Sunday, November 11, 2012

Poem 528. Survive

There is always one question which always arises when ever I try in life to survive do I need
My weapon or old friend in my life because life is never that easy on every point if you want to
Move ahead then struggle inside our life I feel just one thing from inside those things which are
Something precious inside life so then I feel just one thing from my mind that things are some
Thoughts from my mind those who want to survive inside life but then I feel just one thing
From our mind so then I feel that in life we think one thing from our mind but then this game
Of survive inside life because life is not that easy in the life I just feel one thing from my mind
I feel that those surviving inside life is not that easy in our life after all those things which are
Survive in the life because those when we need to go ahead and survive inside life after all
Those things which will look wrong on every point always enter in our life after some moment
And after some time we need to survive inside our life because that is real contest of our life
When we feel that surviving is most important task of our life because survival is not that easy
For us on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Things which are so important in life need surviving instinct inside life which are so important
On every time after all those surviving is important on every part of our life I just feel one
Thought from every moment and on every point so then I feel just one thing from my mind
That surviving is something so important inside our future and our life because those things
Are something which are important inside life are which resource we need more to survive
Inside life I need weapon on every point after all those things which are so important inside
Our future and our life after all those weapons are our skills on every moment inside our life
After all those weapons are something which are needed inside life because those skills are
Something totally wrong inside life I feel one thing from my mind so then I feel just one thing
From my mind that those skills which are so important inside life to go ahead inside our life
After some times those skills are enough in the life we also need friends on some time who
Will show us right way in our life I feel one thing from our mind those things which are so
Important inside life I feel that having old friends are important inside life so then I feel just

There are two things which are so important inside life I feel we need two things in our life
I feel just one thing from my mind that sometimes we need to capture our skills from our
Thoughts and our mind I just feel one thing from every point those things which are soWrong on every time I feel that we need to capture our skills on every point we need to
Practice them again and again to get them right as human being so for going ahead we feel
One thing from my mind that our skills are something so prefect for us on every moment
And on every time because those skills which are so precious inside life I feel just one thing
From my mind that if we need to understand things from our thoughts and our mind but
Then I feel just one thing from my mind because on every moment if we want to go ahead
On every point inside our skill we need to go ahead on every moment and on every point
I feel that I need to have skills inside life then I suddenly feel one thing from our mind
That those skills which are so important inside life but then on them we just spend hours
After hours on every moment and on every point we feel that those skills which are so
Important to us sometimes take us away from our old and honest friends on every time
I feel just one thing from my mind on every moment and on every point I just feelOne thing from every point I feel one thing from my mind I have some thing important from
My mind after all those things which are so important inside life I feel that those old friendsWhich are so precious inside life then I feel one thing from my mind then I feel just one
Thing from inside life those old friends are so nice I have just one thing from my mind
Those moments inside life are not just enough skills on every moment and on every pointAfter all those friends will help us on every moment and on every point but then I just feel
One thing from my mind that friends are needed inside life but then after some time I feel
If I try to get my skill I forget my old friends in life so many time we need to choose in life
If we want survive our friend or skill one we have to choose in life but then I feel just one
Thought from my mind that I need to choose out of two options inside life but then I feel
That we can't get both types of things inside life so in life we need to choose one thing from
Our thoughts and need to survive so I feel sometimes may be we should find some friends
In life who will like our skills and our ways of survive and that will be best choice for life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...