Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Poem 1619. Sweetest fruit in life

                                                         Sweetest fruit in life
Sometimes sweetest fruit which we decide to have in life turn into such a bitterness that
We feel we hate it from inside sometimes those sweet things which will give happiness to us
Inside life because sometimes so worst for us that we began to hate them from inside that
Fruits which have so much sweetness inside are never that much good to us on that point
When we start to believe one thought from inside that every thing will have same sweetness
Inside life when that sweetness manage to capture our mind we began to feel that we will
Able to get every thing in sweet way inside life I just have one feeling from inside that those
Sweet things which are part of our life are so perfect to us on every point we never able to
Accept one thing from inside that sweetness will one day leave us behind we just have one
Thought or one hope from inside that sweetness will manage to hurt us in life by telling us
One thing that we get sweet thing on every point by telling us that bitter things are not our
Part of life those thoughts which tell us that bitterness is wrong for our life tell us that we need
To find sweet taste inside life when we search for sweet things and sometimes bitter comes
In life then we just reject it as if it is one truth of life that sweetness which have become that
Truth after sometime will never look that much good on every point because those truths are
Managing to hurt us inside life by misguiding us regarding truths of life bitterness is also that
Part of life which tell us that we can't move ahead on any point with bitter thoughts inside life
That bitter taste which once use to be that hard part of life become something so horrible that
We can't absorb it inside life when days moves ahead on every point we just feel one thought
From our mind that those thinking which are giving us positive thoughts should not tell us on
Every time that sweetness is just our right because sometimes curse become truth of life and
Sometimes those curse will manage to hurt us in life I know every one feel one thing from
Inside curse never help us in life but some blessings turn into curse and curse turn into blessing
On every point sometimes things are becoming something which we least accept from life
Have you ever feel that curse can become blessing or blessing can become curse in life but
I feel it can happen in life if luck tell us that and if we handle things in proper way inside life
Then every thing will become something totally wrong on every point those bitter taste which
We hate from heart become truth of life on every point I just feel one thought from inside that
Bitter is something which will capture our mind so then that sweetness which look good for
Our life will manage to look wrong on every point we just feel one thought from inside that
Sweetness is something which will positive impact on every point then I feel one thing from
Inside life because of sweetness that will have impact in life on every moment I have one
Thinking from inside that those sweet thoughts which touch us in life are not something
Which will lead to problem on every point because those are sweetest problems inside life
Since they are touching our mind on that point which tell us that we will have life just with
Happiness on every point those thinking and those thoughts which are harming us in life
Are not just bitterness but also too much liking of sweetness inside life sometimes it's good
And it's bad sometimes in life it seems as if our life is confused on every point those thoughts
Which touch us on every moment of life are not going ahead as per our mind we feel just
One thing from our mind that sweetest fruit of life is that one which will look nice but then
When you give it some time you feel just happiness from inside because those things which
Touch you on every point will look so good when you talk about them in nice way inside life
That sweetest fruit become poison in life when we just feel that you will get just that thing
Inside life when you will move ahead on every point your thoughts will be changed on every
Angle of life I want to understand every thought from inside but when sweetness will come
And enter in my life I just feel one thing from inside that bitterness is rejected so much that
All thoughts of sweetness become need of life and to get them we start searching on every
Thinking and point I know that we all like sweetness but we also need to understand importance
Of bitterness inside life we all feel one thing on every point that we can win only when we get
Sweet things in life but bitterness is also part and it also have good sides on every point I just
Feel one thing that sweet thing is always right for life but asking too much for it will harm
Our thinking because struggle is required when we want to move ahead in life and those sort
Of struggles will harm us on every point they will lead to lot of problems inside life and
We all feel just one thing that we need sweetness and bitterness equally in life I can't guess
Why but I feel when destiny have given them to me I feel it is nice to see them inside life.

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