Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Poem 1810. Words in life

                                                              Words in life
How interesting it is to talk in our life because our words are just one thing which will have some
Meaning for people inside life when we move ahead we feel just one thought on every point that
When words have meaning they will show us many light we want to see that shine but still on
Every point we feel one thing that words are not giving us that success which we need inside our
Life and that happen when we can't able to say in life but never feel sad because your words are
Managing to take us ahead in life never let your talking be stopped just because people are not
Understanding you on some point just be careful when you talk in life you must let yourself fall
In trap of that time we need to talk on every moment and on every point but at same time we need
To understand talking is also curse sometimes we want to tell the truth to world but it will not just
Happen when we say words in direct way and harsh form in life truth needed to be talked very
Carefully or it will destroy us first instead of wrong person in our life those words which look
So easy to use seem like something which is creating worst effect on our mind when we move
Ahead on every point we feel just one thing from inside that words which will have many types
Of hidden meaning inside those words seem to create reflection on every point those words will
Have some impact on our mind in that word we see many sort of meaning from inside when those
Word are having many mysteries inside life after all in these words will have many types of things
Which are so important inside life these words will have  many angle on every point those words will
Have so precious inside life when in that word we see many sort of meaning which will create
So much effect on life but then when I will think on every point that word will have some effect
On our life but then words will look so different according to situations on every point but then
Words look so great when they will create effect in life but there are words which are showing
Many concepts on our life we feel one thought on every angle of life because inside that word
We will see many things in life when word have many sort of thinking from inside so I feel just
One thing from life that word will have some good impact on every point because words will
Just so great on every point because words will look so nice on every point when we say some
Sort of word that will show us how did we move ahead slowly inside life when I will began to
Move ahead on every point I feel just one thinking from inside that word will lead to many angles
Of life so then word which show us many angle of life which are unknown  to us when we spoke
Those words in life we move ahead on every point with just one word that tell me on every point
We guessed every thing in totally wrong way in life when we move ahead on every point when
I will move ahead I have just one thought from inside that words will look so great when we just
Spoke them while keeping one thinking in mind but people will have one feeling from inside that
When they will move ahead then they can see sometimes nice things and some times those things
Which are not even in our mind because those words will have so many concepts and some of them
Never even cross our mind we just feel one thought from inside that words are having different
Impact in life when we move ahead those words seem to capture our mind we feel one thing from
Inside that words will have so many angle of life since those words have some reaction on every
Moment and point those words will lead to that concepts in life words will have some angle of life
These words will look so much great on every angle of life when we think but when we say then
Suddenly they will look so wrong on every point after all those words will look so nice on every
Moment and point that word will look good to our life when word have different meaning inside
Our life those words will look so nice and precious in life because that word will look so nice
In life because words will totally wrong on every point so those words will differ on every point
When words will look so nice but when people reflect them in wrong way in life we need to do
More practice before we speak in life we need to understand that words are no longer just words
But they are swords of our war on that point and we must not them use to attack but we need to
Defend ourselves in life those words will have some impact inside life but then these words will
Look so confusing on every point I feel one thought from inside and word will look so great on
Every point because those words will lead to that angle where life will look so great in life so
Those words will look so good when we use them properly in life but they will look totally wrong
When we use them in wrong way of life I feel one thought from inside that words will look so
Great on every point because those words will look so interesting to my mind when they are
Changed in wrong way it will look so wise I feel one thought from inside that words will look
So great and meaning will have impact on our mind when we learn from them then it will have
Some effect inside life so then I feel just one thing from inside words will look wrong on every
Point but they will tell us power of words on every angle of our future as well as our life every point.

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