Friday, November 7, 2014

Poem 1779. Trusting wrong lines

                                                           Trusting wrong lines
Some lines are such that will take away sorrows of our life and there are some lines which
Just bring sorrows on us at every point there are some work which help us to move ahead
In life which will manage to hurt us on every point so there are two things in life but it's up to
Us which one we select in our life we just can't get perfect thing every time sometimes we
Hear wrong thing but it's up to us if we let them touch our mind we all need to understand
One thing from inside that those thoughts which give us sorrows were always existed in life
We just feel one thing from our mind that those sorrows and happiness are two parts of our
Life some people always come to our life who will bring just sorrows in our life we have
To understand even those people will remain our part on every time we just feel one thing
That those sorrows and happiness are going to be part of our life those lines which help us
And those lines which hurt us will always enter in our mind but it's up to us that which line
We play again and again inside our mind because those lines will only remain truth on every
Point those lines will help us to move ahead in life but we just never understand those lines
On every point we just feel one thing that those lines which touch us will not help us that
Much on any point when we just forget them from our mind those lines will create impact
On us but just to some limit in life when we decide to ignore them we can do it in life but
Sadly mostly we just get attach to wrong sort of line we just feel one thing that we don't need
On any moment those sorrowful lines we need happy and nice sort of lines but we just feel
That those lines are showing our mistake so we start rectifying we just keep ignoring one thought
From inside two different lines will have two different meaning on every point at some point
They will help us and at some point they will just hurt us in life but those lines which hurt us
Are not always truth of life sometimes those lines are needed to ignore because we need those
Light lines which will happiness to our future and our mind I just feel that some time friends
Treated in worst way when we just pay attentions to wrong lines only our enemies are getting
Appreciated on every point of life when I will move ahead I just feel one thing from inside that
Those lines which are of enemies are something which hurt us on every point but still we want
Those lines as part of our life when we move ahead I feel that friends are more precious to
Our world than enemies on any point enemies are just those people who are stood against us
So why did we need to appreciate their each word in life always those who criticize you is not
Telling truth in life some time criticizers do wonders but then they will not criticize you on
Each and every time just on limited time they criticize you and appreciate you for lot more in life
But just remember one thing those who criticize you on every moment are not well wisher of
Our future and life because you can't doing every thing bad on some moment you are good
And on some moment you are bad inside life I just never understand how can we confuse
Our enemy into well wisher in life but it happens on many times inside our life we just feel
That some one is our well wisher while that person is our enemy on every point just because
That one criticize us in such a sweet way that we feel we have found our life long friend in life
We just never get that our enemy is standing before us even when that one criticize us on our face
Inside life I feel one thing from inside that enemies are those people who are moving ahead in life
With such smartness that sometimes we just don't understand that those people are our enemies
On every point we feel one thought on every moment that which one is our friend and which
One is our enemy in life I just feel one thing when we pay attention to criticism we feel that
Those criticisms are wrong things of life sometimes they just blame us even when we are not
At mistake on any point they use those criticism as guide to destroy our happiness on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thought from inside that those lines which are told to us
Are not always true in life sometimes some lines are true and sometimes some lines are totally
False in life we have to judge this before we trust any of line because when we trust wrong lines
Then we will face just problems on every time because those lines will create effect on us
At every angle manage to destroy our happiness from inside some times some lines are not
Moving in totally wrong way and still we keep faith on them and that is totally wrong way of life.

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