Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Poem 2136. Right thinking

                                                              Right thinking
Those sort of thought which will show us different concepts in life it depend on where we live in
Our life at every point those thoughts are created since we live on some point then at those thinking
Which will have effect on our mind then those thoughts will have so much impact on our mind but
Then at every point how we spend our life will decide what we think in life but not those thoughts
Of basic thought of wrong and right you may speak in different way then that speaking will show
Us where we live in life but what is right and wrong will never change that on every point some
Sort of things which are consider as wrong and crime they will have one thinking from inside at
Every point we need to move ahead with one thinking that when we have different upbringing
Then we just can't adjust with each other in life may be it  is hard to understand other when that one
Is staying in different way in life when we start to move ahead at every point we need to just have
Understanding in life at every point that surrounding in which we live will decide that what sort
Of feeling which are having reaction on life we have just one thinking from inside our life will be
Hard when we start to understand our mind then those sort of feel which we have from inside that
Those sort of things which will have effect on our life will have many incidence which will form just
Many effect in life when in life those incidence will show us different way of life it will show us
Our life in interesting side those sort of things which will have so much effect in life because life
Will form worst sort of impact on mind then life will show us many sort of effect on mind we
Have just one feeling from inside life will show us different sort of style which will have so many
Effect on mind when we start to move ahead at every point life will show us different style of
Speaking are creating effect on our mind when we spoke in wrong way in life when our manners
Will turn different people will have so much effect on life we feel just one thing from inside then
Those life style will differ at every point when life will turn into different way in life but then
Those sort of things will become helpful in life when we understand what we have in our mind
Because our life is based on what we feel right it never based on how we act on every day of life
Our choice of tea or coffee never decide who will be our best friend or who will be worthy to stay
With us in life but people just seem to think about life style when they start thinking about some
Person on some point those sort of thoughts which touch our mind will seem to show us that point
Where thoughts will have so much effect on our mind we feel just one thing that we need to move
Ahead with one thinking from inside that those who move ahead at every point so then I have one
Feel from inside those sort of feel which we have in life will give so much impact on our mind
Then we have right sort of thought which will show us many sort of feel from inside we need to
Understand our mind that we have one need from inside that right sort of feel will show us so
Many effect on life when right thinking will have same effect on mind we can adjust with our life
Since lifestyle will need but right thought is breathe of life just same way we can't stay on moon
Lack of air at every point when in air we see good feel on every point which will need of our life
Same sort of right thinking will be basic sort of thinking of mind we need to move ahead on just
Each point those sort of thinking will show us rightness is need of life when right feel enter in life
Right sort of feelings will show me many points which we have in our mind when we move ahead
On every point we have just one thought from inside right thoughts are need which will have so much
Effect on mind when we have so many feel inside that we want people with us who act like us in
Our life but just lifestyle don't look that much right when we have one thinking from inside those
Sort of thinking which will have so much effect on our mind but then those thinking will have so
Much effect on mind when right thinking will have so much effect on our life that right thinking
Will be basic of our life but we never understand it as soul of life we have to move in different
Way in life but right thought will matter must not our lifestyle then when we move ahead on just
Every point we need to understand that thought is basic principal of life those sort of thoughts
Which are looking so much effect on mind at every moment they will show this world wonderful
Sort of feel in mind when different sort of feel will enter in our life we have right sort of thinking
Which will take us ahead in life we need it to take us ahead on every point but those thinking are
Basic need of our life we can adjust with lifestyle then at every point those lifestyle which may be
Different but can't adjusted in life we have to present them in good way in life at every beginning
We feel one thinking from inside lifestyle will not matter but thinking will matter most in life so
We have to understand our thinking is most precious in life so those sort of thinking will have so
Much effect on life that we will began to feel lifestyle will no longer matter since thinking will have
That kind of power inside which will look so much great on every point of our future and our life.

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