Saturday, June 13, 2015

Adventure story 193. Dog bite

                                                              Dog bite
Pranit was so exhausted by this work. He had decided to take his family for picnic. It was so long since he went to picnic for long time. Whole time he was just busy in his business. He just never got any time for his family. He just wanted to settle in his business. After all he got so many responsibilities. He had his younger sister who still needed to get married. After her marriage his parents fixed his marriage. He just started once again getting involved on every step of life. He had to do his duty on every point. His responsibilities were increasing on every step of life. He just kept himself busy with business. He just never planned any time for family. He just got used to keeping all those domestic responsibilities to his wife. His wife used to remind him of every thing and then he used to nod on it. When he was told, he used to bring gift. He hardly ever cared for whom he was bringing it or why did that one like it. He just bought it and gave that person. Then he went ahead with routine. This was first time he was planning a perfect picnic for family. He hardly knew their choices but beach seemed like best so he chose one beach. He saw that every one was excited. Even his parents were looking happy. They both hardly to came out. It was exhausting but still they also wanted some change. Beach seemed like perfect place for all. Pranit took map with him. He decided that he would drive car by himself. His wife kept opposing that idea but he just didn't hear her. He just wanted to do it all. His wife Smita believed that he couldn't drive such long way. He wanted to prove to all that she was wrong . He could do it. After all he was good driver. He started driving smoothly. Every thing was working out perfectly when suddenly he noticed clouds in sky. He was so shocked. he never thought that he had to drive in rain. He just never hoped that trouble. But when he started driving. He just sensed one thing. He couldn't. Pranit "I just can't see ahead." Smita" That's why I was suggesting Taxi or telling to hire a car." "Ohh..So you guessed rain. Then why are you sitting here with me. Go to weather forecast department. It will really help them. They will do it with you help and it will be good as well as perfect." " Now stop this. I was just telling. You are exhausting yourself even on vacation." In back seat their children were arguing about some thing . That argument seemed to turning in war. Pranit screamed "Will you stop it kids? Your Mom is discussing some important thing with me." His daughter Tina "You are not discussing. You are fighting." Smita" Shut up Tina. You can't talk with your father like that." "Sorry Mom. I hardly know how to talk with him since he hardly talk with us." Pranit was so shocked by Tina's style of talking. He just sensed one thing. He had to give some attention to her. Before he could say something. He suddenly sensed that some thing had came before his car. He wanted to turn his car but it was too late.He just hit that thing.
         Pranit was so scared. Even Smita screamed loudly. Tina "Dad what did you hit?" Pranit "Now relax. Let me check." Inside his heart he could sense that his heart was beating fast. He had killed some thing. It was horrible feeling. He just couldn't imagine killing some one. But he had to come out of car and had check it. It was just horrible day and it was turning into worst thing. He just didn't understand that why did he planned this vacation. Then Smita put her hand on his shoulder. Smita "Let us go out of car and check." He nodded and opened door of car. But he just could dare to put his feet out of car. He was so scared. He was sure that he had killed something due to negligence. He just couldn't dare to look under that car. But he had to do it. Then he sensed that Smita also opened car door. Slowly he sensed that every one was coming out. He looked at his tire. There was blood on them. He saw that there was blood before his car. It sensed that some thing was there in blood. He thanked when he saw it was not human. But then he saw that it was something alive. He saw a dog. That dog was looking at him with painful expression. Dog was suffering. He would see every pain in his innocent eyes. His eyes were so innocent which were seemed as if asking him just one question. Why did he killed him? It was so hard and horrible for him. He wanted to touch that dog and pat that dog on head. He wanted to pat on his head but suddenly that dog jumped on him. That dog managed to get all strength and bit him on his hand. Then suddenly Smita hit him with purse. On that moment all struggle in that dog came to end and dog died. Smita "My god that was mad dog." Pranit " No. That dog was mad because I have killed him." Then he felt strange feeling inside his stomach. He just understood that he had to vomit. He ran into bushes. He started vomitting in them. He felt little bit relaxed. But he sensed one thing. He seemed as if his spirit was vanished. He felt that he was killer. He sat in that corner and started crying. His whole family came there. They all tried to console him. His father "It was just dog. Now relax." Smita "Come on Pranit. We must go to doctor. Then dog had bite you.It will make you sick. I feel that dog was mad." Pranit " I don't feel.." Pranit's mother "Now just do as we say." Pranit's father " But who will drive that car?" Tina "We have to call Police." Pranit's mother " Police ?!! For dog. Come on. He is just stray dog. He didn't even got belt." Smita "Dadi is right Tina? We must not get involved with Police." "But Mom.." Pranit heard that their younger daughter started crying. It all seemed so wrong. He had to control himself. He forced himself to act normal. Pranit "I will drive car." Tina " How can you drive it on dog?" His younger daughter started crying more loudly. Pranit " Tina don't scare your sister. I will take reverse and then we can go ahead." Pranit's mother "Just close eyes and don't look out of window." Every one nodded. Pranit started feeling uneasy again. Smita "You are looking so pale. We have to go to hospital to check that dog bite." "Later" Pranit snapped on her and went ahead to drive his car.
          Pranit wanted to drive car. He just wanted to escape from there. He became determined to drive ahead with car. He just didn't look ahead but still he could sense that dog. He managed to reverse his car. Then finally he managed to take his car to side and they went ahead of body. But then suddenly Smita screamed "My god, we have to wash those tires." Pranit "Tires??" Pranit's father "They must had blood. But how?" Then suddenly Tina screamed "There is pond there." Smita went out of car. Smita "Pranit you looked so exhausted just relax. I will bring water." But Pranit's father stopped her. Pranit's father " Don't worry. We can use our water for picnic and then we can buy new water." Smita smiled. She began to clean tires with it. She was so nervous. But she was glad when she noticed that blood was cleaned. She said happily "It was gone. But then she got nervous when she noticed that Pranit was looking so pale. Smita "Pranit you are looking so pale. I think we must go to doctor and treat that dog bite." Pranit was so nervous and confused inside mind. He just didn't understand that what he supposed to do. He had to go in hospital but he just didn't understand road any more his brain was so confused. Pranit " I just can't able to drive." Smita screamed in shock "What? Come on. You have to drive." Pranit was so confused. He knew one thing that he just couldn't drive. Tina " Mom, Dad can't drive! He is bitten by dog. He is bleeding." Smita " I know but who will drive? " Tina " I will drive. " " But you don't have driving license? " " Mom this is emergency. Just keep that rules book away." Pranit's father " Shut up. Don't talk with your Mom like that. You are not going to drive. I will drive." Pranit's mother " Just be careful." "Now don't worry." Then Pranit changed places with his father. He was feeling some thing strange. He started feeling as if he was going to faint. Smita started clearing his forehead. Then he sensed that he was sweating. Smita " My god you are having fever. I feel that dog's poison was having effect. Please drive fast." Pranit's mother "No ..No Smita don't do it. Don't you know Pranit's Dad was driving after so many years? If he did some accident, then we all will die.Just drive slow." Pranit's Dad " Will you shut up and let me concentrate?" Then younger daughter once again started crying since she was so scared. Pranit was so upset. Pranit scremed on her. Pranit "You are not child. Act like grown up and shut up." She got so scared that she started crying loudly. It all was so upsetting that Pranit felt that his father would crash car. He suddenly began to talk about any things like his childhood memories. Smita "My god he is getting worst." Now even Pranit's mother started suggesting on driving fast. Finally they reached in hospital. Pranit was admitted there. Then after doctor's medicine he slept for long time. For two days he felt as if he had lost sense of time. He just kept doing every thing dutifully which Doctor gave. Finally he was discharged after three, four days. When he reached home, he just sensed one thing that he was not that much fine. But every one from his family kept insisting that he was fine so he just tried to smile and managed to act like he was normal.
        When Pranit came home at beginning, Smita sensed something was wrong from Pranit's face. Pranit was glad that she sensed. But then he started feeling uneasy suddenly, he heard it then with his ears. A dog was barking loudly. He was so scared. He just sat on corner of bed and started screaming and crying. He was shivering in corner. He wanted to stop movement of hand. But his body just couldn't stop moving. He sensed that he was shivering but that thing never happened to him. He wanted to run away, But he was hearing voice of dog from everywhere. Suddenly it was not just one dog but then it began to change them in group of dogs. He heard lot of voices from every corner. He just didn't know where he wanted to run. He just sensed one thing that he couldn't be ran away. Those dogs were everywhere in life. He just kept hearing those voices. He was so scared from inside that he was sitting in corner. He just wanted to move but he couldn't. He started crying. Smita started to pat him. She wanted to relax him. But he just kept shivering. He never sensed that his screaming was increase in such a fast way. That in few moments they all started to knock on his door. He opened that door. His parents were standing outside even his daughters were standing. Then suddenly he sensed that he kept just hearing those dogs on every point. He just saw his daughters then he started kept feeling concern about his daughter. He just started to pull them behind him. They were so scared that they just ran out of his reach. It was so strange. But Smita just sensed one thing from inside. That her husband was not normal. She just felt one thing that doctor must had done some mistake regarding Pranit. She must had to admit him once again. She immediately called same hospital from which he was discharged. She told Doctor about his condition. She insisted that Dog's poison was inside him. But then ambulance came and they took Pranit. He was even screaming same way. He just couldn't stop hearing that dog. Finally he started sensing one thing that he was injected. Then he went to sleep. It really seemed nice to surrender his troubles to darkness so he just relaxed. Then when he woke up, he was in hospital. Doctor started to show him many sort of tests in life. Then Doctor started to tell him those tests which had to be done. Those tests were to check his toxins. He started reading those tests which would confirm just one fact that was answer to their life. What was wrong with him. He was happy to find that fact. Those voices of dogs which could be heard on every point. He wanted to hear those dogs which he had on every corner. He started hearing dogs that sort of dogs which started hear voice from every side of mind. He just wanted to stop hearing them. Then he started listening those voices of dogs. He was happy at that moment. But then he did lot of tests which proved that he was physically fine. Day by day he just kept hearing voice of dogs in life. Those voice were horrible but they seemed without reason.
          Finally one day when Smita tried to console him. A new Doctor came to him and started asking him questions. He was not happy at first but then step by step he started feeling pleased. It was so nice for him. He started to telling him every thing. But then while discussing every thing with Doctor. He started telling him about his life then suddenly at point of accident he stopped. That Doctor told him " Come on you have to say it. I am your psychiatrist your trouble is mental and it must be due to this incidence just tell it to me. What happen when you went on vacation?" He looked around. No one was there. Psychiatrist must had given some reason due to which Smita went away. Then slowly Pranit spoke " I have killed a dog. " Then he started crying. He knew that it was senseless still he couldn't help himself. He just wanted to cry. He felt as if he had killed some one very dear to him. He just kept seeing that dog. He just kept crying. If he cried like that before some one, it would look so wrong. He just couldn't cry for dog. But in his eyes it was not just dog. He killed a life without reason. He didn't want to show his emotions. But they were still hidden inside his heart. He could clearly hear those pains. They were really hurting his heart but he had to hide them since he didn't want to consider as criminal. Pranit " Should I consider as criminal?" "It was a stray dog and you have tried to save that dog. You can't blame yourself for it since that dog was not trained. It was also his mistake. Even when you know that dog could bite you still you tried to help that dog. It suddenly started to rain so that dog must had ran for shelter without looking around while you can't able to see due to rain so it was not entirely your mistake. It was just destiny," Then that psychiatrist started convincing him. Slowly Pranit felt so relaxed. Then Smita came inside . She was so confused. Smita "What happened?" "Nothing  much. Your husband is having mental trouble which can be cured. It is post traumatic symptoms. It happened due to that accident." "So it is not dog bite." Psychiatrist started laughing." Who told you such nonsense? Your husband was injected. He could suffered due to dog bite. It used to happen due to lack of knowledge in old days when people didn't took injection for dog bite. But now we have all those medicine. It is just mental. I will give you some medicine to give him when he had mental trouble like imagining dogs or their voices." Pranit " So I will suffer like that for entire life." "No..NO..It just take few days. Then after treatment you will be fit and fine again." Pranit nodded. Then he started taking treatment at beginning he kept hearing voices then slowly it stopped. But he still used to feel guilt. One day he noticed one stray dog who was just puppy. He suddenly remembered that accident. He looked at that puppy. Then he saw same look in that puppy's eyes since puppy was also hurt by some thing. He didn't think just took that puppy with him. He took puppy to animal's doctor. Then he took him home. Smita and girls were not that much happy. But slowly they also started loving puppy. That puppy became his most honest and best friend. But still whenever Pranit looked in puppy's eyes. He remembered that dog but he didn't see that pain but just pure friendship and happiness. So he no longer heard that imaginary voice of dog but it was real and perfect voice of his own puppy who was growing up in nice dog.
                                                           The End


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