Monday, June 1, 2015

Poem 2134. Soft feel of kindness

                                                       Soft feel of kindness
I just never believe what it truth or lies but I just believe one thing my heart tell me what should I do
And what steps will be kind when we move ahead heart will not judge people since it is not it’s duty
On every time we may wish it should do that for us but I have seen that heart will do just one thing
On every moment of life it will tell us what is kindness of our thinking on every point we need to just
Understand what we feel from inside when we act wrong heart will complain on that point those thoughts
Which are touching our mind will tell us clearly that we need to see kindness from inside of mind
When we start judging us heart may do mistake in life but one thing is so sure that kindness is that
Quality which heart need on every point when kindness will touch us we see just one feel from mind
That kindness is need of every step of mind not because it should be good for us but it should be just
Good for our mind but people hardly understand kindness in life they just have one thirst that is to
Understand on every point our heart is that colour which we never find in other things but only at
Horizon in different look on every point same way that kindness will have different form and colours
On every point but heart will always show us kindness is need of our mind we need to see those colours
Which will touch our heart on every point we have just one feel of kindness from our heart at every
Angle of life when we see many feels one feel is most important for you in mind I just feel one thing
That those sort of colours which we see on horizon are something so great for our mind we never
Understand one thinking from inside that we have thirst for those colours from our mind we never
Understand but we just keep counting things in life we just keep thinking that proofs are needed
But truly there is one thought that is kindness will make future perfect as well as nice on every point
When we start to think again and again on every point those kind colours will show us new bright
Sort of life when life will show us that brightness we feel one thinking from inside those colours
Which look so much great to practical mind are truly needed basic of kindness on every point at
That point we feel just one thing from inside kind feel will show us that thought from inside kind
Feel which look like cloud on every point which will bring rain even in dessert to help us in life but
That act of kindness will have reaction in life at every point that kind of feel will show us new effect
On our mind we need kind thinking which will show this world new sort of light we want to shine
In this world with one thought from our mind that kindness is that quality which will have impact
On our future but we never believe it in life because it doesn’t show quick benefit in our future and
Our life we want those colours of happiness from inside we want them on every moment and on
Just every point those feelings which will look so much great at every point are having kind feel
At every point of life when kindness will have that power to give world a shine but people just don’t
Value it because it never give benefit to our cash balance in life but I have just one question why
We have to think just about those money matters at each point we can think about them when
We are purchasing not needed goods in life we can reduce our purchase but we just reduce our
Kindness on every point we just keep thinking that we need to not spend everything while being
Kind in mind because we just count what we don’t get in life only if we can change our thinking
And start thinking about what we got in our life we need to understand our thinking and mind
We have to judge one thing that we need to understand kindness is that feel which we have in life
Then world will look great since it will touch our heart in positive side we have wasted whatever
It is not in kindness but in our spending and in our desire on every point we just never accept it
That is our mistake in life we just began to think kindness is that need which we have in our mind
It will create beginning for us in life we need to create on kindness that building which will form
Future and our roads of life we need to understand our thought in just one way that kindness
Is that need which will show us our world at positive side we need to move ahead with thought
Of kindness which will create beginning of new future on every point we need to understand
Our thoughts which will form for us new days of life when we move ahead never try to judge people
With one concept that world will tell you what is wrong and right just try to act right way then just
Right things will enter in your life because wrong can’t adjust with right on every point then those
Right things which will show this world that kind of shine will seem as if something which will look
So much great on every point we need to find right things on every point but to find them we just
Don’t need to search we just have understand right way of kindness will show us just right people in life.

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