Saturday, November 17, 2012

Adventure story 59. Drive

After accidental death of Heena's parents it was first time,she decided to go out.Heena was not willing at first but her friends forced her.She clearly remembered each and every painful moment of that accident.She was very scared to sit in that car.She still remembered that truck coming towards them.Then screams of her Mom and another voice which must be her own.But it seemed so strange and alien in those memories.It had to be strange after all she was clearly seeing her death.They were telling her Papa to control the car.But he couldn't manage that truck was coming in totally wrong direction.Her Papa couldn't do anything.Then she remembered those jerks.She was big fan of roller coaster but she never expected this type.She never wanted to sit in any roller coaster now because her life had began to turn into roller coaster.She still remembered those moments not fully but in strange part.Those pain or that blood she couldn't tell surly whose blood was it.But it was blood.Sometimes she remembered everything and sometimes she just couldn't remember anything.At beginning some one used to come there to give her company.But slowly it stopped.Now just neighbours cared about her.But they did that just as a duty not that they really cared.Then Heena thought her thinking was turned so much negative since that day.Before that day she used to see everything positively.But after this all turned into sea of negative thoughts.Before accident it was not that she was something called happy go jolly.But she was better than this.She overreacted many times but not that much.Now even if a milkman came late,she began to think that she had forgotten paying his bill and went on verge of crying.She needed a doctor.She knew it.But still she was trying to avoid it.She was so occupied in her thoughts that she didn't understand when Yogini came behind her.Yogini"Heena what are you thinking about?""Nothing."Heena started looking out of window to avoid Yogini's eyes.Yogini"Come on Heena you have to go over it.You can't live like this.You can't kill yourself every day like that.Just look at your face in mirror.You have aged twenty year in just six months."Then Charu also came inside.Charu"Yogini is right.You can't live like this.I know you are feeling lonely.But you have to adjust with it.You can't spend your life in just this house.Think about it."Heena suddenly felt that she was totally wrong.She never went out after her parent's death.She never even watched her face in mirror properly.She didn't even care about her face since her parent's death.
          At that moment she suddenly went to mirror.She could feel her friends were following her.They must be thinking that she was mad.But suddenly she wanted to see her face.All those damages she had done to it.She always loved her face like most of the girls.But then she suddenly totally ignore it.She saw in the mirror.Before her was a face which was example of world's greatest sorrows.She never wanted to look that way.Her face didn't possess any beauty now.She saw dark circles under her eyes.She started examining them.She was scared.She didn't want them to be permanent.Then she saw that how much her weight was reduced.She never wanted to look this way.It was her worst dream.She started crying.When she felt her friends started hugging her.Yogini"Don't worry.Everything will be fine.""These dark circles!!They are permanent."Suddenly Charu smiled out of tears.Charu"I am so glad to have to back..."Then they all started crying.It was first time when she expressed any concern regarding beauty.They knew that she was coming out of her sorrows.It was biggest sign of her improvement.They were so happy finally she showed some sign.Yogini"We were so scared."Charu"She is right.We just lost all the hopes of your becoming normal..."She talked many things.Heena was not listening to her.She was shocked.Suddenly it felt as if from sky she landed on ground.There was relief and still there was pain in it. Yogini"Come on Heena let go on picnic."When Yogini mentioned the car Heena left the scare again.She couldn't sit in car.Heena"I just don't want to sit in car."Charu"Heena this is not right.You can't act this way.You have to sit in car.Come on give it try.""She is right.Doctor told us you must try.Then only slowly you will forget those memories and accept everything properly."Heena looked at her friends with pleading eyes but they seemed to be determined. Finally she had to give and go with them.Heena slowly went out.She never expected sun rays to hurt her.But she was coming out after so many days those sun rays really doing too much harm to her.She just wanted to close her eyes and go inside.But Yogini was standing between her and the door as if she sensed her thoughts.Heena had to go ahead.She saw car was empty so they had not invited other friends.She was relived.She was about to go inside when she noticed two others girls standing near car with another car.Then she knew in Charu's car they were just three and another car with more capacity of carrying people would follow it.She didn't like the idea of so many people.She knew that if she tired to stop it would not be fare.But somewhere inside her mind she was sure that she couldn't enter in that car without panic attack.But she had to try it.
            Yogini could clearly feel hesitation in Heena's walk.Doctor had warned them against it.Heena's Auntie called them yesterday and gave them this duty.Actually they were Heena's friends but they had their life so no one could run for Heena everyday.Heena's problem was turned into everyday business.Since her parent's death she never agreed to go out without making sad face and she became model of sorrows.For some days people showed sympathies but now it was too much for them.None of the friends were interested in coming but when Auntie produced passes of resort there were more number of people than they guessed so they were forced to took another car.But Yogini was sure that Heena would create some drama  and all mood would be spoiled.Yogini was Heena's best friend.But still she expected Heena to act more logically.Then she saw Charu was running to support her.Now this was another drama Charu always ran to support her and Yogini had to show support because Charu was doing it.In reality Heena didn't need so much support was Yogini's true opinion.But still she pretended.Then she saw Heena suddenly began to scream and ran out of car.Now every one ran to help her except Yogini who began to count luggage.After all it was also necessary.Then after lot of efforts and screaming Heena sat in that car.Yogini was watching all this and saluting Charu for her patience.Finally Heena sat in car.But she kept her eyes closed and sat in car such way as if she was sleeping.Now everything was too much for Yogini she wanted to get over with this drama.Worst thing was that she had to drive and Heena was sitting on seat beside her.She hated her drama.Yogini was really thankful to her friends that they all were supporting Heena so Yogini didn't need to pay attention on her.In whole journey Heena was making strange sounds.Everyone in car was tense.Finally she slept and Yogini took breath of relief.She could see everyone was relived.They all suddenly began to dislike Heena and Yogini was sure about it.Then when they reached to resort,Heena immediately ran out of car.She just stopped to ask about her room and then she went in her room.All the group started looking at each other with irritated expressions.Charu"Now how do we suppose to handle her?""She is just impossible.""She need a Psychiatrist and her auntie is sending her out like this.""Did they consult a doctor?I hope she is not fully mad.You know living with mad person is risky.""Ohh,god!I am going share room with her.I prefer car instead."After hearing this suddenly everyone got scared.Yogini decided that this was best opportunity to prove her kindness.Yogini"Don't worry I will sleep with her."Charu"No need.I told them to take my bags.I know it is hard to handle it.But she is my friend and I will handle this."After saying this Charu angrily went in her room.Yogini hated this so finally Charu win the game.Even after so many efforts Charu looked better than her to all her friends.Yogini hated this.She always hated those drama queens.But she couldn't say it loudly.Yogini wanted to sleep with Heena and it was her need so she ran after Charu.Yogini"Charu I will sleep there..."She had to convince Charu for many hours and finally Charu agreed.Yogini finally got the room.She wanted from her heart.She really needed to get that room.
           Heena went to sleep immediately.This drive was worst experience for her.She just couldn't keep her eyes even for few seconds without seeing her Parents coated with blood.It seemed as if she couldn't live now without seeing their face.She just didn't understand that why did she had to suffer.Sometimes she wished that she was dead just like her parents.Then she remembered face of her Auntie who always treated her like daughter.Her Auntie could able to come here due to her personal problems.But still she did everything for her.Her Auntie wanted her to go and stay with her.But Heena knew her family didn't like it.Even Heena hated the idea of staying there so she kept staying here.But she knew her Auntie cared for her and if she died her Auntie couldn't able to survive without nervous break down so she had to survive for her Auntie.Then she felt moments on door.She expected Charu to come.Heena felt comfortable just Charu.But then she saw it was Yogini.She couldn't able to hide her disappointment and Yogini asked"What happened?Why do you look so upset?""Where is Charu?Actually her bags are here in room.""Now don't worry.Hotel staff will take care of it.So how are you?Feeling fine?""Ya."After saying this she turned away her face.Heena could clearly see that Yogini was much of her friend now a days.Once upon a time in her good times Yogini was her best friend.But slowly those times left her and with them Yogini also left her.She was her friend before everyone but inside her heart Heena could feel that she was changed.Heena preferred Charu over her.Charu might get irritated by her behaviour some times but still care for her from heart.Heena could feel Yogini was changing her clothes in to night wears. She didn't turn around.She just didn't want to talk to her so she went to sleep.She never felt that a emotional exertion could also felt her that much tired.
          Heena felt touch of cold air which woke her up.She didn't know when she went to sleep because she didn't watch time.But  she was feeling so thirsty as well as hungry.Then she saw a plate of food kept on table near her.This must be Charu's thinking.She didn't want to woke her up but she also hated idea of letting her sleep without eating dinner so she kept that food.She turned and saw Yogini was not there.She wanted to search for her but her hunger was so unbearable that she had to eat her food.She looked at watch.It showed 3 p.m.She was taking dinner too late.She could feel the darkness around.She once again looked at bathroom.She could see light inside it.Suddenly she felt that Yogini was not there.She wanted to put down her plate and went near it.But she was so hungry that she didn't dare to stop eating.Finally she finished her food and she was about to go near bathroom.When she noticed a woman walking out on hotel lawn.She could able to see her face because she was on second floor and in that moonlight she could able to see properly.Her dress was a night gown.She was walking quietly.Heena started shivering.Heena was so confused.She didn't what did she suppose to think.She was seeing a ghost clearly.But if she said this to anyone they would think she was mad.Then she thought that she might be really turning into a mad woman.A woman who saw ghost in such famous hotel must be mad.She just didn't know that what she supposed to do.She once again went to sleep.She was so scared but she took the medicines Doctor suggested her so she went to sleep.Next morning she didn't say anything just pretended as if everything was normal.But then she saw some other girls looked at her in strange way.One of the girl finally asked her"Heena are you walking last night?""Walking?!At night why shall I do such thing?""Now a days you do so many strange things so I thought.""I was not walking in fact I saw someone walking last night."Suddenly all girls got her attention.Charu"You saw that girl?Then why didn't you mention it before?""Because I thought that you all will think I am mad."Then Heena looked accusingly at that girl who first mention it.Then suddenly Yogini interfered"But when I woke up last night,you were not on bed."Heena was shocked after hearing Yogini's accusation.She never left her bed and Yogini was the one who was absent.But she was accusing her.Suddenly Heena felt that her temper was raised. Heena could not control it and she started screaming on Yogini.Heena"You are lying.You were the one who was absent.."After saying she looked around and she could see clearly in their eyes no one was believing her.Then Yogini gave a smile that was preserved for mad person but Heena knew that what was her intention.She was trying to prove her mad.Yogini"You are right.I went to bathroom at that moment.You must had woke and went out search for me.Now that is clear every body."and then she gestured them to lie before her.Heena couldn't able to take it.She just slapped and then Charu hold her.They all started saying that she was mad and she was risky so they all told Charu to take her inside.Yogini pretended to be crying loudly.They all were consoling.When Heena entered in room ,she started convincing Charu.But Charu didn't seem to convince and she called Heena's Auntie.Finally Heena got chance to talk with her.She started convincing her without hopes.But it seemed that she managed this time because when Charu put down her phone.She told Heena that they would give her last chance and they would keep watch on Yogini.
            That night Charu woke up everyone except Yogini and girl sharing room with her.Charu needed lot of efforts to convince them.But finally they all agreed.Then they waited in their hiding their position.Heena was so tense and the cold was worst.One of the girl"Do we have to listen that mad girl.Don't you see that she is imagining?"Heena"I am not mad and I am not imagining.""So if she will not come today,you will accept your defeat.""Come on she was trying to prove me mad.She could do this any day.""But why do you think that your best friend is trying to prove you mad?""Best friend!!"Heena started laughing."She was never my best friend.She was with me just for my good days.In my bad days she just came to show off and went away.Charu is my true friend.But look at her now.Yogini even managed to turn her against me..""So whatever happen you are true and Yogini is liar.Now this is too much.I think that we must leave immediately.At least I am going."Then that girl left and one by one all girls started going.Finally only four remained.Charu,Heena and two girl who were curious about this than sleeping.After some times they felt some one was walking.Then they all saw that girl in night gown.This  time they had torch so they just throw it on that girl's face.They saw that it was Yogini.She just kept looking ahead.She seemed as if she was lost in her world.Then one of girl screamed that she was sleepwalking.Then they woke her up.All other friends came out running.They all apologized to her.But now nothing could change by those apologies.Heena could clearly saw that Yogini was using her problem to hide her faults.Heena knew that no one would trust her like past now.But she was going to fight this war for her Auntie who still cared for her and always trusted her.Sometimes just being near is not important to keep a relationship.Just trust of heart is enough.
                                                                             The End

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