Friday, June 19, 2015

Poem 2166. Adjusting with book

                                                      Adjusting with book
But in every scene we have to understand concepts hidden inside they are basic of life when we start
To move ahead in life inside those scene we will see many facts in life those scene will capture many sort
Of thoughts which will show different appeal to our mind we need to understand on every point inside
That scene we just see emotions on every point when in every step of that scene which will have so many
Character in life those sort of different things happen in life so then at every point in every scene we just
Feel one thought from inside those scene will have different character which will truly enter in life never
Seem that much nice when in some scene we start to understand those thinking which will have so much understanding
In life since that scene will have so many points they look so much great when they are book but if I can
Enjoy them in book then why can’t I see them in same way in life but then those books will look so much
Great why can’t our life will become something so interesting on every point those thoughts which are
Part of our mind then those scene will show different effect on mind we want to understand what we
Feel from inside since in book we are not emotionally scared we just start to understand it on every point
Those thoughts which are created by our mind then in that book I can enjoy but if I will keep my fear in some
Corner and see start on every point so those things which are having impact on mind then those sort of fear
Will have effect on mind in that book I will have involved on every point and on every moment in life we just
Feel in book joy on every point since those books will have many things on those pages on every point
When we start to move ahead on every point we just need to understand one fact from inside those feelings
Which are part of our life seem to show this world to that will create impact on mind since those feelings
That are creating effects on life when we start to understand one thought from inside scene will look so much
Interesting in mind since every scene we will see many facts of life but we just never feel scared then those
Thoughts will show new start on every point then those sort of scene in life then inside that life book will have
So much understanding in life when we just feel from inside then in books there are many pages which are creating
New concepts in life then in book we have to understand we are scared of book which will have some
Understanding on every point then book will have so many concepts which are inside book as well as inside
Our life so those facts which are having impact on mind when we start to read a book we just sense one
Thought from inside that book will look great since it will not have fear inside we just feel one thing from
Inside life will have so many scene which can be creating effect on life it will show many scene which will have so
Much effect on mind then those scene will have so much understanding on every point then I will start
To understand book will have many concepts in life when in that book I will see many sort of things which
Will have so much effect on life then at some point of life those things will start to understand those concepts
In life our life will show wonderful feel from inside since those books are having so much understanding it will
Have so much effect in life then those books will have so much understanding for mind we need to understand
Books as basic of life when life will show those books which will have so much appeal to our life when
We understood the trick to enjoy book in same way we will understand it in life those sort of feeling with
Which we move ahead in life we need to understand them on each step of life when life will show us those
Many points we need to understand many parts of life we must learn to enjoy like we learn to enjoy book
On every point if you start to remind your mind at beginning scary or wrong things use to scare us in book
From time to time then at some point we have to understand our thoughts from inside we just feel one
Thinking from mind that every part of book will have so much understanding in life but then inside that book
There are many chapters in life so those will have so much feel in life then inside our life book will become
Alive then those things will have life which will have effect on life books will have so many concepts are
Important in life then book as well as in life those excitement will create effect on mind when in life then
We have to understood it on every point when we start to understand those facts of life we just start to
Understand life will show those wonderful and enchanting feel in life then we start to understand those
Facts are so much wonderful feel in life since in life we have to learn like book to enjoy excitement in life
Since those excitement will show those wonderful feel show us new start on every point those incidence
Will show in different effect on life then from that book we can see those excitement but in life we just
Have one feel from inside those concepts are part of book but then in life those excitement will appeal
To our life then we start to understand our life which will have so much appeal to our mind inside that
Book on every page we can see those things which can be enjoyed with thinking and mind but then life will
Not remain appealing in life when life will look so much great on every point when we see many concepts
In life when book will show different feel in life but we have adjusted with it same way we need to adjust in life.

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