Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Poem 1643. Use of lies

                                                                    Use of lies
Some truths are so hard as knife but some are also as refreshing peaceful juice of health in life
Some truths belong to this side and some belong to that side but it depend on us that we will
Lead to some point after all those concepts are something which are required inside life so then
We can't win or lose inside life on some point without telling truth on every point inside life
That truth which touch us on every angle of life that truth are leading to good concept in life
Sometimes truths are harming me on every point that truth is something which is hurting us
On every point I feel that truth is touching our life like some thoughts from god on every
Point and time I feel one thing from inside that truth will lead to different concepts in life so
I just feel one thing from inside that lie is that part which will look totally wrong on every point
Truth and lie are two parts of life I feel one thing from inside those truth will look so harmful
On every point those truth will be precious on every point even if it is good and bad on some
Moment and on some point but still truth is having effect on every point inside life I feel that
Truth is that jewel on every point it look so wonderful and perfect even if it is in both types
I feel one thing from inside that lies are also two aspects of life I feel one thing from inside
I feel lies and truths are two parts of life which will have impact on us at one or another
Point but question is that how can world let in our life to have those peaceful and healthy lies
I just wish from heart on every part lies should not be something right for our heart but this is
Also one thing that happen in life sometimes we are force to lie on some points which will lead
To changes on every point and it will take us ahead on different concepts of life those truths
Which are part of our life is also those part that will manage to damage on some point so then
On sometimes lying seem like something best for life but I just hate to think this way in life but
It is also truth that sometimes we just can't tell truth because it will lead to lot of damages in life
It will always help us on every point I feel one thought from inside that truths and lies are nothing
But just two parts of life those lies which will so perfect to us on every point seem so wrong
When they become part of our life we just never understand that when truth will manage to hurt
Our mind and when those lies becomes that truth which will hurt us from inside those thoughts
Which touch us from point to point are something totally wrong inside life I feel one thing from
My mind that truth will not be safe on every point but when I think about lie I just feel how can
We say yes to that concept inside life after all lie should be never good for concepts in life but
Still sometimes we need to welcome them inside life because those concepts are important
Because they are truth of life is just one thing that truth will never look that much wrong to me
On any point but still on some points we are forced to accept that lie is better on every point
Lie will come ahead as best support in life I know it is bad but there is one thing also truth in
Every part of life that truth is something which will look so good on every point of life so
Then when we move ahead in life we need to accept one truth on every point that truth is not
Only one source which enter in life lie is also another source and truth of life we need to accept
One thing on many times we use truth but lie is also part of our life but some people are different
Concepts on every point I just feel one thing from my heart that truth is something which is
So precious for our heart because truths are those parts which are lies on every point still
We feel one thing from inside that we never want lies but they are something so good on every
Point inside our life because truths are harming us in much way in life that it look good on
Some point of life because lies are helping us on any point inside life because they are never
Going to help us on every point so it is depend on us if it will help us or not is depend on us in life
But it will be always truth of life that sometimes we are forced to accept truth on some point
That lies are helping us on some points inside life we just feel one thought from inside that
Lies are not helping us on every angle of life we like our life as we want it from every point
We feel one thought from inside that truths are those parts which are touching us in life
We just never understand what we feel from inside that those things which are touching us
On every section of life by some lies and they are not even crime they are just helping us
On every point of life so we need to understand one thought from inside that lies are those
Part which are touching our soul and mind if we want to save some stress on some times
We do one crime that is hardest part of our life that to avoid truth which will just lead to bad
Things we use lies but facing those truths on every point seem hard in life that we use lies.

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