Friday, November 28, 2014

Poem 1815. Knowledge is precious thing

                                                  Knowledge is precious thing
When I have decided to move slowly in life I just noticed one thing I was so slow but so fast
Our life when we move ahead on every point that fast will look so great on every point but then
Slow will look so great to us when we began to ignore things in life because slow means just
Peaceful and quiet inside life after all slowness is that quality which will look so great on every angle
Of our life after all when we say slow it mean we do it with full concentration inside our life
We just feel one thought on every point that if we move slowly then we can get all knowledge
Inside life on every point when we move ahead slowly we feel that storing things will look so
Much great on every angle of life we feel that slow motion inside life will mean just so slow
Movement which are important inside life after all those slow movement will manage to create
So many effect on our life because slow movement will mean that we need to do every thing
With hard work inside life then those slow moves are something which will lead to that  point
When we need to slow on every point so when we move ahead I feel one thought from inside
That slow means working hard in life from one moment inside life so then when we move on
Every area of life because those things which will have impact on life those works which we do
Step by step in life after all those slow move means it will lead to that direction inside life so
We need to move ahead on every point we start to move ahead with just one ambition in life
That we want to move in right direction in life when we start to move ahead inside life so then
I feel one thought from inside that some times moment will not help us that much as we thought
From inside because when we move ahead on every point we need to understand that we are just
The one who is learning and moving slowly in life we feel one thought just we need to store all
That knowledge which is necessary in life we just never understand that other will move ahead
On every part of life because slow part of movement which will lead to look so nice inside life
But then those movement which we did inside life because when we study in life we need to
Study every angle of life because those movement which will take us ahead will create some
Effect in life those slow movement will have some reaction on some point after all slow move
Will lead to that angle of life I feel just one thing in life those slow movement will just manage
To confuse us in life after all when we move ahead I feel one thought from inside that when
We move ahead in life that studying small thing will lead to that side of knowledge of life
On every point those things which will have some effect in life after all these moment on which
We feel one thing from inside step by step inside life when we began to move ahead in life
We have one thought that we are improving in life but at same time another thing is also true
On same time that other people are moving on fast track of life they go ahead on each point while
We just keep thinking every one is with us in life but those fast tracks on which people feel just
One thing from inside that on every point I feel people are walking step by step in life so then
On that fast track inside life these moment which will create some effect in life so those things
Which will have some effect on our mind I feel that on that fast track they walk so much fast
That they just start to forget morals of life when we move ahead on every point then those
Thoughts will lead to that effect in life because those things which take us ahead are needed
To be perfect and fine we feel just one thought from our mind that we want to move ahead
On every point we just have one feeling from inside that some people will move fast but some
People will move with so much speed that we have just one feeling from inside that we need
To move fast on every point we have just one thought on every point fast track will look so
Great on every point we have just one thinking from inside that our thoughts are leading to that
Many points which will give our future and good light we have just one thinking from inside
That when we move ahead we walk slowly while learning in life but when we move with fast
Track we need so much knowledge which will not help us that much in life our thinking will
Have effect on our mind we feel just one feeling from inside that those thoughts which we have
From our mind will look much great on every point our life will have some effect on our life
But we never understand on thought from inside that when we move we need to understand
Our thoughts and life but when our thought began to create impact we thought just one thing
From inside that our movement should be such a way that we need to understand we will move
Ahead with knowledge in life but when we get it sometimes we remain behind but we need to
Understand knowledge is precious thing in life we need to keep that knowledge alive for our
Heart and our mind we feel just one thing from inside that knowledge is precious but then
I feel one thought from inside knowledge is precious it will give our life that shine which will
Help us on every point when we move ahead on every point and on every time inside our life.

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