Friday, November 16, 2012

Poem 538. Leader of countries

                                                         Leader of countries
Why many times we just go after looks and beauty I just don't understand even while choosing
Leader of country we just keep looking how can we get profit inside our country which one will
Take us ahead is not about development of our country on every moment I just feel one thing that
Those people who claim they want to be simple person finally chooses person who is loaded with
Money no one dress with that simplicity but every one just claim that they have understanding but
I have just one question why did we care only for people who are so good for our thinking because
On every moment and on every thinking I just feel one thing that simple things are never going and
Ahead inside our life then I feel just one thing that simple person are nice for us in our thinking
But then I feel just one thing that profits are something which are so important for our thinking but
Then why don't we just feel one thing from every point that we are the one who suppose to get
Profit inside life we just want something inside our life on every moment and on every point then
I just feel one thing from inside leader will not take us ahead inside our life we are those people
Who goes ahead in life if you want to move ahead start it by your honesty inside life just always
Looking at other and admiring their leader is so easy in life but truth of life is that our hard work
Is something so precious in life when we began to work we just see those problems which we face
In that work in life and we want some one special to come and solve it in life on every moment
And on every time we just keep hoping that we are standing on  wrong front of our life I just
Never understand what I feel from inside that those people who keep looking for help can hardly
Achieve things in life help is just bonus but it is not truth of life on every moment we need to
Understand that our hard work will take us ahead in life those who work hard and honestly achieve
Somethings in life but people seem so convinced that selfishness will give benefit to us in life and
When I will move ahead I observe one thing in life we just feel that when someone win best leader
Get credit of it in life but truth is that hard work is done by people then only country will rise and
Then only one day we will see that future which we like leader is not key to success but sadly
Many just believe it in life and then fall one trap after another in search of leader every time I feel
Just one thing from my thoughts and from our mind on every moment I just feel that leader are
Those people who look so good inside our life I feel those leader who look so good to us are
Manage to get success only when people work honestly in life but people just never get credit
Leader get it inside life when some country moves ahead that common man is one who does
Hardest job every time but no one knows name of them just leader and superior seem to get
All appreciation in life and even that country feel it is good to get things as per wishes inside
Their future and they feel when their leader get credit they are getting that credit inside life
So even when people does great thing their leader gets medals in life but we need to understand
It is not their leader who did it people are those who are doing it inside life just by looking at
Their leader and by envying their luck no one can win in life only those people goes ahead
Who work honestly in life when we move ahead on every point we just feel one thing from
Inside that if only we get proper leader we will win the race of life but we can't win it until
We understand how those people worked hard for days and nights we need to forget our enjoyment
Not need to search leader in life because one person can't decide your luck and that is truth of
Your future and your life on every moment we just feel that now we got proper leader inside life
But we will surely fail again if we don't learn to work hard inside life just hoping for help on each
And every moment and on every time will never get you what you want until you learn in life
That you have to sacrifice your pleasure and happiness to get things inside life just by screaming
On other is never winning strategy of life we need to understand that common man who work
Without expectation and honesty is true key to success inside life just captain can't make you
Winner team is what matter more inside life and every good team claps when their captain gets
Cup that is rule of life all people can't just stand on dais so that one person is standing on it
Inside life just never think that winner is just that person true winners are those unknown faces
Of life who work for days and nights to get that success inside life great person is that common
Man who just work hard and in return when leader get prize that man manage to smile and
Manage to feel happy from inside may it be a woman or man but both work side by side and
Never think who is better and who is low when they work inside life that is how they get
Their success not by just leaders in life those common man are true worshiper of god who
Manage to smile when other person gets credit inside life so when country goes ahead just
Never think that it's leader is winner of that life common man who learn to respect each other
And work by joining shoulder to shoulder are winner of life we need to understand one thing
That just searching good captain never help us in life we need whole team to be perfect and
Then even if that captain is worst that team can manage to move ahead in life so start searching
For good common man if you want to improve in life searching for good leader is always useless
Inside life and if you have enough time then try to search it inside if you find that common man
Inside you then you will understand that how wrongly you act when you are searching for that
Perfect and dynamic leader in life because that common man in your heart will tell you that
You have done nothing useful but just manage to hurt your fellow human being just to get one
Leader who is not going to be that much help to you inside life and you have just manage to
Create anger in your friends who could have stood with you in those crisis when your leader
Just give you some promises to help and then turn back to you in life because leader never
Help you personlly who help you from heart is that common man who walks with you every day in life.

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