Monday, November 5, 2012

Poem 518. Teddy bear

                                                              Teddy bear
Oh dear teddy bear I know you are friend of child's inside life because on every moment
We just feel one thing from my mind those teddy bears are something precious inside our life
When we went ahead on every point we just feel one thing from inside that those teddy bear
Will look so wrong in life and they will look so perfect on each and every point I just never
Feel one thought from inside that those teddy bears which I loved are some thing so wrong
In my future and inside my life on each and every moment I just feel one thing from my mind
That those teddy bear which are like toys inside life so on every moment and on every time
I just feel that those teddy bear are totally wrong inside life so teddy bears are something
Precious inside life so those toys are something so totally wrong inside life because those
Teddy bear seem so precious to our heart inside life so on every moment and on every time
I just feel that those toys are something which are not that happy inside our future and
Inside our life I feel that those teddy bears will have some security inside life when we went
Ahead on every moment and on every point we just feel one thought from inside that those
Toys which we have inside our life after all those teddy bears will look so curious inside life
After all I feel teddy bears are something so important in life because those teddy bear will
Have something important in life so then I feel those teddy bears are something so precious
In life on every moment teddy bear will look totally wrong inside life after all those teddy
Bear have that security inside mind that those bears which look so perfect inside life but
Then I feel just one thing from my mind that those teddy bears are something so important
In life after all those teddy bears are toys which give security in life so then I just feel one
Thing inside life after all those toys are something not that much interesting in life but then
I just feel one thing from toy teddy bears in our life after all those toys are so perfect in life
After all those things which are precious in life those teddy bears which look so perfect
Inside life but then teddy bears are not something so perfect in life after all those teddy bears
Are not some thing nice I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that those
Teddy bears have that security in life on every moment and on every point I feel just one
Thing from inside of mind that those teddy bears who are true friend of me inside life
Are not going ahead as per my wishes on any moment and on any point because those
Teddy bears have that security from inside of my mind they have something so special
That it will touch every one inside life so when we grow  up sometimes we feel we want
To friend like teddy bears inside life so when we grow up we just feel we want that friend
To stay with us like teddy bear in life when I will go ahead I just feel that teddy bears are
Something so precious inside life after all those things which are so important inside life
On every moment I feel teddy bears are harming from point to point when I went ahead
I just feel one thing from my mind that those teddy bears which are so important in life
Those teddy bears are some thing so wrong inside life I feel just one thing from mind
That those teddy bears are something so unique inside life when we went ahead on
Every moment inside life those teddy bears are something which are important inside life
But then those teddy bears are beautiful inside life but then those teddy bears which look
So faithful inside life after all those teddy bears are something so special in life that I just
Feel on every moment I need to go ahead on every point those teddy bears which we see
As gift to our life we feel just one thing from inside of my mind teddy bears are something
So perfect inside life but still those teddy bears should be kept that way inside life but
Then on every moment I just feel one thing in life those teddy bears which I see are
Having other side on each and every point I will just never understand inside life that
On every moment and on every point teddy bears will look so perfect inside life so then
I just feel one thing from my mind then I feel those teddy bears inside life so then I will
See one thing inside life those teddy bears are totally wrong inside life so then on every
Moment I feel just one thing from my mind that those teddy bears are precious inside life
Because teddy bears are totally wrong inside life since they are most faithful toy inside life.

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