Thursday, August 7, 2014

Poem 1621. Walking on road that is right

                                                      Walking on road that is right
Sometimes we just don't understand when we began to waste our time and we just go ahead
With wrong path in life but going that way is not crime until you walk in such way that you will
Not harm any human being too much in life so when we insult some one we need to understand
We need to think twice because on that day this person may need shoulder to cry but after some
Days may be you are the one who need shoulder for crying we all need those shoulders and
It is not secret in life but we all feel that saying such a thing in crime we can insult others but
Never call it wrong in life but when some one ask for help many people feel showing weakness
Or saying something against their own is big crime but do you really feel that things is crime
When inside our heart we all know that wrong path are something leading to big crime so when
We ask for help and stop that wrong path we are stopping crime so since when stopping wrong
Thing have become crime but people just want their things to be hidden behind some curtain
And they just want to hide on every point after all those things which are having effect on our life
Are not that wonderful on every point when some thing wrong enter in our life then we just feel
One thing from inside that those people who are helping us on every day of life are not that much
Wonderful inside life because when they help to hide things it will not help us that much in long run
Inside life sometimes we need to stop that wrong path on that proper time we need to understand
That we must not let those thoughts confuse us in life which tell us on every moment we need
To understand that just walking on wrong path is not waste of time sometimes it will lead to lot
Of problems inside life when we will began to move ahead in life on every moment I feel one thing
From inside of mind that those crimes which are part of our life are not something that much
Good on any point we have one feeling from inside that we can win but we can't win until we
Will manage to clarify that path in life those things which touch us and our mind are something
So wonderful on every angle of life I just never understand what I feel from inside but I feel just
One thought from my mind that when people start to move ahead then just want to forget that
There are wrong paths in life we feel if we ignore them then they will vanish with some time but
We need to understand just ignoring them will not be that easy in life because some one else will
Clear them and once again they will start in life but when we move ahead and try to tell some one
Else about those paths in life I feel just one thing from my mind that those people never understand
How much truth is inside our thought and how much we have suffered due to those wrong ways
In life just wasting time is not enough to say until we do it with our own time we will never really
Understand that we are really doing it in life on every moment we just feel that we are going right
So sometimes it seem a truth of life that people just don't need advice they have to live in that way
Their life then only they will understand what they feel from inside we walk on wrong way then
We feel one need from inside that must try to explain others that they need to find proper way
Of future and life when we move ahead we have just one thought from mind that things will
Move ahead in proper way on every time we walk on that way as we wish from inside but then
When we tried to stop others they ask us one thing from inside that if we walk on that way then
Why are we stopping others walking from same way in life they feel that we are stopping their
Thoughts and freedom on each point those thoughts which tell us that we can move ahead as
We prefer and like seem so wrong when they are turning on wrong point but still we just can't
Stop them inside life because those ways which they want are nothing but their own choice
And moving in that way is always their right never in life we should judge what is wrong and
What is right for others life because it is their freedom and it is their life we can't just tell them
That they should not try something in life because that thinking will have effect on their entire
Future as well as life I want to move ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind
That those moments which take us ahead are good and nice for life until they turn in wrong way
By us inside life we know that moving in wrong way is wrong for life but sometimes we need
To do it inside life because sometimes we need to understand it from inside because just moving
With people's suggestion is never right for life on every moment we just have different thoughts
Inside life we have to move ahead on every moment and as per our wishes inside life so we feel
Just one thought from our mind that we must let them walk their way and waste their time and
After that we hope they return back to right point but just never hope that thing because it may
Not turn right because we all have right on just one thing that is nothing but our own life on each point.

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