Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Poem 2159 Passing the parcel

                                                        Passing the parcel
Some words and some lines which are touching our soul on every point can come from our mind if we
Just decide to use them in life but we just want them to come for others for our benefits in life we just
Want others to say perfect things for us and create for us perfect life we never want to someone who
Does that work in life we all just love play game of passing parcel when responsibility enter in life but sadly
We never accept we are doing it in life when we accept that thought then we will understand those took
That parcel are great person in life but we just keep thinking it is their luck that they got parcel in their
Hand when bell ring in life we just never once thought that we can understand our thinking by using that
Parcel as benefit in life when we start to move ahead on every point when those need are just becoming
Those sort of thinking which will have so much understanding in life when mind will show new start on
Every point that sort of parcel which will have responsibility in life then inside that parcels which we have
Will have some punishment why we pretend as if we are gifting it in life but if you understand then you
Can see those punishment are just for fun they are also so nice when we play that game with golden heart
Then every thing will be just nice those golden sort of feel will become truth of life when they will show
This world perfect touch for life we need to understand parcel is responsibility which we shifted we must
Not let that person suffer who took it from our hand on that point but slowly we just began to think that
It is just bad luck of that one that ring stopped on that time we never feel gratitude instead of that we
Just show attitude on every point we never understand we can’t just ignore one fact we have shifted that
Parcel from our hand on that point we are responsible for those troubles which that person suffer in life
When world will understand this thought how good will that world become for human on every point
We just have to understand world will open for us new start when we decide to understand our mind
When responsibility is taken by some one it is not just that person’s job in life we also have to share and
Help that one to move ahead in life when life will show us new colours on just every point we have to
Understand that we need responsibility to be taken by some one that person is great for us since that
One is taking troubles from us it will not regarding if it comes with choice or without our choice in our life
Words are creating new world on every point but when words are used just as abuse then they will hurt
Heart on every time when some one does some work for us appraise is important in life and if you don’t
Want appraise at least don’t criticize since doing some work is never easy for any one in life we must understand
That those works are precious for us at every point when we start to move ahead we just need to understand
Work as basic of life when some one does it for us we must not think if that one does it due to compulsion or
Did it just by choice since that work will not take us ahead in life when we start to move ahead with our
Thoughts regarding those works which we desire from our mind we just feel one thing that our work must
Give our world perfect type of shine at every step we need to understand our mind we have to just understand
Those parcels in life they are not easy things they are responsibilities on every step of life when we move
Ahead we just have to understand responsibility is never that much nice that we can just say other will
Manage it and sit quietly in corner while watching others doing work in life may it taken willingly or by
Some force we must understand one thing on every point we must complete it after hard work and so
We have to support that person in life when we move ahead our thinking will must be clear on every point
Destiny will not help us that much since when we start to work in life it will want human being to come together
And do that work in life so never consider one person can complete work and you can sit peacefully and
Quiet when work will start we all have to come together and be responsible even if that responsibility will not
Enter in life we just feel one thing that life will make us winner only when we learn to work together to
Get things as per choice when life will show different things we need to understand them in life when
We move ahead we just never thought what thinking is hidden inside those thoughts which will take ahead
Our work will began with one thought of mind that thinking will have different feel when they will enter
On some point where world will look great when we work together and become responsible for each work
That is done by us in life just blaming is never help us since we all need to understand that game if we
Want to move ahead in life when life will show different shades we want those shades to show us new
Sort of future in life when we start to understand what we desire from inside those thoughts are just about
Taking responsibility and counting it’s privilege never understanding how much hard work it needed in life
When we sit in corner and just look others taking punishment we are not part of that game of our life
We are just spoiling game of passing parcel same way we are spoiling game of life since every one must be
Part of this game called life just passing responsibility is not enough on any step of our life on any point.

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