Friday, November 14, 2014

Poem 1791. Excitement in life

                                                           Excitement in life
I just don't know what my heart want on many times but some times those incidence which will create
Effect on our life it will create impact on our life heart will have some impact on every point but
Then things start to move in one way of mind we feel just one thing from inside but then those
Sort of things that are part of heart will hidden inside our life so then heart will look so great on
Every point that heart will have reaction inside life but then heart will lead to light part of our life
We want to move ahead on positive and nice side but then this light and nice ways of life will
Just lead to positive side but then heart will lead to have some reaction in life heart will have
Many sort of light things which lead to positive side but those things which truly touch are those
Which shows us positive sort of mind when we try to move on that side we just feel one thing
From inside that air will look so nice when we feel relaxed from mind because then when we just
Move ahead inside life that nice sort of things will move to that place where things will look so
Great for our life so then I feel one thing from my mind that nice sort of feeling which heart will
Create on our mind I feel just softness from inside that heart which will look so great on every
Moment and point these sweet concepts of our life are something which will needed in life and
We need to move ahead on every point with just one thought that we need to see positive side
Of our future and life we never move ahead so easily in life as we move ahead with one concept
Of my mind that I want to be peaceful and other things will not matter that much in life when
We move ahead we just feel one thing from inside that our heart want light thoughts which will
Make us happy in life because those concepts which are precious to our life we feel just one thing
From inside that things will look great only when we see that in that way which is light it will be
Just one thing from my mind that nice and light thoughts are needed in life but then comes one
Stressful thought and I just began to move ahead inside life after all light thought will look so
Great on every point I feel one thing from inside that hard sort of thought will have some effect
Inside our life I feel that stressful thought will help us inside life but then stressful thoughts will
Have some effect in life but then these stress will have effect on our mind because stress will have
So hard effect on our life so stress is that concept which will lead to many problems of our life
When I think about stressful thoughts which will lead to some side of life where stress will have
Some effect on our mind because stress will lead to that trouble which will have some effect on
Our mind that hard work will lead to some effect on our life this stress will be that part of life
So that stress will look so nice and hard for our life I feel just one thing from inside that stress
Which will have effect on our life but then stress will look so great on our life after all that stress
Will look so great to our mind that we want to think about our stress and happiness and light feeling
Will leave us behind we feel just one thought from inside that stress will give us success
Those soft and light thought which will lead to positive and nice sort of life I feel one thing
From inside that soft thought will having effect on mind that light atmosphere will have some
Effect inside life that soft touch will have some sort of feeling which will be so great on every
Point in life but then this stress which will hurt our mind then that feeling which will look so
Great on every point I feel just one thing from inside that light and stressful both thoughts will
Having reaction inside life after all light and soft sort of thoughts will touch our mind but then
I feel just one thing from inside that soft thoughts are needed but by mistake or by intention
I don't know I feel one thing from inside soft and light thought will don't look that much precious
When we move ahead in life we just want to concentrate on stress when happiness is something
Which we need for happiness inside life so then I feel one thing from inside that stressful thing
Will lead to many problems in life when we start to act nice inside life after all those light and
Nice thoughts don't look that much exciting inside life so we must have to quit stress but then
Excitement will be important inside life because those soft and light things will lead to positive
Things sometimes don't excite inside life because soft things will lead to nice way in life because
Those nice and light sort of life so then hard and soft things will look so mild but we need them
More inside life we just feel one thought from inside that soft things are needed but we just ignore
Them because they are so mild for our life when we move ahead then we feel just one thing from
Our mind that stressful things are wrong even when they are exciting in life so we need from inside
To understand things which are leading to trouble inside life so I feel one thing from inside that
Soft and light things will have effect on our mind so then I feel one thought from inside that when
We need soft then we must ignore excitement for some time we don't need that excitement in life,

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