Friday, June 12, 2015

Poem 2154. Great new world

                                                           Great new world
When world will show different scene it will have effect on mind but we can win entire world if we decide
But it’s up to us how we can take ahead our life on every moment we just need to understand those thoughts
Which are showing new understanding that are creating those images which are creating those feel which
Are having understanding on every step of life since images are showing so much better look when we
Just create them with one thought that we need to understand every point when world will show new
Start we just need to move with our mind those thinking will show this world those start which will have
So much power inside when scene will have show this world with one understanding with each point when
World start to show different effect on our mind when world will show new sort of reaction on every point
When those sort of understanding and effect which will show this world those sort of impact on mind
When world will show many things on every point those systems which world will show have started to show
Understanding world are showing those effective  things in life when world will having new start at every
Moment and point not because it is new but that sort of understanding those will create effect on life
When those world are same way we can adjust with them on many points but we just sense that what
We thought from mind that one thinking will show this thought from inside of mind when those concepts
Which are creating effect on our mind when mind will show this world in new feel so those things are
Just managed by others but we are not accepting it in life on many occasions some things are same on
Every point of our mind but we are new to those concepts will have so much effect which are forming
Effect on mind when world have their different systems in life when world will show their old ways on just
Some occasions world will start to show new ways in life so those thinking which are having so much effect
On our world and our mind just because we never used it on any point when world will start to create
New start we just desire from inside so those sort of things which are showing those effect on life then
World will have so much impact on mind when that part of world which is different become truth then
It will create impact in life so those sort of understanding and meaning will create so much impact on mind
After all those sort of feel which are having so much understanding that will form effect on our life that
Those meaning which are creating for our world those sort of thoughts which are having so much effect
Are just our fear to adjust with new things in life sometimes things are just old one and we need to just
Understand those sort of effect on mind which will create impact on world at every point by showing this
World in new ways and with new understanding of our mind when we move ahead on every step we just
Need to understand our thoughts are showing new form of impact on our mind we are no longer interested
In our world we are creating so much feel from inside those things which are common for our world will
Create so much effect on mind when we start to move ahead we just have one feel from inside those
Thoughts which are showing this world new start are showing new understanding to our mind when we
Will began to show new meaning we need to understand those impact on mind are not due to new start
But just due to our thinking that we can’t change ourselves in life we have to understand those thoughts
Which are showing that sort of feel that things are new in life we just want to understand they are no longer
New but they are old one which are used by people for long time but when we start to use them since
We don’t know then they all seem like new feel from inside those sort of understanding which are creating
New feel from our mind we need to understand that every section of life will seem as if some thought
Will enter in our world after some time we just need to adjust new thoughts that are creating those new
Thinking will have so much effect in life when we start to move ahead we need to understand those thoughts
Of our mind we have tell our heart just one thing from inside that world is not sometimes new that one is
That world which will show new effect on mind when world will show new form that will mean we are
Entering in new world but that doesn’t mean it is totally new in life that world is part of our old world
On every point we can see others living in that world that means it is always worthy to life to understand
On every point since other can live in that world we can able to do that things which are giving this world
Those effect on mind when world will show that old world is alive on every point when life will show this
World on each point in such way I just feel one thing from inside I need to understand I have to change
My ways how much may I hate to change since it is need of time we have to move ahead with just one
Thinking that we need positive side but our ways in life never permit us to do that in life since positive
Is not easy to create in life but we can make it perfect and live we can move ahead with just one thought
That we can live positive life with one thinking from inside we need to create it in pleasant way in our life
And we can enjoy that new world when we will move towards that world with one thinking we need just
One point side that will open for us new start which we will form desire from inside new world is so great to life.

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