Friday, August 22, 2014

Poem 1647. Road and weather

                                                              Road and weather
Those roads are located on different point inside life I just never know which road will
Look so confused on every point because roads are confused on every point I feel one 
Thing from inside that roads are crossing with each others in different way of life I feel
One thought from inside when roads are attaching on different location on every point 
Then I feel one thing from inside when roads are locating from every angle inside life 
But then roads are located on every point when roads are looking at every area of mind
But roads are having different effect of every season on every point that road which will
Have effect of weather on every time so when we see snow we feel winter on every point
When snow will look white on every time after all that snow which will have cold touch 
On every point that cold feeling will have strong effect on every point that coldness which
Will look so white and light on every point I just like touch on every time I feel that this
Snow will hurt us on every area of life that will hurt on every point that snow will manage
To hurt me on every time that snow which will look so beautiful and enchanting on every
Point inside life that beautiful snow will look so good on every point that snow will have 
That beauty inside life when white will look so good then sunlight touch snow on some 
Point inside that sunlight it will look golden on every time  that snow will look so golden
On every point that snow will look so nice on every point that golden touch will look so 
Pretty on every point when that beauty touch our snow it will look so nice on every point
Inside life then on that road I see different things on every point with weather they will look
So different in style when summer touch us I see that beautiful flowers on every point I feel
One thought from inside that flowers will look so nice that softness which will attach us in life
After all those flowers will look so perfect on every point so with each season in life because
With each season we feel that road will have some sort of effect on every point after all those
Road will have beauty inside but then those roads are creating effect on both sides I feel one
Thought on every point those golden snow will look so pretty and perfect on every point then
I feel one thing from my mind that different weather will look so different on every point then
Those things will look so natural inside life that weather will look good on every point then
I feel just one thing from inside that road are having different effect on every time because
Weathers are so beautiful and innocent in life after all life will have reaction on every point 
When in life we notice something strange on some point I feel one thought from inside that
Weather will show how did we change on every angle of life I have one thinking from inside
Different things are having effect on every point I feel that in life different emotions will enter
Like those weather on every time I feel one thing from inside I have one thought on every point
That weather which look so different inside life that season will have impact on every time that
When we move ahead on every point I feel one thing from inside that life will change with 
Those emotions on every point after all weather will look so different like our emotions on 
Every moment and every point after all each weather will have effect inside life because those
Weather will have effect on every point so they can change road and emotions and do same to our life
We can't change weather but we can change our mood in life but we are just using sweater 
Or umbrellas to adjust things inside life so instead of changing moods we feel those reactions
On every point those things will look so wrong on every point because moods are not protected
On every time but still we need to move on every point weather will change things on every
Point inside life I feel one thought from inside that weather will show us that changes are true but
I feel one thing on every moment and every point that weather will change with it then mood
Will change on every point I feel one thought from inside that moods will have effect on life
Weather will change on every point after all those changes are something so common on every
Area or point I have one thought from inside that mood will have some effect on every point
Then weather will have effect on every time after all mood will also have effect in life so then
I feel one thing from inside mind different look will have nice effect on every point in life
Mood will have look so easy to change weather will have effect on life so I feel one thing
From inside weather will have effect on every point but it can't be change but still we can
Always change moods on every point inside our life it's up to us how we look at it in our life.

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