Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Poem 2160. Fresh start

                                                              Fresh start
Fresh future is need on every point of life fresh meaning will have so much understanding and on just
At every point fresh feel will enter in our life we need to understand one thought from inside that on every
Point we feel fresh thinking of mind when we start to move ahead then sort of understanding which will
Show our world with new start on every point fresh sort of understanding which will have impact on our
Thinking and mind when we start to move ahead we just managed to realise those future which will have effect
On life when we start to understand fresh start we just manage to have confuse our mind when we start
To move ahead with fresh feel from inside so those sort of feel which will show this world in nice way
In our life we need to understand those concepts of fresh start that we are beginning again and that is need
Of time we have to do that on many moment may it be in education or career or personal life every time
Our heart beat get missed but we have to do it since it is rule of our life when fresh feel will began we
Just have to start our world in new way in our life when we will began to show new start for us on every
Moment we just desire one thing that future will show this world those sort of start on every point which
Unknown to us in life we want to return to old platform but life is that video game in which we can’t able to
Move back on any time life will just set new challenges for you on every time and you just have to move
Ahead with those challenges and have to understand you just can’t escape them on any point when new
Start will began some will welcome it but some feel scared from inside but both feelings are okay since
Both feelings are just same when we move ahead with that challenge in life but we need to understand just
One fact on every moment at every point fresh thing will show many challenges on every point when in life
We have to understand our mind just with one thought from inside mind have that horizon which want
To keep past alive but at same time it have one chance to understand every step of mind another fact
Of mind it will show new concepts which are created by one thinking that we need new start of mind that
Part which we desire in new start of life those moments which will have many things will have impact on
Our thinking and mind with just one thinking that we need fresh and new things and they are also as good as
Our past for life when life will show new world we have to understand that it will not move as per our
Thoughts and choice since fresh feel is that need which we desire to move ahead in life when life will start
To move ahead with one thinking which will show this world in new style we have just one desire from
Our mind that happiness of past and even future can give it in life then those sort of understanding will
Show our world in new style which will show us new start which will have same happiness as past in life
Since past will began to create future new start to our mind when life will show those power which can
Be spread from past to even future and present in life only when we will decide to stretch in life when
We start to move ahead on every point those sort of beginning will show those words are creating impact
On our thinking and mind since fresh start is need on every point we have to understand just one thing
From inside of our mind we have to understand many part of mind when world will have so much meaning
From thoughts in life when those fresh thinking will began to show many concepts in life since those thoughts
Which are from past can move even in future with just different style when life will show new beginning
We have to understand just one thought of mind that understanding which are forming effect on mind
It just show new start in life those parts of life which are showing many sort of understanding in thinking
Of mind those thoughts which will show in new way our life fresh feel will began to move ahead in life
Fresh will began to move ahead in life when those fresh start will take us ahead in life which  we do it with
Fresh thoughts from life then those fresh feel will show this world that start on every point those 
Sort of fresh feel will show new start which will have effect on life then fresh new beginning will show
Our life that start which we need to move ahead in life when we start to include fresh start we must remember
We are doing injustice to our past or forgetting it in life since we just have to move ahead on just every point
When we start to find justice that will have impact on life those thoughts are showing that feel which will
Create effect on life mind will show many concepts in life we need to understand those sort of thinking
Of mind which will show different good and bad concepts in life then those thoughts will show new effect
On mind when we start to move ahead in life fresh start is needed on every point it will have even some
Reflections of past in life but we need to remember it’s positive side when we will start to just gather positive
Feeling in life then that positive thoughts will show wonderful feel in mind fresh feel will have so much
Understanding that will have effect on our mind then those thoughts which are having positive feel in life
Fresh start will show this world that start which are having positive effect on mind then those fresh feel
Which we desire in life then we start to move ahead towards that point where we need to understand
That fresh feel of life which will begin with positive thought and which will give happiness to our life at each point.

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