Monday, August 11, 2014

Poem 1627. Written thoughts in life

                                                              Written thoughts in life
Those thoughts which touch our soul and our mind I feel just those thoughts are alive and then
Can have life inside mind those thoughts which will work on every point look so alive inside life
I have just one thought on every point that we need to be alive on every point inside life so then
Those things which will have good effect on every point so then I feel one thought from inside
That just having thoughts will not enough in life but when we have those thoughts which will
Capture our mind will look so important inside life  I feel one thing that those thoughts are just
Powerful on every point but then I feel one thing from inside that these thoughts are moving
Ahead on every point because they are taking us ahead on every point those thoughts which
Look so alive are power of mind nothing is important in just written lines because how wisely
They are said still they are useless when no one read them in life because there are many words
And many lines which will give us happiness on every point by creating good effect on our future
And our life after all those thoughts which are just written and kept from inside will look so
Different inside life I feel one thought from my mind that those sentence which are written
Are creating effect inside life those thoughts are creating positive effect inside life but then
Those things which will look different inside life have so different concept inside life but
Then those thoughts which are alive on every point because those thoughts which are hurting
Our mind will never let us understand they have some truth inside we all want just one thing
That is to hear good things about us in life we never like to learn any thing bad about us on
Any moment and on any point so those thoughts which are touching our mind are just those
Which look comfortable for our life when we move ahead I feel one thought from inside that
Those different aspects of future will look nice when we move ahead in life that work which
We did inside life is just based on that thought which please our mind but life is not about learning
Just those things which are perfect and comfortable inside life sometimes we need to lean and
Understand those things which can harm us inside life on every point I feel one thought on
Every moment inside life but then I thought from mind that when we understand those sentences
Which will have impact on our life so I feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which
Are written on paper are not that much good for our life those thoughts which are turning
Our thinking are having different thoughts on every point those thinking which are having
Bad effect in life these thoughts are having different concept on every point but just because
They are not perfect for set of our life I just don't feel it is perfect to ignore thoughts in life
I have seen many who just think what they want from inside should be perfect thought for
Them on every point inside life they just never consider those thoughts which will have some
Reaction on just one thought from our mind I use to think just one thinking from inside that
Those written thoughts which are so true to us are creating good effect on our mind when
We will move ahead we feel just one thing from mind that we need to move on right road
But when people around us think this way it seem so hard in life but that is that hard when
You will began to try it because after some days every one will get upset even by using those
Comfortable thoughts because they are not helping us that much in life when we move ahead
I just never dream one thing from inside that even after using those comfortable thoughts
These people will one day say they are not happy with life it seem that truth have some strange
Power inside it seem that truth is not becoming some thing which can be use just for your those
Occasions which are comfortable to you on every point those thoughts which touch us in life
Should be such that they can manage to hurt us on every point I just feel one thinking from
Inside of mind that thoughts which are true will come out after some time if you don't read
What is written then other will read it inside life on every moment other will see that power
And then it will become alive those thoughts which are written on many points are taking us
To that point which will give happiness to us from inside those thoughts which are touching
Our mind on every point are not that much good on any occasion of life I have just one thinking
On every point that thoughts which touch us are not moving ahead as we decide on any point
Those thoughts which are important to us are something which will take us ahead in life and
On every occasion those thoughts which are written can bring happiness for us on every point
If they are truthful in life because they may not be comfortable on that point but then after
Some moments they will become good for our future as well as for our life on every moment
Of life and on every point we need to move ahead with our thinking on every occasion inside life.

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