Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Poem 1799. Throw in impulse of tide

                                                           Throw in impulse of tide
Those things which change our heart and our mind will have some impact on every point when
We began to think one thought from inside that we want to turn things in to why frustration will
Always enter after some point we move ahead step by step in our life we just never understand
Our thoughts on every point we feel one thing that we want things to be right but to get them in
That way is hard task for our life we just move ahead slowly in our life our thinking will have
Just one impact on our mind we will never understand what is change in our life when we start
To move ahead just one thought enter in our mind that our heart and soul will change only when
We start to move against tide but question is that how can we find something perfect and right if
We really want to move against that tide because when ever we find some thing and decide to
Throw it in tide we just feel one thing it may bounce back to us in life but when we are standing
Inside water we need to move ahead in life we need to make those changes which are needed
In our life we move ahead on every point with just one hope from inside that we can learn to
Swim on every moment with each and every tide but sometimes it happens that we don't want
To swim in that water on any point we just want to move ahead with one thought from inside
That tides are just making us confuse on every point but sometimes we move with them in a way
Which is wise but sometimes we just jump in them without thinking in life that is one moment
When I will began to think from my mind that may be I have done big mistake by jumping in
That water without thinking much in life what will happen if my jump took me on totally wrong
Side but that is one thought from inside that some jumps are in such way on every point so that
Jump which will look so different in our life when we just do it with emotions and try to take
Those tides after all those moments which I have done in my life seem like something which
Will have impact on every point when we began to do things with emotions mostly things come
Back to us and make it worst for us in life but sometimes it even happen that we just feel one
Thing that things will move in good style of life because we can change things just according
To our thoughts and emotions on every point those things which we see in life are nothing but
Just a sea which take things with it tide so always remember one thing in life whatever you just
Throw will come back to you in life so if you throw anger on wrong time it will hit back to you
Even if you are right so when such a mistake happen remember one thing in life you need to
Understand that things are not moving ahead they will come back in life same apply to your
Positive emotion like love and concern in life they may come in different forms but they are
Just positive in life sometimes you love but other person just returns friendship in life never call
It just a friendship cherish it at heart because it is also important in life because when you get
Something that is your right you may demand for one thing but what you get is also have same
Importance in life those emotions which will take you ahead on every point are just managing
Confuse your heart and mind by telling that you must get what you given in life but sometimes
It happens that sea takes one thing from us but returns totally different thing in life when we take
That thing and cherish it then we are wise because those emotions which we keep in our heart
Are precious for life we must not just keep hoping that we will get what we want from mind
Because some times what we got is truly what we need in life sometimes sea knows our true
Want and need of time our decisions are all wrong on every point we just made by our thinking
Some decisions and choice they are nothing but wrong for life we never able to understand one
Thought from inside that our demand from life are like demand from sea on every point we just
Never understand from inside how wrong are our demand on any point we just have one feeling
From inside that we will get things after lot of efforts in life we never feel one thought from our
Thinking and mind that what feeling which we have in our mind are not taking us ahead unless
We will learn to move ahead with step by step in our life we want to win on some moments and
On some point but when in anger we took wrong step in life and throw something in that water
Of life which we never want to do from our mind sometimes in impulse we do somethings in
Life without even using our mind but when things will move with every tide we just never feel
Or understand our mind those thoughts which touch us on every point will look so great on
Every angle of life I just feel one god should help me to do one thing that is to control such
Impulse in life because those tides will bring back more problems in life so on every moment
And on every point our thinking will confuse us in life if we don't let it move ahead in proper
Thought and way of life we just feel one thing from inside that tides are those emotions which
Help us to move ahead in life but god seem to tell me every time that it is just one important
Task I must learn to do in life I have given other skills like breathing by birth so now god just
Expect me to learn to control impulse by myself without much help inside my future and my life.

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