Thursday, July 25, 2013

Poem 973. Thoughts in heart

                                   Thoughts in heart
Can you tell my heart what do you think and what you want
Can we be clear enough in life as we speak with other human being
Can you tell me my heart how can I talk to you because
When I try talk to you I will be just talking to myself and
People will think I am a mad and I don't want to look stupid to all
Because talking to your self is clear sign of madness but
I still want to understand you without doing any madness my heart
What did I suppose to do if I want to understand my heart
If I don't understand what is happening inside my own heart
How can I solve my own problems which belong to our heart
But how strange is that truth that we can't understand our heart
Still we are ready to claim that we can understand other person's heart
We find it so hard to understand any heart that it creates problem
For us on each and every part still we tell other we know what is in their heart
Our true problem in our life that we can't even chat with our heart
And those people who claim that they understand our heart
Are hardly seem to tell us what is hidden inside our heart
So how can I understand what is inside my is one question arise
When I read some where that we must understand our feeling and heart
That is why I start to try to remember properly about my heart
So when I start to think about my heart it is due to just article
Which tells me how our true feelings effect our life from start
So from then I started searching about my feeling and my heart
But truth of life is that it is not about understanding our heart
Because our heart is something impossible to understand
With small things like questionnaire that fill many parts because
They tell you truth but it is about just limited part and they can't tell you
Just in ten question about your entire life I think in fact can't tell you
About your feeling as well as what you thought from your heart
Just by getting obsessed with our mind and heart we can't understand it
Because heart is not that easy to understand in world and just
By doing small thing you can't understand it in words because
Heart is some thing which gives fire to all some times it starts
With wrong emotions and some times it is with positive parts
Some people say you must control your heart it is right but
By getting such obsessed can you control your feeling and heart
After all by just controlling you can't win all feeling inside your heart
First we must understand when some thing goes wrong then
We must stop blaming our heart because every time our thoughts
Can't be blamed for all our problem that created around our heart
Some times life goes totally wrong way but it is not your fault
Just try to handle it positively but never blame for it your thoughts
After all luck is some thing which comes and goes in life and
We can't have on it any control in our life we can control our thought
And think about it in this world but that don't mean bad has happen
Just because of your negative thought you can't change your luck
You just do your work and with positive thoughts it is easy to do the work
But your future can't be negative due to negative thoughts
Because if you try to stop your self from negative thought with this scare
I am sure you can never get positive but just negative thought
Changing your thought is for peace of mind it can be never used
And source to change your luck or bad luck how hard you may try it.  

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