Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Poem 1797. Skill in life

                                                               Skill in life
Sometimes even wrong one use our weapon inside life but that doesn't make that one great in life
When someone steal something from you just remember one thing from inside you have created
That thing with your mind and that mind is your and it will remain always your treasure of life that
Thing which is stolen from you on some point is something you can create again and again in life
So those thoughts will have some effect on your mind but then some thing will have that effect on
Our life but then when step by step on every point after all wrong things are part of our life but then
On every point I feel that may be that thing is not just mine because things are part of this world on
Every point but then I feel one thought from inside that some things which will have some impact
On every area of life when wrong things will turn right on every point when we start to create just
New thing on every point when we feel one thought from inside that may be god have let that one
Steal our thing on that point just with one thought that we can create something new in life when
We give some thing we must not feel ownership on every point so then that ownership will have
Just positive thought from inside then suddenly good thought from inside that some sort of thought
Which will create weapon in our life I feel one thought from inside that those things are just have
Impact on every point are created effect on our life when some things are turning in right way in
Our life when things will have some effect on our mind then when we went ahead on every point
Wrong things will have some impact on our life then we feel one thing from inside since we
Thought  that things belong to us it hurt us in life I accept it even on sometimes when my enemy
Use my skill for his benefit in life since it is not just belong to us it means just one thing from inside
That those things which given to us as gift from god it seem so right that god can distribute them
Just as god like after all when rain fall it never choose point it fall equally on each and every point
Rain which is so important in life will just fall on some section and on some part of our life when
We move ahead on each point we just have to accept it our each skill will belong to every one in life
But it really hurts me when those whom I prefer get taunted on that point when they use my skill
People just say it is copy of some kind how can those for whom I create my song seem so wrong to
World on every point when they use that skill on which they have given right and those who just
Take it without asking seem so fine then why don't who are given it as right should be considered
As thief in life when one person can use something in life that one is admired on every point then
Why use of it by other seem like crime on that moment I feel so much hurt even when I know that
On this skill I don't have much right after all those things will have some thought from our mind
I just feel one thing that people just learn to understand one thing from inside that they must not
Tell any one which one will have right when we don't know which one is getting that skill as gift
In life we must not just start to blame one person on any point because when we just go by our
Thoughts and judgement it all turn wrong in life at every point I feel just one thing from inside
That those thoughts which are taking me ahead on every area of life I feel that thought will look
So much better in life because that skill will have some effect on our life after all that skill will
Have good effect on our mind but then how can people decide one thing from inside that when
We move ahead inside on every point that skill will have some impact on our mind we feel just
One thought from inside skill will have some impact on our mind I feel that every one can use them
But we must not blame those who have right but it seem so wrong on every point that on every
Moment and every point I feel just one thought from inside that when we move ahead on every
Time of life I feel that this skill will create effect on our mind I will have one thinking from inside
That skill should be spread from one point to another point but when it is use for wrong purpose
Suddenly it seem so much wrong on every angle of life when skill suppose to positive sometimes
It just stuck on wrong point I just have one feel that may be it can be fine with wrong if we let
Even good use it in life just wrong one will get that skill as our life and right one seem so far away
From that skill on every point I just feel one thought from inside that this skill will take me ahead
So may be I must not feel scared on any point some thoughts will confuse me on every angle of life
And then those skills will lead to that section where I can see them right now a days I feel just one
Thing from inside that skill is just one thing it is air that breath and it can be pleasant wind or
Can be storm on some time skill can take me ahead on every part of life only if we keep faith on it
And let that skill move ahead as per our thinking and choice because skill is that air in which we
All breathe on every time skill can never be packed so never object any one to use it in life since
You can always find new thing on every point skill will be that wind which will just take us ahead
With positive tide when we use skill with one thought that no one can steal skill from us in life
So it will always there for us on every moment and point skill is that power which will just take us
Ahead on every point skill is that thought which never felt us behind to take us ahead only take us
Ahead on every area of skill will be that song which we sing for god so every one will have on it
Their right never just claim that skill belong to you because it will belong to this world and to
All those human who live in this world and to each every sort of thinking as well as human mind.

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