Thursday, June 4, 2015

Poem 2139. About their life

                                                           About their life
Your mouth may lie but body never lies truth can be seen by it on every time when you are eating
So much sweet and fried how can you claim that you are some great saint when saint never get on
Full stomach they just eat half and then when ahead in life we are just human and we need to accept
It in life then only we can understand when we are wrong and right in our life those who can't control
Their tongue can't claim they are some one so great that they can become some worshiper from
Mountain on any point we need to understand by looking at them what is inside when we start to use
Not just our feelings but also our mind we can easily judge person since two plus two will be just
Four to our mind but then we think with just feelings suddenly two plus two will become twenty two
In our life and that thinking is one thought which is harmful for our entire life when we will start to
Move ahead on just every point we need to understand sources of life our life is not that much easy
On any point we have judge every thing properly at every step of life those words which are touching
Our mind will tell us truth only when we understand them in life our body will tell us truth but on
Every moment we just heard words and trust wrong thoughts of our mind when we will move ahead
We have to think twice since what we heard is not enough to understand in life every step which
We will take will not take us ahead on any point what we all desire is just one thought that we have
Learn every thing right but sometimes we just make those mistakes which will cut our heart and mind
We just no longer desire to see any sort of positive thoughts from inside those words which once use
To touch us seem to show different feel for life at every section we just feel one thing that thought
Will have different feel from our mind but what our mouth  telling is not always truth on every
Moment and point we have to understand at every step we are human but that other person is also
Just like us one human but that one just keep claiming things but we need to use our mind we need
To understand those things which are nothing but just lies will manage to hold of our mind on some
Times of our life how interesting is that fact when we can judge even with our eyes we just keep
Believing other knows better than us and keep faith on every point of mind we need to understand
Just one thing from inside that those words which will show this world wonderful feel are part of our
Future and our life when we have physic which can tell us truth then why should we keep faith on
Others and just don't trust our eyes those concepts are hurting us since we are not believing even
What we feel truth from inside but we just feel thinking again and again on every point one thought
From our mind that what others are telling us is truth but can't we just trust our eyes when people
Come before us on many occasion many gestures tell truth to our mind but we just never trust those
Truth we keep faith on wrong things and let them rule our thinking on every point we just need to
Understand that we have to trust our logic on many points sometimes others are true but some times
We are more true in our life those steps which we take are perfect but we just believe others and
Take them back in life that is our biggest mistake on every point we have to understand just those
Thoughts which will wake up goodness from heart and mind on every sections we just feel one
Sort of thought from inside those words will have different meanings to our mind we need to just
Understand words are not that much important hidden meaning are our primary point when those
Meaning will understood they are not by just hearing what other said in life we have to understand
What other feel from our mind body will show many things and we can see them in life but when
We start talking we need to understand words as basic of our mind body will have different language
And word will have different in life some times learn things from body language since they are that
First and basic source of human mind when human don't understand word that source is created
In human life so it is most basic source which hardly manage to lying some may pretend with those
Words but their body just give away what is in their mind that body will tell you many things which
Words can't tell you in life just one gesture of face and words from mouth are not enough to understand
Some one's point we need to understand them in details on every moment of mind when life will just
Move ahead we have to understand what we feel from inside our body will confuse us but truth is
Told to us by our mind when we move ahead on each step we need to understand what is hidden in
Our thoughts and our mind those thinking which will touch us look great when we start to move
Ahead with one thinking that we need to take ahead properly our mind that just what people talk is just
Never enough we need to look at them carefully before deciding if they are really telling us truth about their life.

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