Thursday, November 20, 2014

Poem 1801. Soft feelings in life

                                                           Soft feelings in life
When in our life's front we see one thought which enter in mind does soft feeling are part of
Our thinking and life because soft thinking will lead to right direction inside life because that
Softness is that part which enter with such sweet feeling from inside but question is that how
Much we can concentrate only on that softness in life we know that it will be that dream which
Will show us light but we just can't ourselves fly in those thoughts in life because demand of
This earth is one thing in life that we can't fly every time we need to stand on ground from heart
On some points when earth will need you how can you let only soft feeling rule our life we need
To understand softness is that touch which we need in life but question is that can we let that
Feel rule our mind on every point we just feel one thought from inside that soft feel which is
So precious inside life but then soft will look so wrong in life that soft touch which we get
From that section inside life that softness is that feeling which will be so nice on every point
So when we move ahead that soft touch of heart will lead some thing that will give some effect
Inside life but then softness will look nice on every point but then these soft feeling will give
To our life that feeling on every point because soft touch will show us so good appeal to our
Future and life we feel that this soft feeling will have some effect inside life but then these things
Will look so frustrated inside life that soft thoughts are those things which will have some sort
Of effect on our life that soft feeling will lead to that area of life these soft feeling will have
Some effect on life because those soft thoughts will lead to some pure and soft mind but then
These soft feeling will lead to that shine on every point I feel just one thing from inside but
Then that soft feeling will lead to positive and nice side so then these soft touch will help us
Only when we have pleasant feeling from inside but then soft feeling can't control our mind
On every point we feel that we just want soft and pure feeling from inside those thoughts which
Touch me on every point will look great on every point but then these soft feeling which are
Like soft flower which will look so great on every point after all that look which will be nice
So I feel that smell and color will look great on every point after all soft feeling is that feeling
Which will look so great on every point I feel one thinking from inside that those soft feelings
Are that light which will show us that power in life after all those feeling which are so good
For our life these soft thoughts which we want to store and treasure in life so those feeling will
Look so great on every point that soft feeling and freshness of that light which will lead to
That section which will look so nice on every point after all those fresh feeling and that sort
Of softness from inside will lead to that section which will look so great to our life after all
That soft things will look so great on every point but then anger will have some thought on
Every point so then good feeling will lead to soft thought in life but then that light which will
Look so soft thought that will seem so nice to our life when these soft things will are so lovely
They will take us ahead in life I feel just that softness is that feel which will look so perfect
Inside life because soft touch of that thought will look so precious inside life that feeling will
Show soft and good part of life which will show true beauty in life that soft thinking will look
So great inspiration for our life after all those inspiration will look so great on every point but
Soft feel will just manage to look great on every point we want that soft thought to be stored
Inside our life I feel that these soft thinking will look so nice on every point inside our life but
Then I feel some times soft feeling capture our mind and our work remain behind but sometimes
Things turn in wrong way in life in our fight we forget one thing that is softness needed inside
Our future and life while softness is needed we just want to win our work or get justice in life
And softness and that nice feeling seem like problem for our life but it is so wrong to ignore
Those flowers in life I just feel one thing from my mind that things are not moving ahead just
As per our soft thinking in our life they are moving ahead with that power which touch our
Thinking and mind we just never understand what we feel from inside our thinking will just
Manage to hurt us on every point when we stop that softness in life we just manage to confuse
Our mind and to confuse our thoughts in life that soft feeling will look so nice inside life but
Then soft feeling will look so great on every point when we start to store them in life so we
Just can't judge by looking at others in life after all soft feelings will help us ahead inside life
When we know how much we need to move ahead in our life we must use softness in limit in life.

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