Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Poem 2161. Approval from others

                                                         Approval from others                    
Why when it comes before us  we want all to love it since we are enough in world to love and like it after
All in life it just belong to me why did I need approval of all human being when it comes on liking others
Thoughts and things some just love their own and hate everything of other human being how can you
Just hope for them to like on any time just learn to like yourself and then you can move ahead with just
Positive thinking when we start to move ahead while looking great with our noble thinking on every point
And with every thinking we need to understand many sort of meaning after all in those thoughts and meanings
World will look great only when we learn to love in life those nice things which are given us by god on
Every time then only we can move ahead on every point those meanings are showing our world so interesting
Sort of things we just need to understand one thinking we have many sort of qualities on every point when
In life we move ahead with our thinking we just need on every point to appreciate our characteristics on each
And every point will show effect on mind when we start to move ahead on every point we need to just
Understand those thoughts from inside we have those power which can take us ahead in life but when
We just keep waiting for appreciation we just feel one thought from inside those meaning which are hidden
Will have effect on mind those thoughts which are forming impact are showing good effect on when we
Learn to listen ourselves that we are good on many points but still people just don’t appreciate that just
Don’t make you less worthy in life we have to understand just one thought from inside those thinking which
Are forming effect are showing world in different style we are deciding just on options of world what is
Good and what is bad for our life at every moment we just have one thought from mind that world will have
To judge us better that thinking is so wrong in our life when we start to judge ourselves just on our thoughts
Then only we can win in life we need to understand every concept which is hidden in our mind we need
To just keeping moving with our thoughts and understand our mind since we have to understand just
Every concept which is hidden inside those words which are showing new meaning to world are having
So much understanding in our mind we need to move on each step with one thought that things which
We got are always great on every point of life we have to take every step with one thinking that we have
To understand world on every point but understanding world is never that easy when we start to judge
World on one thinking that we have to judge it on basic of thinking which other tell us in life our life is
Never that easy that we can just give this world reins of our success and our thoughts on every point we
Just have to understand those thoughts are giving success to our thinking with just one thought that our
Qualities are those basic which we need to judge by ourselves and not by what world told us in life when
We will decide to do something we have to do it in our style we can’t just let others just judge it by their
Thinking and choice those thoughts which touch our world are having so many angles in life we have to just
Understand those thinking will show this world one thought from inside since when we start to create just
Thoughts which are having so much effect on our mind when our thinking will show this world inside life
Those thoughts which are part of our character will have effect on life when those people are telling us
About many factors we have to understand what we feel from inside when we like our own things then
Only we can move ahead in life let others hate us but if you are right then just learn to do one thing just
Learn to love yourself then other things will not matter in life since when you are right things will not move
Ahead as per your guess on every point when you will start to understand your qualities then at every
Step we just have to think on every side one thought that our quality will have positive effect on our mind
When we start to move ahead we just have to think about our qualities which are having impact on life
Are all those qualities which we have inside we need to understand every quality on every point of mind
Those qualities which I have in my mind will have so much effect to our world they are important feel
In life qualities are showing those feel that are having different impact on mind when we start to understand
Our qualities we just need to respect them in life those qualities are something which will have impact
On us when we take them in positive way for our life those qualities are having those sharp feel for us
In mind when we start to move ahead we just need to understand in life those feelings which are having
Impact on our mind we need to understand those shines which are showing this world just wonderful sort
Of feeling from inside when we start to move we must learn to respect our qualities since they are showing
Truth for our world at every point we need to understand those power of qualities which are taking us ahead
To that point where world will look so much great since those qualities will have effect on our mind we just
Need to understand importance of those qualities which will have impact on our mind since they are just
Something valuable to life we can ignore others and just trust those qualities from inside our life at each point.

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