Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Poem 1644. Greed in mind

                                                             Greed in mind
One day greed will destroy us that is rule of life but still I don't understand how did we let
Those things effect our life on every moment we feel just one thing from our mind that greed
Is that part of nature which will hurt us on every point that greed of things which will have
Effect on life will look so perfect for nature on every point greed is that need of things in life
Which will shift from one angle to another angle of life and it never stop but worst thing is
That we never understand it will began on which point on every point we feel that greed is
Worst thing for our life that greed will have impact on us so we must not let that greed capture
Our thoughts and our mind greed is that part of nature which every one claim not existed inside
We all want to say we are not greedy but still we are from inside greed is not just about money
It can be about any factor of life greed for happiness or even peace will also manage to hurt us
On every point because when greed arise we just do anything to get that thing in life nothing
Seems wrong to us on any moment or any point greed is that feeling which will capture our
Thoughts from inside and it will just manage to hurt us by using wrong way to get those things
Inside life that greed which touch us on every moment will never look that much good on any
Moment and point greed is one thing which destroy our thinking of our mind and we start to
Look in wrong way to get those things done inside life those things which we do on every day
Of our life it seem as if greed is that thought which never create limits inside life on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that greed is that power which will stop us from demanding
Things inside life greed is that feeling which will create impact on our mind we just want that
Thing and nothing else will matter inside life I know that greed is bad thing but just by saying it
We increase problems of life because we just began to say we are not greedy while we keep so
Much need and greed inside mind we can't say that we have greed because it will give us bad
Reputation inside life greed is that factor which will have impact on us at every point those
Thoughts of greed which touch us we want things in life look totally wrong to every point
Because they are hurting us in life when greed will began to rule us we began to feel that we
Are doing every thing right but even for right thing like peace greed is wrong on every point
Because greed will bring out obsession which bring out wrong thoughts of mind we just began
To plan that one thing and other things began to vanish from our mind those thoughts which
Are touching our mind are leading to that greed which will hurt us on every point we just have
One feeling that greed is need of those things which are truly important inside life when I will
Move ahead I have one thought from inside that greed is those demand which will create impact
On our mind I feel that we need to understand that greed will just manage to confuse our every
Thought and need greed never help to any human mind on any moment and on any point because
Greed is that thought which touch our mind on that point which help us to move ahead on each
And every point after all greed is that power of getting things which never give us satisfaction
Just not understanding or accepting greed don't help that much to our mind we need to tell things
To our thoughts on every point I just feel one thought from inside that greed is existed on every
Moment and on every point that greed which touch will have impact on every point after all
That greed is one feeling which will confuse us on every point those feelings of greed which
Will confuse our mind never look that much good on any point greed is one thought which
Turn even good feeling into bad many times because when we want good thing just for us
Then slowly we manage to destroy them from others life to get that thing we do many things
In life which are not proper on any view or on any point we need to think again and again on
Each and every point that greed is that thing which will hurt our future on every time those
Thoughts of greed which will capture our mind and force us to act wrong on every point
I just have one thought from inside that greed is one sentiment of mind which will touch me
On every point but never make me happy in my life because when greed start even good sort
Of Emotions seem so wrong on every point after all those emotions are that part of life which
Will never shine if they are obsessed with greed in life but strange is that thought of mind that
We just never understand we have greed on every point we just feel so sad when any one call us
Greedy before every one just remember that we all are greedy so we just have to control our feelings
Because greed is always there alive as thought or feeling for every human being inside world.

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