Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Poem 557. Not suffering alone

                                                           Not suffering alone
From every area and from every point we just feel one thing from inside that on all those moments
Inside our mind we feel we have forgotten that thing from every side but that is not truth from inside
We just feel one thing from our mind that all those things which look so perfect in life are something
Which are touching from every angle of my mind because those thoughts which are so precious in life
I feel just one thing from inside I feel those area of life on every point I feel just one thing from my mind
Those area which are so important on every point are not going ahead as per our need in life on every
Moment I just feel one thought from inside those darkness which include me inside life are not going
Ahead on any point I just feel those area which have darkness are hidden on many sides I just feel
One thing after all those shadows that began to capture some sides of life are attacking many things
Inside life I used to have just one wrong concept on every point that is I am struck on every moment
Inside my life but that is totally wrong because every one is stuck on some points and I just never
Accept it inside life on every moment I feel that I am standing on wrong concept of life when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thought from inside those area in which I study things are never good
And nice inside life when I will move ahead I just have one thought from inside that those things which
Happen to us are going on every side of life when I will move ahead I just have one feeling from inside
I feel that those area which have darkness are not helping us that much inside life I just never feel or
Understand what I feel from inside after all those area which own their shadows are not that much nice
Inside life when I will move ahead I have one thought from my mind that those concepts which are
Important inside life but then in those area which are just seem like some thing so interesting inside
Our future and our life because those darkness which are important to me on every point because
When those darkness which are harming me in life look like something which is so precious to us
On every point we just feel one thing from the life that those area which have darkness on every area
Of thoughts of mind because we feel that one thing that happen in our life will look so wrong on
Every point because on every moment I feel just one thing from inside that those things which create
Darkness inside life after all those darkness will totally wrong inside life but then I feel one thing
That those things which are totally important for our life after all those thoughts which will look
Totally wrong on every point because I feel that just one thing that we all have one thought from
Inside that those thoughts which are important inside life because we feel that darkness which will
Look hard because we will see that darkness which will look so wrong on every point because
When I will went ahead then I will have one feeling from my mind that those darkness which
Will we feel just for ourselves totally wrong on every point but then I feel one thing from inside
That those darkness will be totally wrong inside life because there are lot of confusions inside life
On every moment we just feel that we are trapped on every point of life when we went ahead
Then we just feel one thing from our mind that we are just suffering which will look so wrong
On every moment and on every time because those thoughts which are part of our life and
Tell us that we are thinking alone inside life so then I just feel one thought from inside we feel
One thing from our mind that those things which will look good inside life but then I feel just
One thought from inside that on every point when we feel that our suffering are just alone for us
On every point we feel one thought from inside that those thoughts which are precious to us
On every thought and from inside that we must understand we are not alone in suffering every
Person have share of suffering inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those things which
Are so nice inside life seem so let when we feel that we are suffering alone inside life when we
Feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts which are so important on every angle of life
Are telling us that every one was suffering from some angle of life and we are not different but
We are just same like other birds inside life I feel that those thoughts from inside that when
I stop thinking that way then only I can able to see light inside life because on every moment
And on every time I feel just one thing from my mind that happiness of life is depend how we
Take ahead every moment and every point I feel just one thing from my mind that those things
Which are so important to us on every moment and on every time look so good to us on every
Moment because then we will accept it happily inside life because those things which are so
Important to us inside life after all those thoughts which tell us that we are suffering are wrong
For our future and our life so on every moment we feel one thing from inside that we all have
Some bad area of suffering and some good area of happiness inside our future and our life on
Every moment and on every point of our life so we just need to look around world and accept
One thing in life that every one suffer just like us on some part of our future and some part of
Our life on every moment and on every point inside our future and our life on every point of life.      

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