Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Poem 1655. Searching for light

                                                         Searching for light
Between those leaves I see that sunlight on every point we need to search for that light but
Then those things which are hidden on every point I have one thing from my mind that those
Things which are having reactions on every point those things which are hidden will have
Some impact on every point I feel one thing that those things which are giving happiness
On every time I feel that those things which are touching inside life look so nice on every
Point after all those things which are having different effect on every time those things which
Are having effect on every point those things which are behind some thing that will have effect
On every point when things are hidden they look so better on every point so then I feel that
We are searching things in life which are materialistic on every point those things which are
Having reaction on every point when things are hidden we just can't see those things on
Every positions inside life I feel one thing from inside that good things are hidden on every
Point but then I feel that hidden things will look pleasant inside life when they are hidden
On many times because then we need to search for them inside our life and we need to find
Them on every angle of life I feel one thing from inside that hidden things are suitable to
Remain hidden on every point when they are hidden on some places they look good on that
Point we just feel one thing that hidden things are good for our life when we hide things
Then we need to search for them in life when we search them their value increase sometimes
But I just feel that it is not fair in life why when we get some thing easily and nice we just
Don't value it in life after all those things which we get easily are also precious in life on every
Moment and point we feel we need to give importance to just those things which are not
Entered easily in life when we move ahead we feel one need from inside that tell us we need
To find things which are precious to us in life but when we get things which are pleasant
While sitting in life why did we feel they value less I feel that is wrong thinking of mind I just
Feel one thing we must need to learn to value each thing in life then only we can understand
Those things which are so important to us on every point after all we get easily as well as
Those things which will not have bad effect in life they are giving good effect on every point
After all those things which are so important inside life if we got them easily on every point
Then why should we need to ignore their importance in life I feel that those things will have
Good as well as bad effect on every point I feel one thing from inside that good as well as
Bad things will have impact on our life because those things are hidden will seem so important
On every point I feel one thing from inside that things are not that much easy to understand
Inside life those things which are leading to some point then I feel one thing from inside that
Two different things are having effect on our life I feel one thing from inside that easily getting
Thing will have impact inside life I feel different things will have different ways of getting
Things inside life those things which will enter in our life sometimes easily and sometimes
With hard work in life but that doesn't mean they are not having same difference on every point
I feel one thought from inside that ways of getting thing should not decide their value in life
Importance of things which are important inside life which we get will not matter if we think
About them in details inside life on every moment and on every point I feel just one thing
From my mind that at which point we get them in life will not matter that much on any point
When I will move ahead inside my life I just feel one thing from my mind that even if we get
Some things easily in life their value should not be consider less on that point we all need things
Inside life and some times we are  lucky enough to get them on time when we get them on time
Just don't feel that they value less in life we need to understand that things are important on
Every angle and on every point I just feel one thought from inside that things are not moving
Ahead as per my wish on any point but that doesn't mean when things move that easily on any point
Are not good enough for life when I will move ahead on every point but I need both things
Inside life because those things are important on every point ways of getting those things are
Not that much important inside life I feel that ways are so precious to life that sometimes
Things which we get in easy ways in life seem so wrong on every point because we just
Doubt our good luck in life so I feel one thought from inside that I need to trust my luck in life.

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