Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Poem 2172. Written destiny

                                                            Written destiny
What is written destiny happens on every time how much people may blame something but destiny is just
Something which will rule our life when destiny will form effect on our mind we need to understand destiny
As effect on our mind since destiny will show many parts which will show world new effect on life but then
We just feel need of destiny still we just want to rule it on many time we will show new destiny new effect
On our mind it seem as if destiny will show new light to our mind when destiny will show wonderful effect
On our future and life since destiny will have so many parts which will have effect on future at each point
Since destiny seem to show world in different way that what we desire from inside we want to change that
Destiny and we want to fight with our mind when destiny will show different colours on every point some are
So hated by us at each moment of life when destiny will show power which we want in life we just jump with
Joy from our mind destiny is that power which will always decide which way it want to move and which way
Is good and perfect for our mind if we start to understand our destiny then it will show us many lights but
Sadly they are not those which are according to our choice but can our act change our destiny that is one
Question which we always have in mind but we never understand that this question is not that important
Since act can bring in our world pleasant sort of smile that smile will help us to move ahead as per our choice
Not in way of life but way of moods in life when we will start to move ahead with our moods which are
Just having effect on mind since moods are having so many effect on mind are depend on how we will
Act in our life since moods are showing different feel will have impact on our life destiny will show new
Feel from inside those feel which destiny can give us is just one fact which we can decide since in life we can
Move ahead as per our thoughts and choice when we will start to move towards hope one thought will just
Always enter in mind that destiny is ruling our world but we can rule our emotions on every point since
Those emotions and mind will show true fresh feel from inside we need to understand emotions are showing
Our world but they are not moving ahead as per our choice at every emotion we will see something different
If we decide we can’t rule our destiny but we can rule our emotions on every point but controlling them
Seem like hard task since we are more interested in controlling destiny and life we want to understand those
Emotions as basic on every point since emotions are having different field which are showing different sort
Of colours in life when life will move ahead we just have one understanding that we want to have good
Emotions and for them we need to control destiny on every point but that hope is so wrong since no one
Can control destiny but we have to work on emotions on every point we have to understand those emotions
As basic of life we feel just one thing that emotions are good one and give nice feel in life when we will
Start understand destiny which will show effect on life we need to understand life in many ways which
Are creating impact on life but if we want happiness and good emotions we have to do with our heart
One sort of fight which will show this world in such a way that we will learn to like destiny and turn those
Emotions on many points in that which will suit in life since those emotions will have effect on our mind
We just feel one thought from thinking and mind when we will start to move ahead we have to understand
That we can’t change our destiny but we can change our life we want to change emotions on every moment
Since those emotions are ruling our life our world on each point will look so interesting for our mind since
Those emotions are something which can able to change our life even with destiny which we want to change
But can’t able to change on any point destiny will show world in different way and in different style we just
Have to understand destiny will have effect on our mind but we can still have power to change our emotions
In good way in life so those sort of emotions are showing world in good way for our mind when we will
Start to move ahead with positive emotions which are showing positive feel from inside of mind since
At every moment we need to understand destiny will show new feel which will give effect on mind we just
Need to understand with emotions we can move it as per our decision in life I know it is hard but we have to
Move ahead in good way in life when we will start to move ahead we have to decide which way will look
Just good and nice destiny will show this world which will have so much understanding on every point
We just need to understand destiny as basic of our life we want to move ahead after accepting it since
Then only we can move ahead in life without accepting it we are going nowhere since we just can’t change
Our destiny in life but we can change our emotions are turn them as per our choice those emotions are
Just creating so much effect that we feel emotions are basic need of life but we just never understand that
Controlling then and turning them in to positive way is true need from inside we can’t rule our destiny
But still we can rule our mind since mind is something which is our own and destiny is something which
Is already returned so how much we may wish to change it but it is not possible for us on any point so just
Accept it and spend your every moment in just changing your emotions from time to time to get happiness in life.

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