Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Poem 1785. True friend of life

                                                              True friend of life
How strange is our life when we standing alone on some point and waiting for some help it
Just never comes in life our friends just ignore us from time to time we are consider something
So useless that they never think about us on any point but then sometimes we see some foot
Prints in life we just follow them to look who is walking on them with one hope it could be
Just some friend in life but that one is not our friend that one is from enemy side so we have
Just one thought that we need to ignore that one because it is not our friend in our life but then
When we see those tears which we see every time in our eyes because our friends just ignored
Our need on every point we are useless to our friend so why not try our enemy in life after all
Our teacher tells us just one thing we are all human so we must be on same side we decide to
Help our enemy by just telling some foot steps to walk in life and on that moment that enemy
Gives us such a pleasant smile it looks like perfect gift for our life then comes next question
That do we need to make enemy in life specially one who can follows steps which we told
And do as we want in life then how can that person be enemy in life when we both feel same way
Then we are must be friends in life when two people agree on one concepts of life how can we
Just say that one is enemy when our friends neither listening to us nor care for us in life so
How can  we consider them friend just because world give us that advice we need to follow that
Kind of route which told us by our mind we must not just follow those ways which friends tell us
To walk every time since those friends are not taking us ahead with them they are just giving us
Blame or excuses in life why should we hate that enemy who save for us such a pleasant smile
Why should we hate that person just because other told us in life when some one tell us that
Some person have good side we need to search for that side but does we need to do it in other
Way in life we need to understand our friends are not expecting this from us but that doesn't
Mean we suppose to obey our friends on every time when they are not even walking with us
Then what kind of friendship it is in life we just want to cherish that nice innocent smile then
I just feel one thing on it we have right we never think just one thought that one person is our
Enemy for entire life because life love challenges so it may turn our enemy into friend on many
Moment and time we need to understand true meaning of life when we decide to show some one
A way and that one will follow it, help will be coming from just that side why should we follow
Just those routes which are given to us by others in life we can always create our own way since
Those who are telling us not to do it doing same thing in their life they are following those ways
And routes which they like and forcing us to walk on those foot steps which are set by them in
Our life if when we cry no one is with us then why should we need to act as per their wish in life
I just feel that we should see just that friendship which formed due to sorrows in life some times
People come together and become friends due to birth some times due to age and some times due
To circumstances in life but true friendship is that one which happen while reducing sorrows
Of each other in life other people may understand or may be don't understand but those friends
Feel it from inside that when some one tries to help in deepest sorrows that one is true friend of
Your life when you cry for some one else then it is true feeling of affection in life and when
You try to show some one a way that is true friendship of life it never matter what you think in past
About that person in life because when you help that one it proves that you are no longer that
Person who use to judge that enemy by others view in life one day in every person's life comes
A stage when that one have to decide if that enemy is truly enemy or it is just some thought
Which is borrowed by others mind never let others rule your thought and your mind if you do
That then one day you will feel just one biggest regret in life who ever may be your friend but
Just never feel that enemy will be something which you must hate for entire life if you walk with
Open heart then enemies will look like best friends on many times just because some one told us
We must not forget what we thought from inside some times people have just selfish motives
Which rule their mind and every moment people just feel one thought from inside that smile is
That factor which we want on our lips on every time and when some enemy will walk with us
Then we can include that smile in our life then why should we consider that one enemy instead
Of making that one best friend in life when we are alone if we find some one who need us on that
Time it must be decided by god that we need to find friend in our enemy on that time those
Friends which we use to cherish forgotten by us on those moments of life when our enemy become
Our best friend we just start to think one thing that we have bigger enemy which keep us together
In life because we both are crying, it must mean that we both have some true enemies and we
Need true friends to survive that fight so on that moment our enemy become our true friend of life.

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