Saturday, November 1, 2014

Adventure story 161. Chart of food

                                                            Chart of food
Rajiv's friend called Rajiv on party. Rajiv always used to miss parties due to his heavy schedule. But today he had managed to keep time. Since here he was not suppose to come alone.Purva was also supposed to join him.When Purva heard about that party in hotel,she just insisted that they must went to that party. She forced Rajiv to keep that day without any appointments. She personally called her Mom and requested to take of kids on that day.Her mother was also excited when she heard that Purva was going to such big party.Her mother quickly agreed to help her so Rajiv had to go to that party.When Rajiv hated to go,he was never a person who liked parties. But Purva seemed to be excited about it. Rajiv started getting ready for party. He dressed in normal clothes and came out of room. But he was shocked when he saw Purva. She dressed in perfect way.She was looking so beautiful that any one should look at her twice. Rajiv kept looking at her chiffon Saree. He had never saw that Saree which was showing her physical beauty perfectly with grace. Her make up was also made in same perfect way. Her every feature looked perfect after that way of make up. Her face was looking so beautiful. Rajiv didn't remember any day when she looked that perfect or he felt that he might never had time to notice it that carefully.His life was so busy that he just never had time to look at Purva such carefully. In starting days of marriage he used to pay some attention to her but then his financial crisis started when his parents threw them out of house.It happened because Rajiv's parents were always treated Purva in worst way. Every point they were abusing her. Rajiv tried to stop it but it was not working out. Finally one day one argument went so out of hand and Rajiv's father just told them to go out of house. Rajiv never wanted to leave behind parents. But he could clearly saw that it was not going to work out.His parents were never going to like Purva. He never understood their problem.But they just hated her every work.They complained about her way of cooking, her talking.They just hated her. Every thing she did use to upset them.When Rajiv went out with his wife, he knew that why they didn't like his wife. His sister went to stay with his parents.He never expected such act from his sister.She threw her own brother out of house to get his house.It was so shocking.He never expected this from his sister. But that was truth and his parents just kept blaming Rajiv and thanked his sister again and again on every time.They said that their daughter was their son and their son was betrayer to them. He was just slave of wife so their life after marriage was worst because most of relative cut relation with them. But still Rajiv managed to get enough money. Slowly they got settled down with life. But during this time Rajiv was so busy that he hardly got much time to spend with Purva.Then they had children so Rajiv began to spend whole time with children only after all Purva needed to relax for some time. Rajiv had to play with children and gave her time to relax. It was first time. They were just with each other and Purva dressed in such way.
     Rajiv was very happy at beginning when they went out.But then slowly he began to feel odd.Every one was looking at his wife with admiration while he was just ignored.He hated when any one looked at her with so much admiration.He felt so upset that he was not dressed in proper way.But he never thought about dressing after all he was the one who bought that car and money with which Purva had managed to dress up.He wanted to scream on people that it was his efforts that brought out so much beauty. But he knew that he couldn't do that so he just kept giving artificial smile. Even when he saw that no one was interested in returning back his smile,it was all just useless thing. They all were looking at  Purva. She was a beautiful lady but he never sensed this way. Today he felt as if something was totally wrong inside him.He wanted to go back and change his clothes. Those changes were something which were impossible due to lack of time. But Rajiv still wanted to go back and change. Finally they sat in car. Rajiv knew that it was just for few minutes.No..No..he knew it was for seconds.They just went out of house. In few moments they went to car,But during that time they all just managed to look at Rajiv in strange way. It was so upsetting to Rajiv. When Rajiv started car, he could sense one thing that he just couldn't concentrate.He had to relax for some time.He was need to stop for some time. Purva sensed that something was wrong. She asked "What happened?""Nothing."He just started to drive car.Whole time it was hardest task for him. He sensed that it was so much wrong. He always used to drive car easily inside life. He just wanted to be normal.Then Rajiv slowly went out of car. When there was beautiful building which were decorated in perfect way with proper sort of lighting. That hotel was so grand and beautiful. Rajiv always went to such a hotels but for Purva it was something new and unique. That hotel was so enchanting and perfect. They just wanted to observing every angle of hotel carefully. That hotel was so big and nice. Hotel was looking so lovely and perfect. Purva was observing that hotel for hours. It was looking excellent. Purva "My god. This was really posh hotel.I am so lucky to come here. Until now I have never saw anything that grand.."She was screaming it so loudly that Rajiv could see many people were laughing at her while turning to other side. They were hiding smile. Rajiv turned to Purva. Rajiv "Speak slowly."Purva gave him lovely smile. Purva"Sorry. Did you came to this hotel before?""Many times to complete deals.""My god and you never mention it.""It is nothing big Purva. Many big companies sent their executives in such big hotels with clients so that they could impress their client.""Ohh..I never thought this way. You are so right. This must have impressed your client.""Not all. Some even complain about it.""What ??Why?""There are saying service was not good or some says that food was not great.""What? In this hotel food is not good?""No..No..Purva..Food is great.But they want some thing different.""Like?""They want some special food like diet food or some want their special continental food etc.""My god.Clients are so choosy.""They are.After all they are our boss. Come on, Now stop questioning let us go inside I will introduce you to my colleagues.""Sure. Just look at me. I hope there is nothing wrong in me."Rajiv " You are looking perfect." In heart he felt that it was just problem for him.
      This whole world was unknown and unique to Purva while Rajiv knew it very well and hated it from heart. But since Purva was so thrilled, he had to show encouragment to her. It was so wrong. He wanted to run away from this situation but he just couldn't manage to do it. It was getting worst. He never wanted to enter inside party on any point.It seemed so hard on every point that decoration will just look so much great to Purva.It would look great on every part of life. Then Purva asked on every point about each thing like some child. Purva "Wow..I just love this." Rajiv was so upset by this. On every point he just kept thinking that it was so worst on every angle of life. He wanted that decoration would look so great and enchanting inside life. That house would look so beautiful in life. This lighting would look so great at every angle of building. That hotel would look so wonderful in decoration. But Rajiv was not that much good in his eyes. Purva was looking at hotel's architecture with admiration when Rajiv saw that their hosts were smiling at them. He took hold of Purva's hand and pointed with eyes. Purva sensed it immediately. She gave lovely smile to host. Purva started talking with hosts. Rajiv began to talk but then Purva took hold of communication in such a good way that it felt as if she was talking and dealing with them for her whole life. Then they went inside. Rajiv saw that Purva was talking with every one in perfect way.Slowly she started getting friendly with every one. But Rajive felt like odd one in all this.He noticed that all other men were admiring Purva. He just hated it and at same time he saw that every one was looking at him. He could read in their eyes that he was nothing before his wife. He just wanted to excuse himself so he just made excuse of migraine and went in one corner. He was watching them all. Purva was so busy with everything. She was not at all concern about him. But after some times she came to her senses and then she started searching for Rajiv. It took her some time to search for Rajiv. But then after some time she saw him. Rajiv just wanted her to stay away from him. But he knew that it was not possible so she finally came towards him. Purva "Why are you sitting here ? Are you feeling so sick?""Actually I just want to relax for some time.I just don't want to chat with any one. It was so irritating for me." Suddenly Purva didn't look that much happy. Purva "May be we should just leave party? Actually if it is so irritating for you then we must leave." Rajiv once again didn't like it. He didn't want to take away Purva's joy. Rajiv"It was just this pain in my head. I will go home.You can stay in party.I will ask my friend to drop..""No.I will come with you."Rajiv was so happy to see that Purva was such a concern about him. Rajiv "No need to go in such hurry.We can always eat some dinner."Purva smiled and then they started going towards food counter. When they started looking at food. Purva started telling Rajiv that he must eat more. Rajiv was not that much hungry but when he was his favourite sweet. He just couldn't stop himself. He went to that bowl of sweets to it. On that moment he heard from behind. Mr. Chetan "Purva don't insist him to eat. You are over feeding him. Look at him stomach." Rajiv was getting fat step by step. Rajiv sensed this. But when Mr.Chetan started laughing it felt worst to him.Rajiv gave forced smile but after that he didn't dare to eat much. He could sensed that Purva was upset too so they both went away from party without having dinner. That night was worst night for Rajiv.
       Rajiv started driving car whole time Purva was screaming against Mr. Chetan but it was not having effect on his life. Rajiv was trying hard to clam himself but it was not working. During working so much hard Rajiv had hardly given any importance to maintaining his body. He knew that it was not proper excuse but it was truth. He was suddenly began to sense that his stomach was so big. He looked at Purva.She was looking so beautiful even when she was angry.She had maintained herself do perfectly. She was so beautiful and he was so ugly. He never thought that way.But now he sensed that he was worst looking and his fatness was his bigger problem.But he remembered that he was never slime but he was never this much fat.He looked at his stomach. It was quite large.He might need to use belt to hide his stomach.He was looking so much worst inside life. He was never thought about it this way. Purva was looking so beautiful.She must had maintained and exercised on every day. Purva was looking so perfect and it was so nice. She was looking like beauty queen but then he was looking like some foot ball before her. Rajiv decided that he would do diet and make himself slime like her. He wanted to look suitable to her. He had decided that he would quit all wrong products which were full of sugar and make him fatty.He decided that he would just keep it in mind. That day when they reached home, Purva went inside to make arrangement of dinner for them.But Rajiv insisted that he was not hungry.  Their kid were sleeping but his mother-in-law was awake. His mother-in-law was nice lady just like mother towards him.His mother-in-law"What happened?""Nothing. It is just that I want to go on diet.""Nonsense you are not that fat.""I am Mom. You just observe Purva" His mother-in-law looked at Purva. It was clear that his mother-in-law was not agreed with Rajiv. "What about her? She is not that slime.""She is!!"His mother-in-law started laughing "Just yesterday Purva was complaining about her over weight and now you.What is wrong with you both? I just don't understand." Rajiv "Mom people are looking at me in strange way.""Another wrong thinking.""No one was looking at you in strange way.""It is just your thinking.""Mom..""Try to understand me. You are not fat." His mother-in-law kept convincing him for hours but it was not working. He knew that he had to go on diet. When he suggested this idea, Purva jumped with joy so they both wanted to go on diet. It seemed as if there was not any problem at all. His mother-in-law was just objecting without much reason. From that day Rajiv's dieting began.He started it with full spirit but he just couldn't continue it. At home he just eat limited food but as soon as he went to office snacks began. Purva was making so much limited food at home but it was okay in his eyes since he was eating enough food at outside. Purva was also making different food for kids and Rajiv felt that she must be eating some of it. One thing was sure that Rajiv wanted to go on diet but his dieting was not working. But then he started to noticing weight loss in Purva. It was so strange that he didn't like that weight loss that much.He felt that Purva was looking better when she was fat. He started to pointing it to her but she just preferred to ignore it. Purva was on strict diet for many days.
       Then one day he received a call from home.It was from his son who had returned from school and he was telling that Purva was not opening door for him. Rajiv was so nervous on every point. He was just hearing it all with such shock.He just told his colleagues that Purva was sick and ran to home. Whole time he was thinking about her weight loss. It was getting worst step by step on every point. He just began to think that she might had some serious trouble regarding health. He was so scared that she might cancer. Her weight loss must be due to some serious reason and he just ignored her. He was just crying while driving. He was so sure that his mistake regarding his wife must had cost her life. He was driving as fast as he could. When he went near house,he saw that his children were waiting there for some time. When he came out of car,children started running towards him. When he started knocking door, he started hitting door.But she was not opening it. Finally he ran in search of carpenter. It was hard and worst thing for him. He was just running from one person to another with just one hope that he was carpenter. Suddenly carpenter became lifeline for him. It was turning into something worst. But finally that fellow turned out to be carpenter came before him .Finally he found carpenter.They both ran towards his home. That carpenter opened door and broke it. Then Rajiv ran inside,he was searching room. Finally he found that Purva was fallen in kitchen. She was looking so much worst. She was looking so much pale. He touched her then he noticed that she was alive. He immediately started  calling ambulance. Then they took Purva into hospital.She was checked but Doctor told Rajiv that it was nothing but just her weakness due to less eating. Rajiv was relaxed. He felt that problem was simple from next day.He would personally take care of Purva. But it didn't look that much easy. Purva was just not ready to eat.She kept saying that she was not hungry. She just kept insisting that she could eat more. She was eating so less food that soon Rajiv found out that she never eat any excess food over diet. It was so horrible. Rajiv was noticing whole time diminishing of her health. But he never guessed that she was dieting in hard way so she felt just one feeling from inside. That diet was so horrible for her. Then Rajiv started to try on every point to force her to eat. But Purva was not willing.They started giving her saline but still she was not ready to eat. She just wanted to remain thin. It was so hard for Rajiv. He was trying so hard but she was not ready. Even her Mom was trying again and again to convince her. But it was not successful then children tried but she just didn't eat. Finally Doctor suggested a Psychiatrist. Then Psychiatrist told Rajiv that she was suffering from Anorexia Nervosa which was life threatening if Purva didn't start eating.Then he explained to Rajiv that it was happening because she was depressed since she was blaming herself for separating Rajiv from his parents. But Rajiv told Psychiatrist everything.It was so hard but slowly Psychiatrist convinced Purva that it was not her mistake. Slowly she began to feel that she was putting Rajiv and her children in more pain by doing this.She was convinced that she could not bring Rajiv and his parents together since it was not her mistake. She began to eat again and became fine. But now they all were scared of dieting. They just eat all those meals which Doctor gave them in chart for each family member. No one dared to less or more.So their life was perfect due to those charts.
                                                                   The End 

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