Sunday, November 16, 2014

Poem 1793. Palace in life

                                                                  Palace in life
Once upon a time it seem in life that palace is most lovely thing when we get in life I use to think
One thing on every point that I need one prince inside my life still some where in mind we all
Feel need of money from inside but question is that does money give that nice feel which look
So nice in life because then I want one thing from my mind that money is not giving me that much
Happiness in life when our basic wants are fulfilled money will not give that much happiness in
Our life but still we just keep searching for that money which is never that much matter in life
So when we start finding some one we just talk regarding about money on every point so I feel
One thought from inside money no longer matter when we move ahead with enough money in life
After all money is that thought on every point that money which will look so great on every point
But when truly thought we will understand it will not look that much great inside life because those
Things which we buy with money it will look perfect on every point I feel just one thought from
Inside that money will no longer buy for us that pleasure and happiness inside still we need that
Palace but now we think how much will be it's maintenance cost in life we no longer just feel
That walking on those stairs will be pleasant in life we need to think that how hard will be keeping
Them clean on every point no longer palace remain just fairy tale then in life it become one thing
Which we need to clean and great on every point but then money will not just help but it will look
So wrong on every point when we got things which help of it keeping them doesn't seem that much
Easy in life those things which will help us in life are just simple things like smile for those things
We seem far away in life not because we are poor but we are poor by our thinking about
Our life how much useful will be that money in life which just never manage to bring happiness
In life we don't need that much money in life we never need palace but we need that heart which
Will good and open on every point that heart which will have honesty inside not the one which
Just count money on every point because once you start  to count coins happiness seems like vanishing
On whole time because happiness is not in money but people never understand it in life they just
Want that gold which will have shine but what we truly need is that golden smile when we have
Enough  comfortable bed and food to fulfill our life we never need palace that will just create
Problems in life that big and large palace which lack of happiness will become ghost house in life
It no longer seem pleasant in life but since we never get that palace it seem like something for
Which we die inside life we never understand that what we want is not something which will give
Pleasure in life those who live in palace seem in more trouble than us in life what they truly miss
Is their pleasant smile we just see what they got but miss what they don't have in life we just want
To get it but we never consider that it will not give us happiness from inside somewhere in heart
We all know that we can't receive smile by just staying in palace inside life still why we just
Want to get that palace on every time when we dream in childhood we dreamed other things
Like honesty and pure heart on that time if those things are missing what is use of a prince in life
We just fall in one trap after avoiding another trap in life if heart of gold is not there then nothing
Will be that good in life but when we move ahead our logic on every point then I feel we can
Get something important inside life when we move ahead we need to move with proper thinking
Of mind just running after palace will not help us that much in life or getting jealous of those
People who have inside life when we start to move ahead on every point then palace will have
Some effect on our mind we just feel that when some one have we can hate that person on every
Point just because that one got it and we have missed that chance in life never once we thought
That one must have missed many things which we do in life like walking on beach with our
Friends and eating from hawkers as per our likes and dislikes we have freedom to watch that
Palace but that palace person can hardly watch us from those dark windows in life so why did
We need to demand that palace when we can have peace from inside palace can have happiness
If person decided to have it in life when we start to move with our thinking we can have just
Happiness in life when money is something which will have effect on our life we need to move
Ahead on every point money is that thing which will create effect on us at some point what
We really need from inside peace with what we got instead of thinking about money on each
Moment or dreaming of success on every point we need to learn to enjoy whatever we have in
Life need is just one thing peace of our mind and jealousy depression and unsatisfied attitude
Will have worst effect on our thoughts and mind because those feelings are having effect in life.  

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