Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Poem 1656. Convenience and choice

                                                        Convenience and choice
Those types and designs which are having effect on life will never keep to make that much
Difference inside life when we see those designs which touch us on every point we feel that
Those designs are perfect in life but I just have one question from my mind when we choose
Some design we just keep one thought from inside that we want that design to look perfect
On every angle of life we feel just one thought from inside that we just like and love that
Design but do we think of it's convenience in life on every point we feel one thought from
Inside that design will look so good on every point those convenience which will touch
Sometimes those design which we never like inside life sometimes seem like something best
On every point we just feel one thought from inside that those designs which we made in
Our life are something which are taking us ahead on every point those designs which we want
Inside our life will look so perfect when we move ahead on every point I have seen those
Idea and those designs which look so good on every point we just feel one thought from
Inside of mind that designs which we see on every point are not that much nice on any angle
Of life we feel that we must make some kind of design which will look good in future and
Which will create effect on our life but when we choose design on some points those design
Will look totally wrong from every angle of life but just because we like those design in life
We choose to take them in life but I just feel one thing from inside that sometimes we just
Feel something is so nice then I feel one thought from inside that some designs are set just
To please us in life and some designs are set for convenience in life I feel one thought from
Inside mostly our likes doesn't match with convenience in life but then one biggest question
From inside we need to understand our thoughts and designs those which are created on
Every angle and on every point those designs which are leading to different area of our life
But question is that should we choose convenience or our choice so on every moment and
On every point I feel one thought from inside that those things are having effect inside life
I feel one thing from designs that those things which are so different on every point will look
So confusing inside life I have one thinking from inside that I want to have something which
Is precious for me in life on every moment I feel one thought on every angle of life that I want
To get something but sometimes I want to get things according to choice when I went ahead
I feel one thought from inside that convenience wanted on every point but still how much can
We ignore our choice after all in life we need sometimes things which are good for our mind
And when we choose something it refresh our mind but can we able to ignore convenience
On every moment and on every point I have one thing from inside that those choice are leading
On every point but then convenience are important inside life we need to understand one thing
Inside life some times we need choice we want to move ahead as fast as we can in life but
Then when we want to move ahead in life we need to understand what we need in life but
It is so hard to understand that point convenience is needed but we also need our choice and
We just can't get two types of design because on one point we need to choose inside life but
Then I feel one thought from inside that choice is precious inside life but not having convenience
Is so important on every point I feel one need from inside that choosing things is not that much
Nice on any point I feel one thing from my mind that things are not acting as per our wishes
Inside life convenience and choice are two part of our life I feel one thing from our mind
That convenience is that thing which make things easy in life but new things are those things
Which are having reactions on every point convenience is one thing for life but still we want
To have our choice so it is so hard to handle things in life how did we need to move ahead
Inside life after all those choices and those convenience in life are so different on every angle
Inside life those things are leading to different area of life because those things which have
Convenience and choice needed in life so having different ratio in life so then I feel one thing
From inside that if we want our choice then we need to work hard on every point but then
When we move ahead in life I feel one thing from inside choice and convenience are two
Parts of life but when we work with convenience inside life it is not that much easy in life
I feel one thing from inside convenience are not that much easy so we need to do work on
Both points because we all need things in life like convenience and choice but we need to find
Something so important inside life then convenience and choice leading to problem in life.

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