promises because they are just word but some times
It seem that our life is not but just one puzzle full of nothing but just words because we just
Tell each other every thing inside our world most of the problems were began and end with
Just nothing but words in this puzzle of this word those promises are biggest quiz of this world
On every moment we need to go ahead to solve that thinking and that important type of puzzle
On each and every moment we just feel one thought about those words that how hard it seem
To fulfill them because every thoughts are just captured by thinking and our word but then on
Every moment we just feel that our life is going ahead with wishes of beautiful future to our
Mind and our world on every moment we just feel that we can't get any time any sort of help
Inside this world because when we went ahead we just feel that we are going ahead on every
Point and on every moment of our thinking and our world those things which touch our conscious
Are honestly of our word but sometimes every thing stood against us inside this world on every
Point and on every thought we just have one feeling regarding those thinking of their word on
Each and every moment I just feel one thought from my mind that when I will decide to fulfill
My world on every moment we have just one thought from our mind and our world we just feel
One thing from my mind that on every moment I just have one thought that those nature which
Will many times goes against our world on every moment we feel just one thing from heart
As well as from our mind inside this world because on every moment we just have one thought
From our mind as well as our world I just never understand how wrong can those things
Turn inside our world on every moment we just feel one thing that why did we gave that word
But those words which we gave are not just for sake of fun in this world they are something
Important and valuable to this whole world we need to understand this in life only then we can
Go ahead as we want to move ahead in life on every moment and on every point I just feel
One thought from inside that those promises are so hard to fulfill from time to time I just have
One feeling inside my mind that those promises which I make just capture large part of our life
Because they are made in such a way that they just confuse me on every moment and on
Every point after all those words which are so precious to me are something so important in life
After all those words are something which is not that much wrong inside life on every moment
I just feel one thing from my mind that those words which are so important to me in life but
Still sometimes I feel we gave them too easily in life they are like gold which should be treasured
Inside life but still we just waste them on each and every point I have just one feeling from
My thoughts and from my mind that those words which are so valuable distributed by me like
Some tiny useless things inside life I just feel we all need to understand one thing from our thinking
And from our mind that our word are not just tiny things they are as valuable as gold inside life.

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