Friday, November 30, 2012

Poem 564. Useful problem

                                                            Useful problem
On every point I see many angles inside life but then I just feel one thought from my mind
That those points which are so beautiful inside life just kept coming again and again inside life
After all those points which are nice for our life are always welcome inside life but then those
Things which are so important inside life I just love to feel one thing from my mind that when
Problem will manage to have some side effects inside life I just feel that they should be rejected
On every moment and on every point inside life because those problems which are some thing
Not required inside life I have one thought from inside that happiness will be beautiful inside
Our thinking and inside life after all those points which are so important to us on every moment
And on every point I just have one thought from inside that those nice thoughts are something
Which are totally perfect for life but then I have just one other feeling inside life because those
Wrong thoughts which are hurting us on every moment and on every time I feel that happiness
Will vanish from our life but it will not permanent on every part but that happiness which we
Found even in life's saddest part is something so important and precious for heart because
When we go ahead on every moment by our thoughts and our heart because those things
Which are different from heart I have one thing from our heart I feel that something which
Is important in our heart I feel that things which are important inside our heart but I feel
Then those problem which are so important from our heart but then those trees which are
Something nice for our mind and from our eyes but those views are something which are
So important that this greenery which touch our heart but then I feel that those things are something
Which are so good looking for heart but then those leaves which have nice designs on every
Moment and on every part I have one thing from my heart those design have sharpness
That are something so unique for our thoughts and our heart but don't we even like those
Leaves which touch our thinking and our heart don't even sharpest thing which cut our heart
Will look totally wrong on every part when we went ahead we just feel one thought from
Our thinking and our heart that those sharp things which look good will be something so
Nice for our heart because when we went ahead I just feel one thing from my heart that sharp
Thing can cut us easily from our every part still some times have that sharpness is something
So important for our heart I feel that those things which will look so wrong on every part
But then I feel that sharp things which are so risky for our thinking and our heart I just feel
One thing from our heart those sharpness will manage to hurt us on every moment and
On every part but then those sharp thing will manage to hurt something get credit on winner
To our heart like those sword which can cut us on every part will manage to give us victory
And make us winner on every part those sharpest sword that can cut people and bleed to
Our thinking and our heart then we just feel one thing from our heart that sharpness is also
Needed for us on every moment and on every part I just feel those pains which will hurt
To us on every moment and on every thought I feel just one thing from our heart that sharp
Things will manage to hurt us on every part and on every heart I feel one thought from heart
That those things which are have power of hurting will look something wrong for heart
After all those sharpness will totally wrong for our heart because those problems are something
So important to our thinking and our heart because like problems sharp things also manage to
Touch us on some part in wrong way from heart but still they let us go ahead on every part
But then I see something from those sharpness which will manage to hurt us on every point
And on every part but then I feel that those sharpness managing to cut things which will look
Totally wrong for our thinking and our heart but then I suddenly began to think again and again
On every part I feel that sharpness even have pencil and pen which are nice for our heart but
Then I feel just sharp is something totally unique for heart I feel that if we use it in life but
Then I feel that those sharpness will manage to hurt us on every part I just feel one thing
From our heart because those sharp thing which help us to write and create are perfect for
Our thinking and our heart on every moment I feel that pain which will cut us on every part
But then I just feel one thing from heart that those things which give knowledge also have that
Sharpness in each and every part they look so perfect and nice for our thinking and our heart
Because those problems are creating sharpness inside our future and our heart because that
Sharpness is like big problem on every part so if that can be useful then those problems
Can also be useful for our thinking and our heart on each and every thought as well as part
Because like sharpness if they are used properly then they will also look totally right for heart
So let's create useful problems for our world as well as for our heart on every moment and part.

Poem 563. Unique things

                                                               Unique things
Other birds are nice and perfect for our eyes on every moment and on every point but when they
Are some thing unique for every moment and every point then I feel just one thought from my mind
But then I feel those birds are some lovely and pretty in life but then I feel they will look nice on
Every moment inside life after all those birds which are so unique inside life but when we see new
Thing inside birds on every moment we just feel one thing from every point those birds which will
Look perfect inside life when they have pretty and different colours in them in life but when we see
Same thing in person inside life when we see different in them in life it look so wrong on every point
I feel one thing that those colours which are on every point of life but then I feel just one thing
From inside that those human being who suggest something different unique in life but then when
We move one thing from one position inside life I just have one thought from my mind that those
Things which happen to us inside life are because of unwanted changes inside life when we move
Ahead on every point and on every time I just feel that birds have uniqueness I really like them in life
When human being have uniqueness it look totally wrong on every point I just have one feeling from
Inside of my mind that those thoughts which enter in my mind have many interesting inside life but
Then I feel just one thought from inside that how can we go ahead inside life if we can't just ignore
Different methods in life when we like unique birds then why should we hate unique people in life
On every moment and on every time we just have one feeling from inside that those uniqueness
Which we see inside our life doesn't look as perfect as we thought from our mind when we move
Ahead on every day of life we just love unique thing in all other things of life when we move ahead
We just never thought on thing from inside that those nice birds will have that quality which we
Find interesting inside life after all moving ahead is one thing that is important in life we need to
Move ahead on every moment and on every point but those unique touch which apply to our life
Doesn't look that perfect on any moment and on any time I feel some new ways inside life
I feel what will be it's risk inside life I know when we want to move ahead we need to take risk
On many point but question is that how much risk you can take inside life when those things which
Look so perfect enter inside life I feel that those birds are not having side effects inside life they
Are made by nature so they are perfect on each time we just never have any doubt that they will
Create something wrong inside life when I see those birds I just feel one thought from my mind
That those birds are not getting harm by their colours because those colours are not things which
Are created by human being in life then I feel don't we like to see zoo and circus inside life and
Don't we force our horses to race inside life so when we force those animal new ways seem fine
But when we start experimenting with human it look wrong inside life but then another heart ask
One question if things went wrong have you thought about harms in life but my heart just say
One thing that those answers which we need can never got without experiment in life when I move
Ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that those experiment which I have done are not taking
Our life ahead on every point sometimes they go wrong but then I just have one question from
Inside if we don't try change then are we sure that we will remain safe for entire life when I move
Ahead and change things in life I just never thought one thing that on some points life will ask
Me one question that will touch my mind that why did I need to make experiment inside life
But then I just feel one thing from my mind that when my life went ahead I feel those birds
Have uniqueness inside my life on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from
Inside that those qualities which are so unique on each part of life are not that perfect and are
Not that much nice inside life when those colour which have unique feel on every point then
I just feel one thing from my mind that those birds which will help us in life are something so
Unique that their colors will look so perfect inside life when we move ahead we need to have
New habits inside life but we are so scared about side effects in life one heart tell us we must
Try other says it is so important in life when life went ahead we just feel one thought from
Thinking and inside color and inside life because uniqueness is something so wrong inside life
I just want to move ahead on perfect road of my life I feel that those different things will look
So different on every point but then when I think of side effect once again I will back out in life
I just feel one thing that I just keep looking at unique birds on every moment as well as every point.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Poem 562. Disliked truth

                                                          Disliked truth
How can I say word truth when life goes ahead how can I dare to find truth in life on any way I just
Feel one thing from every moment that those truth which are good for our future are always easy
To talk and say when I move ahead in life I just easily  say that truth which will be good for us
On every day and on every way I just feel one thing again and again those truths which once I use
To find are the one who loved by every one every day and on those moment people use to jump
And grab that truth again and again on each day and on each way I use to feel just one thing then
Again and again I feel that my truth is never get rejected I use to feel that truth will be always
Going to be appreciated on every point and on every moment I just feel one thing that truth is most
Important to me on every day because it was never pointing our any mistake until those truths
Manage to stood against our enemies on every day I use to like those truths are I use to cherish
Those truths on each way I just use to feel those truths which are so best manage to look totally
Wrong on each and every way I use to feel one thing again and again that those truth which use
To show us how good we are always manage to look so perfect but then slowly I found those
Truths which shows our mistake suddenly I began to feel one thought on every day I feel just
One thing again and again that those truths which are so important to me are not going ahead
As per my wish on every day I will have just one feeling from my mind in each way that those
Truths which look so perfect to us are no longer that good in any ways because when those
Truths began to point out our mistake I just began to feel that no one like those truths even if
They are part of our life and really truth in every way people just prefer those truths which look
So good and so perfect no one like those truths which will look so wrong on every way when
We start to going ahead people just want to tell us only those truths which make them feel that
They are some thing great inside our life on every way we just feel one thing that our truths
Are not making us any thing great they are those truth which we love to consider as false on
Each and every day when inside our life I just manage to move ahead I feel one thing on each
And every day that those truths which look good for us are just truth for them when truths
Manage to look bad for us then they are no longer truth for us on any moment when we go ahead
On every moment I just feel one thing that truth is not helping in any way I just have one feeling
Then no one want to hear that truth even if it is something must be said people just never want hear
Something that stood against people just never understand truth will not remain hidden away and
It will come to us in broad light some days when in life we just manage to move ahead then I feel
One thought on every moment that truth is not just truth for them they wanted it something to
Give them profit in every way so they want just that truth which will look good and perfect
To us inside our future and on every day in life when we manage to move ahead on every moment
Those truths which look good to us on some moments are not going ahead as per our wishes
On each way and on each day when we  move ahead I just want to say all those truths which
Will look good for them but those truths which are good for us on every moment inside this life
On every thinking and on every day I just feel one thing that those truth which people want are
Selected but just those truths which are hidden in every way so then I feel just one thing from
My mind on every day that when we start to say those truths I just feel they come out in every
Way and on every day if people appreciate it or if people doesn't give it on any day I just feel
One thing on every moment I feel one thing on every day that those truths which I will say
Have different thoughts on every moment that those truths which are so good can be easily
Accepted but those people who accept negative things are really managing to appreciate on
Every day because many times truths are not going ahead in same way I just feel one thing
From my mind that truth will manage to hurt me every day I feel that truths who have two
Sides on every time are not looking that nice on every moment I have one feeling from every
Thinking and way that when we want to hear truths then we must listen to them on each way
Never turn back on truth because it will not hide on any day even if you dislike those person
Who manage to say it on every day but still try to understand it on every day so when I said
Some unpleasant truth I have understood one thing on that day that those truths which are
Disliked are not treated in good way so maybe that line which says truth is not appreciated
Must be meant for unpleasant truth in every way but still I say those truths any way because
I know one day those truths will come out so why should lose chance to saying that I know it
All even before it happen on that day or on that crucial moment because that will give me at least
Clear conscious on each day and we will find that conscious on each and every way on every day.

Poem 561. Not useless life

                                                             Not useless life
From one angle I just feel that I have settle in so confused life while on other angle every thing
Look so nice but then I just feel why I am wasting so much time in analyzing my life when I can
Just go ahead and enjoy every moment and every time those things which will look perfect to us
Inside life when I just kept thinking about each concept of life I feel one thought that things are
Not moving that way as I wish from my mind because on every moment I just go ahead with
My thinking that what is meaning of my life finally I feel who put that question inside my mind
Because life is one mystery which never solved by any one on any time we just kept hoping one
Thing from our mind that those things which enter on every moment of our life are not that much
Nice for our future and our life I just feel one thought from inside that those things which enter
Inside our life are just entered because decided by our luck sometimes  just thinking why did
That included never give us much logic inside life when I will move ahead on every moment and
On every point I have one thinking from inside that those confused lives which enter in our life
Are taking us ahead on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from every thought
And from every angle of my life that those things which are important inside life after all those
Things which are so precious inside life I feel one thought inside life on every moment that those
Things which are having right inside life but then I feel one thing from my mind because those
Things which become important in the life I have some confusion inside life but then I feel one
Thing from our mind that those things which are wrong on every moment and on every point
After all those thoughts which are important to our thinking and our mind that those thoughts
Which are so valuable to our thinking and our mind those confused thoughts which are so
Important inside life I feel one thing that those different things on every point I feel one thing
From my mind that all types of confused thought which tell us that those thoughts which are
So important to us on every point we feel one thing from my mind that when we began to think
Different types of thoughts from our mind when we move ahead I feel one thing from every
Angle of life because on every moment I feel one thing from my mind that those things which
Look so good to us inside life are showing every one different things inside life I feel one thought
From my mind that those things which are so nice inside life but when I start thinking usefulness
Of life how depressing seems every thing in life how can someone be useful to all at same time
When we all have different needs so we fail to one person and then to another side of life but
When we move ahead we just have one thought from inside that those things which look so
Perfect to us and look so valuable to world are also useless on some point when we move ahead
Inside life we need to understand every thought and point which tell us that we are standing
On wrong point and we just feel one thing from every angle  of life that those things which
Touch us on every point look so perfect to us on every moment inside life I just never understand
What I feel from inside but my thoughts are telling me that if I don't value my life then how can
I see any thing useful in life we don't need to move ahead on any moment and on any point but
We just never understand what we feel from inside that those thoughts which look so wrong
On every point are not taking us ahead as much as we want in life because when we began to
Measure our value in life mostly sadly we just count valuables inside life on every moment
And on every point we just feel one thing that we are standing on wrong concept of life because
Those valuables are not that much important in life when our life went ahead we just feel one
Thing from every point that those valuable things which we buy in life are not going ahead as
Per our wish and thinking on any point because when we began to ask for money and power
Inside life mostly happiness vanish because that thirst never have limits inside life when we went
Ahead on any moment and on any point we just feel one thing from our mind that those things
Which are important to us is just our life because when we have that precious life on every time
Why should we need to understand it's use inside life I just feel one thing from my heart on some
Thoughts and points that we are alive is greatest use of our life we can move ahead with good
Views and thinking then do all jobs which are given to us in life is one thing enough to survive
When we went ahead on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind
That life is valuable and it never need meaning until you start to judging it in wrong ratio in life
Because many people are born and they have spend happy life those who doesn't become
Something great I just don't feel useless inside life because every thing is useful until it's alive
And if you don't believe me then ask it to photo of dead because it can never able to answer you
So that is real uselessness inside life we just need one thing to become valuable in life that we need
To move in truthful way and do our work whichever it is and then useful is our life on each point.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Poem 560. Changes from inside

                                                          Changes from inside
I just never understand how can life turn so quickly in different things sometimes some people
Are standing with me and in few moments I see change in each and every thing when we move
Ahead with our thoughts and thinking we just feel one thing from our heart that what will happen
Next if every thing is changed so quickly with each thinking inside life on every moment I just
Have one thought or one meaning that those things which touch me are totally wrong inside my
Mind as well as my thinking I just have one thought and one feeling that those different things
Which on every moment keep changing are not that much nice on every thinking because when
We move ahead I just feel one thing that those concept which are part of our future are not that
Perfect and nice for human being because on every thought we just feel one thing that if things
Change inside life how can we able to handle life on every change and on every thinking when
We move ahead on every point we just never understand those thoughts and those thinking but
When we move ahead I just feel one thing that those concepts which are so perfect for us in life
Are nice for our thinking but when we move ahead we just have one feeling that those things
Which changes our mind are something so important for us as human being after all those difference
Are not always created by others thinking sometimes they are created by those people who never
Understand those thoughts and thinking because when we think about changes we just feel one
Thought and one thing that those concepts which are good for us where nice thing when it comes
To moving ahead and keeping our thoughts in proper way inside life as human being but we just
Always feel that changes are due to other people and their thinking so we keep alive our one
Thinking that we should not get blame for any thought or for any thing other people should be
Blamed for each and every thing we just keep saying whole world is changed and with it we
Are forced to change every thing we just never accept that we have changed from inside our
Thoughts and thinking on every moment we just feel one thing on every moment that world
Is changing on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing on every mind I feel
Just one thing from our thoughts and from our mind but then I just feel one thought from
Inside that I have changed every thing inside life because on every moment and every point
I feel one thought from inside that I have changed in many points inside life on every thinking
And on every point inside life I just keep thinking something important inside life I feel one
Thought from inside that those different thoughts which are encouraged in life are due to
Change of our thinking on every point I just feel one thing from inside that those thought
Which are important to us on every point began to change unknowingly from our own mind
And that's why we change things which are inside and we just never feel that we are changing
From point to point I just feel one thing from my mind that those all things which happen in
Our life are not happening just due to others but they are happening because we have changed
Our thoughts and our mind when we move ahead on every moment and on every point we just
Have one thinking from our mind that those things which happen inside our life are not going
Ahead as per our wishes from every point of life because moving ahead is easy on all point
And we need to move ahead on each day and each night but when we move ahead in some
Different direction of life we just feel one thing from every point that those things which
Happen to us on every point are not taking us ahead on any point of life I just have one thought
From inside that those things which enter inside our life are entered because we have changed
Not because of change in world inside life because there are some people who still remain
Stuck on that point then we can see some people who act in old ways inside modern life and
On every moment those people feel that they are winner of life when they don't change on
Any point but those changes are those basic of our life which will take us ahead on every
Point I can never understand what I feel from inside but still I know that changes are coming
From inside some times due to knowledge and some time due to need we change in life but
Then we just feel one thing that changes are those truths which are so permanent part of life
But they are not outside they are from inside so accept them with grace and enjoy your life
Never keep pointing finger at world because we have changed from inside because world is
Not changed it is you who have managed to change from every moment and from every point of life.

Poem 559. Radar of life

                                                              Radar of life
From every angle of life I feel just one thing from my mind that those things which will take us
Ahead on every time are no longer going ahead as per our wish and as per our mind on every moment
And on every point I just feel one thing from inside of mind that those things which are secrets of
Our thoughts and of our life will look so perfect to us but still they are so faint for our mind because
Inside that mind those thoughts which are hidden on every point are something so wrong for mind
Because those thoughts which are unsatisfied to us are totally wrong on every point of life but then
I just feel one thing from my mind that if those thoughts which effect so many decisions of life then
Why should those thoughts will remain so limited on every angle and on every point I just feel one
Thing from my mind that those things which are so important to us inside life will look totally
Different on every angle of life when we move ahead we just feel one thing from our mind that
Those thoughts which are so precious to us are not clear to us on any point if those thoughts
Decide our days and our nights how can those thoughts become perfect to us and to our mind
Because when we move ahead we just feel one thought from inside those thinking which are part
Of our future and of our mind are not going ahead as per our wishes inside life I just want one thing
From every point I want every angle of life to look perfect and nice on every point I just feel one
Thought from my mind that those thinking which are part of our life look so good to us on every
Moment from our mind that I feel those thoughts will have confused effect on us inside our life
When we move ahead we just feel one thing that how can those thoughts which have so hidden
In mind can have effect on us so we just feel that we can ignore them on every moment and on
Each and every time I just have one  feeling from inside that those thoughts which are important to
Us can't remain hidden so we just never accept that thing inside life how can something which is
So important to us on every point will look so wrong when things turn into different way in life
When things turn in way which we prefer and like I feel just one thing from my mind that those
Thoughts which are important to us should be visible to us on every angle and on every point and
I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which are so precious to me should be
Seen by me inside life but that is not happen on any moment and on any point I just feel one thing
From my mind that those thoughts which are truth of my life should not be hidden if they are acting
As part of daily life but so confuse is our life that like air those thoughts which are our life doesn't
Seem to become part of our life on every moment and on every time I just have one thought from
Inside those things which are hidden inside my mind are not seen like air sometimes but then that
Doesn't make those things less important inside life they seem to have same important on every
Thought and every moment of life I just feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts which
Look so great to us look totally wrong inside life on every moment I just have one feeling from
Inside that those thoughts which are so important to life can't be seen easily on every moment
And on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which are like breath
With us look so different on every point I just feel one thing from inside life I feel air is something
Which is important for us on every thing inside life I feel that those thoughts which will create
Our reflections inside life after all those reflections which will show us truths of our life will look
So perfect to us on every moment inside life I feel reflections which look good for us towards
Inside life because on every thought inside life I have one thinking from our mind that those thoughts
Which are invisible to us are entering to our life with same importance of air on every point I just
Have one feeling from my mind that those thoughts which enter in our life are not that good for
Our thinking and for our mind I feel just one thing from inside those thoughts which look so good
To us are not going ahead as per our thinking and our mind but then I feel those thoughts which
Are so precious to us inside life but then those thoughts which will have some thoughts which
Are so important seem so invisible on every point of life when I will go ahead inside my mind
Due to those thoughts but I just never feel them on every point of life when I will move ahead
I just feel one thought from inside that those things which are so important to me are unknown
To me on every thought and on every point I just have one thinking from my mind that those
Thoughts which will have effect on me will just manage to change my life when I will move
Ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those invisible thoughts are radar of my thinking
And radar of my life which tell me when I should move from one point to another point inside life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Poem 558. For limited time

                                                       For limited time
When sometimes some people give flowers to us some times look so totally wrong in our life
Because those flowers which look so nice to our life seem so wrong on some moments of life
That we just want to hide them from inside I just have one thought from my mind that those
Flowers which look so perfect and nice look so on every point I just one thing from my mind
I feel those flowers are looking so wrong inside life when I will move ahead I just feel one thought
From my mind that those flowers should be hidden from that place on that moment and on that
Point I will never understand what I feel from inside I feel those flowers which look so nice to me
Are perfect on every moment and on every time I feel that those flowers that look so beautiful
Inside life look so perfect to us on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought
From my mind that when I love flowers still I just hate them on some occasions and on some
Moments of life I feel that those flowers which are so pretty in my eyes are not that much
Nice on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that sometimes
People give me flowers on saddest moment inside life I will have just one feeling from my mind
That those flowers which look so good to us on every point but then I feel those saddest thing
Which are gifted by those thoughts of life look like something so new to our life I feel one thing
From our thoughts and mind but then I feel those flowers which look nice on every point I just
Feel one thing from my mind that those things which are so precious to my mind look totally
Wrong on every moment and on every point on that saddest spot I feel those flowers in life
But then those flowers which look so good to me inside life on every moment and on every point
I just feel when sad moment comes those flowers began to harm me inside life when we move
Ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those flowers which are given to us on every moment
And on every time look so sad because they increase our sorrows of our life world will have
Some rules inside but then I feel something that even from my mind I just feel one thing from
Inside I feel those thoughts are stopping me from going ahead inside life I feel one thought from
My mind that I just don't want flowers at time when sorrows enter inside my life I want to keep
Those flowers far away from me on that time it seem so odd inside life after all those flowers
Are something for happy moments in life and I feel that those happiness which will feel my life
On every moment I just feel one thing from my mind those flowers which will look so perfect
And nice on every moment I feel flowers which are important to us inside life look totally wrong
On that moment and on that point those flowers which look nice for me inside life I feel one
Thought from inside that those flowers which look so good I feel from every moment in life
I feel those flowers will bring happiness inside life I just feel one thing from my mind but then
I have just one feeling from inside I feel that those flowers which look so good for our life but
Then I feel one thing from my mind that those flowers look totally wrong inside life on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thought from inside that may be I just don't want to
Mix happiness with sad points and then what to feel problems inside life but is it right way in life
That those flowers which will look so nice life will have totally wrong inside life but when I see
Those flowers on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that those flowers which look
So beautiful to me look wrong on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those flower
Which look so beautiful to me on every point I feel they posses just beauty inside life when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that flower will never help us on any moment
And on any point I just don't understand what I feel from my mind but I know one thing that
Those flowers will never look nice to me on any angle of my life I just feel one thought from my
Thinking and my mind that flower just show happiness they can never have power to show
Sadness inside mind but then why did I like to store that sadness inside my mind and in my life
That is one question I heard again and again inside my mind I don't know why but I just know one
Thought from my mind that those flower which look so perfect in happiness sometimes hurt me
On sadness inside life because I just wish to feel sad on those sad moments of life and I just
Never want that sadness to enter inside my future and to become part of my life so when
You go ahead just remember one thing from mind that when flower represents happiness then
We just stay away from them because we feel sadness must stored on some points I just feel
That it is okay at beginning but we need to understand one thing slowly inside life that happiness
Should entered and that is proper for our mind so we need to accept flower after some days
Of sorrows inside life because sorrows should never be cherished they just kept for limited time.

Poem 557. Not suffering alone

                                                           Not suffering alone
From every area and from every point we just feel one thing from inside that on all those moments
Inside our mind we feel we have forgotten that thing from every side but that is not truth from inside
We just feel one thing from our mind that all those things which look so perfect in life are something
Which are touching from every angle of my mind because those thoughts which are so precious in life
I feel just one thing from inside I feel those area of life on every point I feel just one thing from my mind
Those area which are so important on every point are not going ahead as per our need in life on every
Moment I just feel one thought from inside those darkness which include me inside life are not going
Ahead on any point I just feel those area which have darkness are hidden on many sides I just feel
One thing after all those shadows that began to capture some sides of life are attacking many things
Inside life I used to have just one wrong concept on every point that is I am struck on every moment
Inside my life but that is totally wrong because every one is stuck on some points and I just never
Accept it inside life on every moment I feel that I am standing on wrong concept of life when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thought from inside those area in which I study things are never good
And nice inside life when I will move ahead I just have one thought from inside that those things which
Happen to us are going on every side of life when I will move ahead I just have one feeling from inside
I feel that those area which have darkness are not helping us that much inside life I just never feel or
Understand what I feel from inside after all those area which own their shadows are not that much nice
Inside life when I will move ahead I have one thought from my mind that those concepts which are
Important inside life but then in those area which are just seem like some thing so interesting inside
Our future and our life because those darkness which are important to me on every point because
When those darkness which are harming me in life look like something which is so precious to us
On every point we just feel one thing from the life that those area which have darkness on every area
Of thoughts of mind because we feel that one thing that happen in our life will look so wrong on
Every point because on every moment I feel just one thing from inside that those things which create
Darkness inside life after all those darkness will totally wrong inside life but then I feel one thing
That those things which are totally important for our life after all those thoughts which will look
Totally wrong on every point because I feel that just one thing that we all have one thought from
Inside that those thoughts which are important inside life because we feel that darkness which will
Look hard because we will see that darkness which will look so wrong on every point because
When I will went ahead then I will have one feeling from my mind that those darkness which
Will we feel just for ourselves totally wrong on every point but then I feel one thing from inside
That those darkness will be totally wrong inside life because there are lot of confusions inside life
On every moment we just feel that we are trapped on every point of life when we went ahead
Then we just feel one thing from our mind that we are just suffering which will look so wrong
On every moment and on every time because those thoughts which are part of our life and
Tell us that we are thinking alone inside life so then I just feel one thought from inside we feel
One thing from our mind that those things which will look good inside life but then I feel just
One thought from inside that on every point when we feel that our suffering are just alone for us
On every point we feel one thought from inside that those thoughts which are precious to us
On every thought and from inside that we must understand we are not alone in suffering every
Person have share of suffering inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those things which
Are so nice inside life seem so let when we feel that we are suffering alone inside life when we
Feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts which are so important on every angle of life
Are telling us that every one was suffering from some angle of life and we are not different but
We are just same like other birds inside life I feel that those thoughts from inside that when
I stop thinking that way then only I can able to see light inside life because on every moment
And on every time I feel just one thing from my mind that happiness of life is depend how we
Take ahead every moment and every point I feel just one thing from my mind that those things
Which are so important to us on every moment and on every time look so good to us on every
Moment because then we will accept it happily inside life because those things which are so
Important to us inside life after all those thoughts which tell us that we are suffering are wrong
For our future and our life so on every moment we feel one thing from inside that we all have
Some bad area of suffering and some good area of happiness inside our future and our life on
Every moment and on every point of our life so we just need to look around world and accept
One thing in life that every one suffer just like us on some part of our future and some part of
Our life on every moment and on every point inside our future and our life on every point of life.      

Monday, November 26, 2012

Poem 556. Fight out of life

                                                       Fight out of life
When I start moving ahead I feel those choices which stood on different sides of life when
Some people like some thing other just hate it in life but I just never understand how can we
Just like so different things in life but that is what happen inside life that we began to suffer on
Every moment and on every point we feel that those different choices are so nice inside life
So then I feel just one thing from inside that choices which are so precious inside life but then
I feel that those choices are so different they are different like sky and ground inside life I feel just
One thing from my mind that those choices which are so different inside life look so unique
On every moment and on every time I feel that there are different choices inside life but I just
Feel one thing from inside that choices which are standing on totally different point of life but
Then I just feel one thing from inside that those choices which we made are so different like
Two different poles of life they stood on earth with two different angles and two different
Thoughts and points I just have one thinking from inside that maybe that is made by god because
God don't want fight but still sometimes people just began to run after one thing inside life and
That is always worst moment of life when that happen I just have one thought from my mind
That those poles which are created by god are not going ahead as per wishes inside life because
When I will move ahead I feel one thought from my mind that those choices which I will make
Are not going ahead as per wishes of my life because I just never want to see that fight and
Maybe even god does want to see that fight because god will never give us that much chance
Or that much time to decide how can we convince those people not to begin fight sometimes
I feel we are so busy in our life that we just never realized that we are going to create problems
On every moment by just remaining engaged inside life but if we want to move ahead on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my choice that those things which are so
Precious inside life are those things which I did to take myself ahead on every point I feel one
Thought from inside that when I will move ahead I feel just one thought from inside that those
Choices of our work which we make in life are capturing lot of time of our life when we move
Ahead we are doing some thing more constructive inside life on every moment we feel just one
Thing from our mind that those thoughts which are so important to us to keep us ahead on every
Moment and on every point I feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which are so important
To us on every point because on every point I feel that those work which will take us ahead on
Every moment and on every point I feel one thing from inside of my mind that those thoughts
Which are important are about our work and that is also truth of life because our work will take
Us ahead and make us capable of doing something for this world inside life when I will move
Ahead I just feel one thing from our mind but then I just feel one thing from inside that those
Thoughts which are touching me on every point are telling that I am useless until I will do
Something which will take me ahead on some point from my mind because those thoughts which
Are so important to us about stopping fights can be useful when we manage to get things as
Per our thoughts and as per our mind I feel those fights which are so bad for us we can't let it
Enter in life on any part of life because they are absorbing happiness from everyone's heart
So it is important to us on every part because we just feel one thing from our mind that when
We go ahead inside life we need to find then one thing that our work is important but it will
Also create problems on some times because when we work ahead on every moment and on
Every time I feel one thought from inside that those people who are starting those fights which
Are so important to them in life are for them just basic of our life because on every moment
And on every point I feel just one thing from life that for me my work is important but for them
Every thing is just about fight which they began on some points of life that fight and then they
Just turn it into their truth of life when I will move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind
That those things which are important to us inside life are never existed for them on any point
Inside life I just have one thought from my life that those things which are so important to us
Are not going ahead on every point inside life I feel those things which are basic of our life
Can turn in such wrong way on every point inside life I just feel one thought that may be I have
Ignored those fights but how worst is that life which will look so totally wrong on every point
Because people just concentrated on one thing that is fight inside life so on every point we just
Feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts which about work are so important to us on
Every moment and on every point inside our future and inside our life when we move ahead
On every spot of our future and our life since in this life we need one thing that is our work
So maybe we can ignore those fight because our work will provide us way out of our fights in life.

Poem 555. Crystal

I just one day saw that crystal have wonderful light inside life so then on every moment and
On every point it look totally wrong inside life those crystals look so good for my life because
Those crystals have that purity which will look nice inside life I feel that those seven colors
Will look totally wrong on every point when sun light is going out of crystal on every moment
And on every time I feel that those seven colors will look so nice inside life I feel that some
Crystals on every moment and on every point I feel that those seven colors which will look
So nice inside life on every moment these seven colors which look so beautiful inside life
I feel that in that crystal I have that niceness on every point I feel just one thought from inside
That when I was looking at that crystal I forgot to look around those birds and natures on every
Moment and on every point but I just keep looking at that crystal just because it have some
Price and other beautiful things of nature which are priceless suddenly seem no longer matter
Inside life because those things which are precious to me seem to have some price inside life
On every moment I just feel one thought from inside that those crystals which look so good
To us are not that much nice inside our life when we move ahead on every point I feel just
One thing from my mind that those natural things which are so pure and nice inside life but
Then I feel one thing from my mind that these nature which are so nice inside life but then
I feel that those nature look so nice inside life but then those nature which are so good inside life
But then I feel that those are costly things inside life I feel that those crystals which are so important
Inside life I feel that those nature which doesn't have any cost inside life after all those things in
Nature which is so lovely inside life nature have beauty which look so nice inside life but then
I feel just one thing from inside mind that nature which is so important inside life but then I feel
That nature which is looking so beautiful and nice after all nature will have that look which
Look so wrong on every point of life but then I feel that nature will harm us on every point
After all that nature will look so nice inside life I feel one thought from inside life but then
I feel one thing from my mind that nature have those concepts which have so many beautiful things
Inside life I feel one thing from my mind that nature look so wrong inside life but then I feel
One thing from my mind that those crystals which are so wrong inside life I feel that nature
Will look so priceless maybe I just manage to ignore it inside life I feel that because of those
Crystals which are perfect inside life look totally wrong on every point inside our mind I just
Feel one thing from my mind that those crystals which have those colors doesn't look that
Much nice inside life if I start looking at nature which have so many colors on every point
I just feel one thought from my mind that those crystals which are so special inside life and
Those crystals are not taking us ahead on any point of life I just feel that I love nature and
It's beauty on every time after all that nature will look so nice inside life after all that nature
Which is so nice on every angle of our life look totally wrong on every time I feel that nature
Have power but I just don't look at it inside life because it doesn't change me that much price
On every moment and on every point I just feel one thought from inside I feel those prices
Which I charge in life will tell me that I must value that things inside life when I will move
Ahead in life I just feel one thought from my mind that those values which I charged in life
Will tell me that which thing is important to me on every point when I will go ahead inside life
I feel just one thing from my mind that nature and crystals in life both have beauty but one
Have price so we just have thirst for that thing which have price inside our life and we just
Never understand that value of it's price until we began to charge inside life but then I feel
Just one thing from inside life that prices are something which look so wrong inside our life
They seem to look as if those price are so wrong in life when those prices are charged from
Every view and point I just feel one thing from my mind that prices are something inside life
Which will manage to confuse us on many times of life on every moment I feel that when
Two things have same beauty inside life value will manage to confuse us on every time in life
I just feel one thing from my mind that those beautiful things are based on just one thing from
Our thoughts and our mind so those things which are so important are based on price so
Sometimes those beautiful things we get without price get lost in fog and I feel that is really
Worst thing of life because we have to live our life without those precious things which are
Gifted to us by god and always precious to us from our thinking and from our mind on every time.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Poem 554. To say sorry

                                                          To say sorry
How difficult is to say sorry to some one when you know you are truthful and it is important
To our thinking and to our world when we decide to move ahead inside our world we just feel
One thing that why should we need to apologize when we are right to this world but that happen
On many times and again and again inside this world on every moment we just feel one thing
From our thinking and on every point of our world I just feel one thought from my world that
If I am truthful then why should I need to go ahead in wrong way inside this world I feel just
One thought from my world that when we say sorry it would be due to our mistakes inside
Our thinking and our world but then I just feel one thought from our world that sometimes
When other did some mistakes we are force to go ahead inside our world I just feel one thing
From my life that on every moment and on every point that I just want to apologize inside life
When I make mistake on every point I feel just one thing from inside of mind that those things
Which look so perfect to me why did need to apologize from my side because when I did mistake
It is easy to apologize but hardest truth life is that sometimes when even we have not done
Any kind of mistake we need to apologize inside life when we move in life we feel one thing
From our mind that sometimes if we don't say sorry it will create problem from every angle
Of our future and our life when we move ahead we just feel sorry on every point because
We don't feel it's our mistake but we feel that just sticking to our opinion will create lot of
Problem inside life when I will move ahead on every point I just have one thought from my
Thinking and from my mind that why should I need to say sorry to all those people inside life
When I know I am not making mistake inside life but life just doesn't move that way on every
Point I just feel one thing from my mind that those people who say sorry to world are not always
Wrong inside life sometimes we need to go back if we really want to come ahead inside life
Because life is made in such a way that from every point we just feel one thing that we can't
Let ourselves engage in wrong way inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that when
I will dare to say sorry then I have brave enough to solve crisis sometimes because saying
Sorry don't mean always there is some problem inside life on every moment we just feel one
Thought from inside that when we say sorry we just feel that we are standing on wrong front
Of our life we just never understand if we are wrong or right but after some limit it doesn't
Matter that much inside life I feel just one thought from inside that when I say I am sorry
Then sometimes I can just get some time to prove that I am right inside life when I will move
Ahead on every point I feel that my thoughts are confusing my thinking and my mind because
When I will move ahead I just have one thinking from my mind that those thoughts which
I have inside are not going to help me on any moment or on any point I just feel one need from
Inside of my mind that when I want to prove some thing I just feel I will always need some
Moments and some time which will help me on every angle and on every part of life but for
That I just need to say sorry even when it is not my mistake inside life because when we are
Not prepare it is wrong to start fight and sometimes even we don't need fight if we give people
Sometime because then people will slowly understand those truths inside life when I will move
Ahead I just have one thought from my mind that if possible we must avoid those fights if we give
People some days and some times many times those people will understand every thing which
We feel from inside because those people are taking us ahead on many occasions of life and
Those people are telling us that we are not that good on any point will need to face truth after
Some time inside life after all when we start running from one point to another point I just feel
One thing from my mind that those sorry which I have said really don't mean that I am sorry
In life but they just mean that I feel my problem will get solved after some time I have just one
Thought from inside that slowly if I start to come to my point on every point of life then by
That time people already manage to understand my thoughts and my every point so on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing from inside that in our life I need to say sorry
To just get some time which will help me to move ahead in life on every moment and on every
Point I just feel one thought from inside that my fights will not help me on every time of life
So I just feel one thing from my mind that maybe I need to say sorry and apologize so we must
Understand one thing from mind like me many people just say sorry because they want some time
So never take sorry as confess of guilt inside life just feel that person is trying to adjust with life
And trying to avoid each and every time of argument which started on that part of life so sometimes
Those people are lot better than us inside our life and understanding from their thoughts and mind.

Poem 553. Wrong thoughts

                                                             Wrong thoughts
Some times we just don't know why some person says something but then I feel just one
Thing in my thinking on every moment I feel just one thing I just heard those words and then
I just can't able to understand any thought or other thinking people are saying will matter more to me
And my thinking I just have one thought on every moment I have just one thing than I feel
One thing that those sentences look so important on every moment and on every thinking that
I just feel one thing from inside of my thoughts and from my thinking that what those people
Are telling to me no longer remain just small things suddenly I just feel that why those people
We just don't understand it's meaning on every moment I just have one thinking that on every
Thought as per our thinking we just feel one thing that those wrong things are not that much
Good for our thinking because on every thing I just feel one thing that those thoughts which
Are inside our life are not going ahead as per our thinking I just start to concentrate on that
Person and then start to convincing that I am not saying wrong thing sometimes even when
That person look totally wrong many times inside life but sometimes I just feel that those things
Which are important to us on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts
Which are wrong for us inside life but then I feel that sometimes people are taking things in
Totally wrong way inside life then on every moment I have one thought from inside I feel
One thing from my mind then I feel just one thing from my mind that those thoughts which
Are so important to us on every point look totally wrong on every moment and on every point
Then I feel one thing from every area and on every point those wrong thoughts which areSo confused inside life but then wrong thoughts are something which are so important in life
I feel one thing from our mind that people are totally wrong on every moment inside life but
Then I feel that those thoughts which are something so important inside life but then I feel just
One thing from our mind but then those wrong things are important inside life but then I feel
One moment from my heart and from my mind I feel just one thing from every angle of life
I feel that heart is totally right when it touch us on some point inside life I just have one thing
From my mind that I feel one thing from inside that those wrong thinking about us will then
Manage to hurt us on every moment and on every time but then I feel just one thing from mind
That those wrong thoughts are something so worst inside life but then I have just one thing
From inside that those wrong thoughts are some thing turning from every point inside life those
Thoughts which are totally important inside life because those wrong thoughts are precious
Inside life will have totally different meaning on every moment and on every point because
Those thoughts which are created by those people are totally wrong for our life when we see
Those thinking which is so important to us on every point will look so wrong when things
Turn wrong way inside life but then wrong things will look nice on every moment and on
Every time I feel just one thing from inside I feel that those wrong thoughts are something
Which are important to our life because those wrong thoughts are taking us ahead on those
Wrong points inside life so I just feel one thing from our life I feel that those nightmares are
Totally wrong on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those nightmares are
Something which are so horrible inside life I feel that those nightmares are some thing so ugly
Inside life but then I feel one thing from inside those nightmares are turning into worst thing

Those nightmares are not something which are important inside life I feel one thing in life
Those nightmares will turn worst inside life but then those nightmares are totally truth in life
After all those nightmares are something so important inside life I feel just one thing from mind
I feel that sometimes those nightmares will turn into truth of mind but then I feel those nightmares
Which are so wrong inside life where truth and other positive thoughts are wrong in life so
Then I feel just one thing from my mind that sometimes people are not thinking wrong things
About us but we are creating them by our mind so then I feel that maybe those people are not
Thinking in that way inside life it is my mind that created those worst thoughts inside my life.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Adventure story 60. forgotten

It was such a fine day.Rita was looking out of window.But when they turned into area where their house was located suddenly sun vanished behind buildings.Rita didn't like it and she was sure no one could like such a congested atmosphere. She turned around and looked at her girls face.Both were observing the surrounding.The word disappointment wrote on their face.Rita looked at herself.Her clothes were as outdated as their flat.After death of her husband she never managed to give her children enough to fulfilled their need.Now due to her job requirement they also had to quite their old house.Rita really didn't like that idea.That house got plenty of memories of her husband.Rita knew that it was hard for everyone to leave that house. Trupti Mom we are going to stay here?This place is so closed.It seem as if no air is coming inside."Priti"Didi is right.I even can't see playground here.Mom we can't stay here.Please Mom try to understand.I don't want to stay in this jail."Rita"Now listen to me girls.There is no option available to us.You just can't afford."Before Priti could say something and complaint. Trupti stopped her. Trupti Mom is right.We can't afford so no complaints."Priti just didn't like that idea.But since no one was supporting her.She had to nod her head.Then they finally reached to that flat.When they entered in that lift.That lift started with sudden jerk. Trupti Mom what is this?I hope that it is not going to break."There was not even lift man in that lift.Rita felt so scared to push it's buttons.But there was no option.She had to do it so she pushed that button.Then they finally reached in their flat.Rita was so shocked to see that building.It was so unclean.How did they suppose to stay there?But she knew that they had to stay there.She looked at children.They both looked very upset.When they reached to door,she didn't want to open it.She was so scared that it would be worst and she didn't want to face it.Finally Priti screamed"Mom will you open our house?I want to go inside."She nodded and open the door.
       Inside of the house was not better than outside.All colour was spoiled and there were lot of marks on walls.But best thing was that it was clean.Last owner must had clean it before going.She thanked her stars about it.Then she suddenly remembered that owner didn't do it.It was that middle man who forced her in this worst deal.When she agreed to it,she never guessed the crisis. But at least he had done the job of cleaning.Then they went in room.There was just one small bedroom and hall.Kitchen was also small. Priti Mom this house is small."Trupti"Mom she is right.Now we will adjust in it.But please search for little bit more comfortable house.Can you please?"Rita nodded.But her heart she knew that she never able to find anything better in her small budget.Once again she began to think about her husband.He was so luxurious regarding house.He was very generous about money also.But then she got confused.She didn't remember where his money was gone.This was happening to her now a days.She suddenly forgot issues.She didn't know if she was sick.But anyway she didn't got enough money to consult Doctor now.First she had to settle then later she might go to Doctor.She started looking around.She still had that costly furniture.But how did it fit in this place.Then she heard sound from outside.Their furniture had came inside.It was very old and little bit dusty also.Then she suddenly remembered.She didn't have her old furniture.They had to sell it. Her husband's death was effecting them so much that Rita couldn't help it so she finally asked"Do you miss your Dad?"After her question Trupti looked at her with shock and Priti started crying. Trupti looked at her with anger."Mom why did you have to mention him?Don't you know how Priti feel about him?"There was so much accusation in her eyes that she could clearly feel that she was hurt inside her heart.Rita suddenly felt so sad.They must be missing their father and instead of understanding it.Rita asked them that question.Then she suddenly remembered that Priti was never that much fond of her father and even Trupti was not that much near him.It all happened after he started that business.He always stayed out of house and then he started drinking.Then she heard that men who were carrying furniture started screaming on her.They were asking her where did they suppose to keep the furniture.She once again got busy with her job.But that moment she felt that she suddenly forgetting many things.Then they arranged all furniture.At first both the girl were not so happy but slowly they got adjusted.Rita saw that how easily girls got adjusted.
           That whole day when in getting settle when furniture was kept at proper place.They got little bit relaxed after that they started decorated their house.They used their new curtains.When they were approximately finished,they heard a sound of knocking on door.Then they saw a woman coming inside with small kid in tow.That woman"Hello,I am Seema your neighbour and this is my son lucky."Then Rita introduced her to everyone.Then Seema started looking around.Seema"Where is your husband?You can't set whole house alone with girls."Rita"Actually my husband is no more."Seema started looking at them with full sympathy.Seema"I am so sorry.I never thought....what happened to him?"Rita was shocked by that woman's straight forwardness.But on other side she knew any way.She had to answer her.She was about to answer.But she suddenly found that she could remember.Now this was worst.She couldn't remember her husband's death.She must be sick or something.Seema was looking at her with expectation of answer.But before she could say something Trupti came to her escape.Trupti"Dad died due to heart attack."When she gave that answer,Rita looked at her.Trupti gave her an encouraging smile and Priti was holding her hand.Trupti started gesturing Rita to continue.But Rita didn't remember anything and accepting this before everyone seemed like stupid move.Rita started telling one story from her imagination and Trupti started nodding.She saw even Priti was also nodding.Rita was shocked to see that she was telling truth without remembering it.Seema heard everything with emotions.When Rita described how much loving and caring her husband was.Seema patted on her shoulder. Seema Now you have to forget it and go ahead with your life.Look at those girls.They need you."Rita turned around and looked at their faces.They were looking at her with admiration and happiness.She just didn't understand their expression.There should sorrow on their face for loss of their loving father.Rita was more confused now.Why didn't she remember anything clearly?She just carried on chatting about her imagination and her dreams.In which her husband was so perfect and kind.She was sure that at some point her daughters would point out her truth.But they didn't say anything .After some times Rita noticed that Seema's eyes were full of pity now.Seema"I just don't know why such good men die so young?"Then they both shocked when they heard strange sound of laugh from Trupti.They looked at her.Rita thought that she must be getting hysterical.She looked at Seema who was also looking concern.Then Trupti controlled herself but by then Priti was so scared.Seema"Priti why don't you go out and play with Lucky?You will have great fun."Priti just wanted to run from there so she happily went out with Lucky.Seema and Rita both started consoling Trupti now who appeared to be once again in control.Rita thanked god when Trupti appeared in control.She decided that she would not discuss about her husband again.Then Seema started helping them to set house.The whole house was settled with very hard efforts.But Seema helped them throughout.When Seema's husband came home,he also helped even without considering his tiredness.Finally their house was settled.
        At night when Rita was helping girl in making their bed,suddenly Priti asked"Mom why did you lied about the Dad?"Rita was expecting this question for many hours.After all if you didn't know remember anything then you couldn't able to tell right.Before Rita could say anything,Trupti screamed on Priti"Are you mad?Mom can't tell truth about Dad.If she told everything no one would talk to us or you will never find a friend."Then Trupti looked at Rita with eyes that were full of tears.Trupti"Mom you are great but how did you find that wonderful stories.You must have work on them for hours and you sound so convinced that for some seconds I began to think that you are telling the truth."Now Rita was so nervous.She didn't remember anything and she could confess it before her daughter.After all she was a little girl and she couldn't find a person whom she could trust.Rita just kept looking at Trupti.When she didn't response Trupti went back to her work.Rita was so shocked.Something was totally wrong with her and she needed help.She just couldn't find a person who would help her.Each person had his or her problems and they couldn't come to help her.After hearing her daughter she began to think about her past.When she went to sleep,her all memories were started coming back.She remembered that at beginning her life was so pleasant.They were not rich still they were happy with their life.But her husband always wanted more.He needed money and all luxuries. At beginning he worked hard and at came late at home.Then slowly he started bring costly things.Girls were happy at beginning.But Rita didn't like it.She tried to questioned him.Then he told her about his new hotel.He even told her to visit there.She went there with girls.It was nice hotel.He told her that he took a loan for it and he was going to pay.Then slowly his attitude was changed.He started coming late at night in drunk condition.At first he told her that his client forced him.Then slowly he started staying away from home for whole nights.His talking became mean and insulting.Girls began to dislike him.She tried to stop him.But nothing worked.He was started cursing and screaming on her every moment.She just couldn't change him.Then she understood Trupti's meaning so that was what she meant by lying.But how did her husband died.She just didn't remember.She knew that it was not right.But she could tell anyone about it.
       As days went ahead slowly everything got settled.She was doing her job and girls also got adjusted with their life.Every thing was fine.Until one day a phone came from jail.Rita"Hello?"Then that person told her name.When she nodded,that person told her that he was jailer and her husband wanted to talk to her.Rita"My husband is dead.""So you don't want to meet him?"Then that jailer put down the phone.Rita was most confused now.Her husband was dead.She was so sure about it few minutes ago.She was confused now.She just had to find some help now so she called her sister.Rita"My husband is dead,right?""Yes,right.""So why did that jailer calling?""Who was calling?Don't worry I am coming there."Rita was sitting whole time in efforts to remember.But she couldn't remember anything.Then finally her sister came.Rita literally ran into her arms.Her sister"Don't worry.I will talk to lawyer and we will file the divorce that man will never tease you.You just don't worry."Then her sister started taking her in arms.But Rita stopped her.Rita"He is not dead.He is alive."She could hear it clearly that her voice was hysteric.But still she could stop it.Her sister looked at her with shock.Her sister"You don't remember anything."Rita nodded her head negatively."Ohh my god!!How can you forget he did a biggest fraud and many people committed suicide because of him."Rita started crying because she still couldn't remember.Her sister started patting her"Don't worry.I think you need a Doctor."Then her sister went to Seema and told her that Rita needed to go to Doctor and requested her to take care of girls when they came from school.Then they went to Psychiatrist. When they entered her sister told her problem.Rita was quiet.But when psychiatrist insisted,she started talking.But all she could tell was that she didn't remember a thing.Then Psychiatrist asked her sister to tell everything.Her sister"Her husband was worst person.At beginning he was fine.But then he started running after money.All worst started.He was abusive and insulting.He treated his family in bad way.He got so much money by cheating people which was unknown to Rita because he had shown her some hotel as a source of earning and she believed it."Her sister gave her a sad smile.Then she continued"Then one day all his frauds came out in light so he ran away leaving his family behind.All victims started coming to Rita,slowly it all turned in to worst.These people were so desperate that they even started to turn abusive towards Rita and girls.They even tried to hurt them."There was tears in her sister's eyes.They threw stones on her house.They were standing outside their house.Then finally police came Rita was also harassed in that process also. After all they felt that Rita was helping her.Her husband even used her signature on some paper so they even suspected her.Then finally after some days her husband was caught and she was cleared.""When did she start forgetting?""When she saw her husband in jail and she was realized at that moment.He was blaming her for being demanding to him.She never demanded a thing."Psychiatrist wrote everything on paper. Psychiatrist She is suffering from retrograde amnesia.It means inability to remember information from the past.It happened to people who suffered from stress.Don't worry.She will be fine."Then they went home.When Seema asked Rita's sister about Rita.She told her that she had nervous break down due to husband's death.Seema showed full sympathy.But Rita knew that her worst treatment was going to start.She had to remember that past which she so much loved to forget.After all you just can't forget things,can you?
                                                                      The End

Friday, November 23, 2012

Poem 552. Support

How full of different people is this world is our life I just feel one thing from my mind that people
Look so different on every point seem to have lot of things which are so new and nice to learn
In life in this world every moment people explain to you many new things on many points and
I just feel one thing from my mind that those people who have different type of nature will always
Manage to confuse us in life on every moment I just feel that those new things which I get in life
Will not impress me as much as I like after all people who tell us many things in life are not going
Ahead as per our thinking and as per our mind I just keep one thought from my mind that those
People seem to have totally new things which will impress us in life on every moment we just
Feel one thought from our mind we feel that we need support on every day of our life when we
Move ahead we just feel one thought from inside that those feeling which these people will have
Look different inside life because those people have new things which will going to touch us on
Every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which
Enter inside our life are unique when we get them from others because we have never seen them
In life so when at first we see new things first thing we feel is excitement in life then comes
Second thought that how much in this world things move as per our wish inside life because
I just want to make nice friendship with every person whom I see in life but sometimes some
People are so different that we just can't make friendship with them because it is like falling in
Mud on every time I just have one thought from inside that those things which enter in our future
Are not always nice some people are telling us truth and some people are lying but since in life
Who are standing with us are not telling truth on every time and some times we can see it butSometimes we just ignore it inside life when I will move ahead I just have one thought from inside
I feel that those people are not as perfect as guessed but some are really perfect for our mind
When I will move ahead I just want one thought from inside that those people who look perfect
To me will enter inside my life but when unknown nature of people enter I just can't able to
Guess right that which one is truthful and which one is lying to me on every point I just have
One thought from my mind that those people who look so different are so nice for our life but
Some times those people began to tell us many things about their life and when first one seems
So truthful then I just began to keep faith on second one inside life when I will move ahead then
I just have one feeling from mind that those faith which I have in life is not that much worthy
Of any thing in life because just in few moment when I see second people and keep faith on
That person inside life and every thing turns in wrong way my faith vanish on that time so
Those words which look so good inside life will look totally wrong when we touch them on
Every moment and we feel that we are standing on wrong point of life I just feel one thing from
Inside of my life that I just can't touch those people who are so different to me in life so some times
I just want to keep faith on them and sometimes I just can't trust them in life how confused we
Get about other culture inside life but then sometimes I feel that it is okay to have some thought
From our mind when we see some different things in life but problem will began when we
Began to get even confuse about our culture inside life problem will began when we just don't
Understand our culture on every time we feel one thought from our mind that our life is not
Going ahead according to our culture and our thinking of life since life is something that is
Not that perfect and nice on every point I feel one thing from my mind that those culture which
Will manage to have some concepts in life because on every moment those culture which belong
To us we feel must be understood by us since we are child but even that doesn't seem to happen
When people began to show new faces of those cultures inside life on every moment and on
Every time I just feel one thing from inside those culture which are important to us will manage
To harm us on many points it seem that those cultures which are good for us began to become
Mystery inside life because sometimes culture seem perfect on one place but totally wrong on
Other place inside life I just feel one thing that my culture will not help me on any moment and
On any point because each culture have different aspect just always remember we must support
Right type aspect inside life because changing culture never help us since every thing have some
Wrong part on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that I need
To support just right thought and ignore bad things inside life that will perfect culture for our life.

Poem 551. Darkest night

                                                             Darkest night
After every night there is always have one darkness on every point I just feel one thing from my
Mind but then those darkness will look totally wrong inside life but then those darkness will look
Totally wrong to us on every point but still we have to understand inside life that those darkness
Which look so good for our life after all those darkness which are so wrong to us on every
Moment and every point because we just never like those darkness which capture our thoughts
As well as our mind on every moment I feel just one thought from inside I feel one thing from
My mind that those darkness which will began to hurt us on every moment and on every point
But then I feel just one thing from my mind that even after that darkness we need to understand
One thing from every point that on every point I feel just one thought from inside that those
Things which are so important inside life will began only after that darkness of night because when
We see that day then only we see those nights on every moment we must need to understand
In our mind that after those nights only day light enter inside life when we move ahead inside
Our future and our life we just feel one thing from our mind that those things which will take us
Ahead on every point are coming only after sunset of life we just can't expect to see those perfect
Sky and lights that on every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that those darkness
Which are so important to us on every point look totally wrong to us on every time I just feel
One thought from my mind that darkness is one thing that will never win inside life they will
Take us on every moment and on every point to win over that darkness inside life when we will
Move ahead we just feel one thought from inside that those darkness which comes us look so
Wrong on every point I feel that darkness is something totally scary on every point I feel one
Thing from our thinking and our life I feel that those dark colours are so wrong inside life but
Then those nights are so scary to us on every moment and on every point but then I feel one thing
Because on every moment I feel one sort of thinking I feel that darkness will look totally so nice
And Important to our thinking but then I feel that those darkness will have one thing then on every
Moment I have one thought on every angle of thinking after all those darkness will look totally
Wrong on every moment those darkness are something so important to human being but then
I feel just one thing that those sunrise will be good for every human being those sunrise are so
Nice for our thinking I just feel one thing that sky look so perfect for every human being because
From many lights we feel one thing that those lights which are so nice for our thoughts and for
Our thinking because on every moment and on every thinking I feel just one thing that in that
Morning there will so nice for human being I feel one thing that sunlight will look totally right
Because those light are so nice for each and every human being but then I feel one thing that
Those lights are something that in sky it will look nice on every moment inside our thinking but
Then I feel just one thing but those lights are so beautiful sort of things in morning we see nice
Type of things those morning look so perfect inside life because those colors look so perfect to
Human being that those light which will look so nice to us and human being but then in those
Morning I just see those lights are something so nice are interesting thing I feel that those lights
Of morning which look so perfect on every day's morning but then I feel in sky I see nice
Colors look so beautiful sort of light inside life on every moment inside our sky I feel one thing
That dawn are always welcomed by all human being but I just feel one thing that we must need
To sleep peacefully inside darkness night on every moment and on every thinking because on
Every moment I just feel one thing that from one point we feel one thing on every moment
And every thing but then I feel that darkness will manage to harm us on every point and thinking
But then I feel that those darkness slowly captured inside life and totally wrong for human being
Then I feel just one thought for human being because those darkness will began to capture on
Every moment and on every thing but then those darkness will totally wrong for human being
But that is only beginning for our dawn on every moment and on every thinking as human being
Because there will be never dawn until darkness manage to capture our world and thinking
But then I feel just one thing that I must not let those darkness reduce my hopes or dream
Because that darkness is not end it is nothing but just beginning for each and every human being.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Poem 550. Moral and sense

                                                           Moral and sense
When some times you read some thing that doesn't make any sense still sometimes you feel
As if that thing is guiding you in some sense sometimes when things doesn't written the way
We want them it seem to us that they just don't make sense on every moment I just feel one
Thing in every way that those things in life never make to my mind any kind of sense because
They are not written in those words which I normally use on each day they are written with
Totally different thoughts and different way when in life I want to explain it to others in their
Way it seem to me that actually those words don't make in our mind any kind of sense on each
Time and on each way I just have one thought on every moment that those words which in life
Sense will look so perfect on every point and on every thought and on every sense because on
Every moment I just feel one thought on every moment that those sense will look so good on every
Thought and in every sense but they are making me upset in every way I just never understandHow to make in my life any sense but still those words help me when situation is senseless so
I feel one thing  that word never made for me any understanding if I just never learn toShow patience on every day and on every way I feel one thing on every way that those things
Which are unknown to me are telling me some thing they are guide my thoughts and my thinking
Because they are taking me ahead on every moment inside my thought and as per my thinking
But then those sense which look so wrong in each and every thing because when we move ahead
With our thinking I just feel one thing that those books which have nice sort of thing look so
Perfect for every thing I just feel one thought and on every thinking I feel that sense things
Because those  books are so different sort of concepts inside that lines on every moment
I feel one thing that those morals are having sense inside those thing some times words which
Are so important in our thinking because when I feel that those sort of things I feel that in
Those words there was not sense which are important to us every thing but then I feel one
Word then I feel just one thing that those sense which are inside those words which are nice
For inside life for human being but then I feel that our thinking are totally wrong on every
Moment and on every thing when I tried to understand things sometimes I feel words are always
Making sense but sometimes we want to grasp them and some times we just want to ignore them
In our thoughts and thinking on every moment I just feel one thing but then I feel sometimes
People just don't want to understand things because sometimes they just feel that they don't
Want to make efforts inside life in their thinking we just feel one thought from our thinking
But when we move ahead in life as human being we just feel one thing that those sentences
Have some sort of meaning because on every moment and on every thinking we just feel
One thing that in life we want some thing perfect in our mind as human being we feel just
One thought from thinking that even when those words have many meaning they become
Meaningless to some person inside life on every thing I feel just one thought from my thinking
I feel one thought from every angle and every form of thinking but then I feel one thing then
I have one thing but every lines are totally wrong in every sense for human being but then
I feel just one thing then I feel that sense will look better then inside lines it will look good for
Human being I just feel one thing totally wrong in every thing those senses are something in
Our thought and our things those words are something which are important to our thinking
Because on every moment I just feel one thing I have one thought regarding every thing but
Then I feel just one thing on every sense  it will have different sort of meaning because on
Every point I just feel one thing sense that things are not going to look so perfect for every
Human being because some will understand meaning because on every moment and then
I just feel one thing that those things will so perfect for human being but when those things
Come in life of each and every thing because those words are looking totally wrong for us
Inside our thinking but then I feel just one thing because on every moment I feel just one thing
That morals are something which are so important to human being because on every moment
And on my thinking I just feel one thing those morals are totally wrong for human being
Because those things which are totally wrong to us on every moment and every thing but
Then I feel that those sense are totally wrong for every person and for that person's thinking
So I just feel one thing those words are totally wrong for those people because those people
Never feel that those words are never right for each and every thing so I sense one thing that
Some words are totally wrong for some people and for some human being because they don't
Want to understand those words because they are just don't want to understand those things.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...