Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Poem 546. Date of sorrows

                                                          Date of sorrows
Some times those numbers get so much attach to that date that inside life I just feel one thing
From every angle of life I just feel one thing from my mind that those numbers which are so
Nice inside life I feel that those dates which are so different inside life those numbers will look
So pleasant when they represents our birthdays and our freedoms inside life when those dates
Which will look so nice on every moment and on every time because dates are something which
Represent nice things inside life but then I feel that when those dates have some thing so nice
For our life because those dates which are so important inside life after all those dates are so
When those birthdays which are important inside life but then those days which look so good
Then I feel one thing inside life because those days are nice for our life but then all those peopleWill look so nice on every point so then I feel just one thing from inside those dates which
Remind me of those things which are so precious inside our future and our life because on
Those precious dates which are so important inside life are reminding us on every moment
And on every point I just feel that I can enjoy that happiness on every point of life when I decide
To move ahead in life I feel just one thought from my mind that those dates which will have
One thought inside life I have one thought from inside that those happy moments which will
Have some positive effects inside life on every moment I feel those dates will bring happiness
On every moment and on every point but then I feel just one thought from inside that on those
Happy dates we get some nice things in life I just feel one thing from my mind but then I feel
Those happiness which enter inside life I feel dates are so good at bringing us happiness
Inside life I have some thoughts inside life those happiness which will enter inside our life
But then when I move ahead that those things which are so important inside life I feel those
Dates which look nice for our thinking inside life because those dates are nice and precious
To us on every moment and on every point because they can make our happiness alive but
There are also one other thing which I just dislike from my mind why did we remember those
Dates which had sad things inside life seem something so wrong on each and every point on
Every moment inside our life we just feel one thought from inside that those dates will remind
Me about my those sad incidence which destroy my life on every moment in my life I have
One thought from inside that those dates become worst for us on every moment and on every
Time inside our life when we goes ahead according to our thinking inside life so I just have
One feeling from my mind that sadness will capture my mind on every occasion and on every
Moment and on every time I feel one thing that why should we curse dates this way inside life
I just don't understand why date gets blame even for those bad things which are created by some
Human being inside life I can understand criminal can be blamed or other things can be blamed
Inside life but date seem so innocent on every moment and on every time I just never understand
What I feel from inside that those people who get blame are not some one who are nice on
Every moment and on every point because those dates also give us happiness inside life but only
When that date comes we reminded of that sadness by people inside life on every moment and
On every point we just feel one thing from our mind that sadness which is important to us on
Every moment inside life because when we went ahead we just feel one thing from my mind
That on every moment and on every date of life I feel one thought that sadness will capture
Our thoughts and mind when we move ahead I just feel one thing from inside that sadness is
That part of my life which is not related to that date but still people just force it on that time
When we move ahead I just have one feeling from my mind that those sad incidence should not
Be mentioned with dates inside life when I will move ahead I just feel one thing from my mind
Date can have happiness as well as sadness on any point but dates are just settled by one concept
That is important for life that date is just for our schedule and you can store happiness with it
If you want to store then inside life but never store sorrows with them because they are hurting
Our thinking on every moment and on every point because sorrows are without dates inside life
And they should be kept to those parts where they stay in limits inside life never make them so
Much alive that they will come inside your dream on every date or on every time because dates
Are something which are nice until you don't stuck them with sorrows of your future and life.

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