Monday, July 29, 2013

Poem 979. Shortcuts

How much whole world told me that long way are best
Still why don't know but those words seem to loose effect
And my brain began to think that shortcut is the best and
Then I began to think if other can get why don't I get shortcut
Since how quickly things come in their life every day when
My long way took me day after day so how much may any one
Tell we all love short cut every day because they are something
Like candies or chocolates even when we know they are not healthy
For any one in our life in any way still to bring smile on face
After all smile is pleasant thing in each and every way so we want
To get that smile in each and every way and for getting it
We do efforts again and again for getting that smile just giving
Some one chocolate don't seem a crime because we can't make
Some one happy in some way like playing with kids seem impossible to us
In every way when we visit some one we want to make some nice gesture
But in these things we just don't know the way so we use things
As short cut in many ways we all know that shortcuts are not perfect way
But some times short cut seems to bring quick and easy success so
We just ran after shortcut and try to use them because after all
Life is too small for us and so we don't have time to waste so
For our future short cut seems most suitable and for future a best way
But in our life if we forget our proper way to you really think that
Shortcut can always help to you think in dessert when we are thirsty
And can't get it in any way a Midas can come and help just by
Drinking imaginary water you can feel happy for few moments but
In your life you can't get that things which are in your eyes always best
After all life don't be that easy to get what you want your best
After all asking thing is most common for each and every way
But if you take a short cut just because you want to get in quick and
You think it is best but truth is that it can't be that best and I don't mean
In short time you can get best of course you can get best but sadly
You don't understand that thing which you get so quickly is really best
Some people may understand but plenty don't have that sense and
Many don't have experience to understand that how to adjust to the thing
Which is best after all each thing need training to use it even if that
Thing is not just good but in many ways the best but they just think
Getting best thing is most important in every way after all we never
Use the thing which is not a best so how can we know what happen to
Person when that one don't get best some times time teach us many things
One of them is that how to handle things when we see bad days then
Only we learn to value good days only if person understand them without pain
Then may be those bad days become useless but truth of life is that
For value of good days we need some experience of bad days after all
Many times people get knowledge of many things only when they fear
About bad days when person see sunshine after night value increases more
In many ways but many times from my heart I wish it is not this way
Why when other person cheat we began to values our true friend and
Why we saw too much heat cold wind feels pleasant in many ways
But on other side when we saw sun on brightly shining our head
Just don't we wish that it should set that is what happens when
We get too much like sunshine even happiness began to irritate
We find some problem in life or create ambitions which are harmful to
Every one else so in life we must have to keep preferring long way
And when we take some short cut which we many times took then
We should at least be prepared for each and every sort of problem
Because one rule is confirm in our life that we get nothing without pain.

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