Friday, November 7, 2014

Poem 1780. Change in morals

                                                              Change in morals
How easily people change their morals in life just one day they feel some thing is so wrong
Next day it seem perfectly all right I just have one question from my heart every time just
Your one thought and just your one person become so important that you will began to feel
You can ignore whole world for that one on any point those morals which we set in our life
Never seem to look that much great on any point because if you just ignore them from time
To time then what is use of those morals in life because they are just creating trouble for
People on every point when morals are something so interesting then why are they set in
Such a way of life that they are just regarding to teach things to others and not going to have
Any effect on us at any point and when we see those morals we just seem to think that those
Person are so great in life we just never understand that those morals are set just for us and
Not for others in life how interesting it seem that we never able to guess this logic on any
Moment and point I just feel one thing from my mind that this set of life which never meant
For others but just for us in life but then comes next confusion on next point that life is not
Moving ahead as per our choice we feel other will obey set of rules but when they don't then
What we suppose to do in life those set of morals which touch us on every point it seem that
They are that set of morals which are perfect for our mind but we have never once thought
That should we just ignore thoughts on every point I just feel one thing from inside when
We select our set of thoughts for us on every point things will manage to confuse us in life
When other manage to reject them should we reject them just because others don't like them
In their life I just feel one thing from inside that this is not fair for our life we want to move
Ahead in our life with just one hope on every point that when others don't like why we need
To keep them in life but if we really like them on any point we just feel one thought from our
Thinking and mind those easy things are no more easy for our life we feel just one thought
From our mind set of moral is power for us on every point our thinking will change our mind
When we set our moral to that spot which look so great on every angle of life but if we prefer
Them then it's just our duty to obey them in life but we can't force other to keep them but we
Need to just follow them in life because they will give us peace and sleep at night in case of
Other people they are nothing useful in life when we move ahead our thinking will manage
To create effect on our mind those morals are that set which are not truth of our life they are
Just those facts which are leading to problems in life we never understand one thing from
Inside of mind that morals are our helper not something which force on us we need to understand
They are something which are making us happy in life on every point our life will manage to
Look interesting only when we understand those morals from inside we just need them on
Every point of life it will not matter what others if they follow those morals in their life on
Many points I feel one thing from inside that morals are set in strange way in life those morals
Which are leading that point where we are creating problems on every point when set of just
Morals inside life look so good on every point to us why should we wait for others to come
Inside our life those morals are greatest sort of jewel in life those morals which make us so
Strong will lead to many problems in life when we decide according to others thought in life
Those set of morals will look totally wrong for us inside our life because morals are leading
To totally different angle of life we feel one thing from inside that morals are those things
Which are important to us on every point we just feel one thing from inside our mind that
Those morals are same set which will we like but just because other don't use them we just
Start to ignore them because we want to move ahead fast in life we just never understand
Any concept of life which will tell us one thought from inside that we are standing on one
Wrong part of our life where we can see many things in life but they are not helping us
That much in life those set of our mind which tell us we want morals as part of our life
On every point but still when we reject them they will create a strange pain inside like
Thorn they hurt us so much that we just never under one thing on any point in our life that
Those pains are just because we want to move fast without ethics in life we just try to ignore
Them on every point of our life so we need to understand our mind from inside which tell us
Morals are precious thought for our life they will give us some meaning on every point of life.

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